满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话Gina and peter are talkin...

从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话Gina and peter are talking about what a good friend is like.

Gina:Peter,       1.  

Peter:I think a good friend is good at show.

Gina:You mean he or she is talented?

Peter:Yes. And      2.. We can help each other with the school -work.

Gina:Anything else?

Peter:Er, I think ____3.___.

Gina:  I don’t think so. I like to have friends ____4.___

Peter:  Do you think a good friend should be popular at school, too?

Gina:  Well,     5.


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1.B 2.E 3.A 4.C 5.D 【解析】 试题分析: 1.B句意:一个好朋友是什么样的人? 依据答语:I think a good friend is good at show.我认为一个好朋友应该擅长表演。可知问句应该是对朋友做评价。故答案为B。 2.E句意:他或她有好成绩。依据下一句:We can help each other with the school -work.我们可以在学习上互相帮助。可知朋友成绩要好。故答案为E。 3.A句意:一个好朋友喜欢和我做同样的事情。呈上继续对朋友作评价。故答案为A。 4.C句意:和我不同的人。吉娜不同意彼得的观点,她喜欢交和她不同的朋友。故答案为C。 5.D句意:这对我来说并不重要。此句是对上句:你认为一个好朋友在学校应该是受欢迎的吗?发表一下自己的观点。故答案为D。 考点:补全对话。

What does she think _____the game shows?

A. about   B. of  C. on  D. for



Do you think football is as ____ as basketball in American?

A. the most popular  B. more popular

C. popular          D. popularer



Are you good at             ?

A. swim    B. swimming  C. to swim   D. Swam



---Hi, Amy! How __________ your school trip to the beach?

---Hi, Tom! We __________ a good time there.

A. is, having    B. was, had

C. are, had      D. were, have



My parents              in the same post office.

A. are all      B. all are    C. are both    D. both are



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