满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

---It’s nice day, isn’t it? ---Yes, what...

---It’s         nice day, isn’t it?

---Yes, what         fine weather!

A. a; a    B. the; the   C. a; /   D. the; /


C 【解析】 试题解析:句意:今天是个好日子,对吗?是的,多好的天气啊!nice /naɪs/,/n/是辅音音素,故前面用不定冠词a;weather是不可数名词,不能用a或者an。 考点:考查冠词的用法 点评:本题重点考察冠词用法,做题关键是区分开可数名词与不可数名词。  


在每个人的成长过程中,都或多或少有一些变化,请以How Ive Changed! 为题写一段话,介绍一下你的过去与现在的不同。(80~100词)

How Ive changed!






We can see walls everywhere in the world .But the Great Wall of China is the biggest of all . The Chinese call it “ The Ten—Thousand—Li Great Wall”. It is in fact more than 6,000 kilometers long. It is 4-5 meters wide. In most places, five horses or ten men can walk side by side.

When you visit the Great Wall, you cant help wondering how the Chinese people were able to build such a great wall thousands of years ago. Without any modern machines(机器), it was really very difficult to build it. They had to do all the work by hand . It took millions of men hundreds of years to build it.

The Great Wall has a history of over two thousand years. The kings began to build the first parts of it around two thousand seven hundred years ago. Then Qinshihuang had all the walls joined up. He thought that could keep the enemy(敌人) out of the country.

Today the Great Wall has become a place of interest. Not only Chinese people but also people from all over the world come to visit it. It is a Chinese saying, “A man who has never been to the Great Wall is not a real man.”

1.The Great Wall is the biggest wall in _______ _________.

2.It is more than six thousand _________ ___________.

3.Without any modern machines, people had to do all the work _______ _______.

4.Qinshihuang thought the Great Wall could keep the enemy _______ ________ his country.

5.Today _______ ________ Chinese people but also people all over the world come to visit it.




why,   because,   so,  I,   with,   work,   it,   invite,   but,  bad,   tell


Dear Joyce,

You must be very busy these days. I called you several times,  1.   no one answered. Are you still busy    2.    on the report?

I called you because I am having problems with Mom and my friends these days. You know, I am a shy person. Thats  3.  I have few friends. Last month, some of my classmates  4. me to the Internet café after school. It was a lot of fun 5. we could play the latest online games there, and it was the first time that I felt I was not alone anymore. However, my grades were getting 6. than ever before, and Mom found out the reason. She got really angry with   7.  ! She wouldnt even let me go out with my friends again, so I had to   8.  them that I couldnt go out with them any more. My friends laughed at me and even called me a coward (胆小鬼). I couldnt stand  9.  , so I went to the Internet café 10.  them like before. Mom is really disappointed with me now. I didnt want to make her sad, but I still want to have my own friends. What should I do?

Last, Mom and I miss you a lot. We hope to hear from you soon.

Your brother





A: Good morning, sir.   _______1.________?

B: Id like to buy a white shirt. Do you have any white shirts?

A: Yes.   _______2.___________?

B: I want Size M.

A: Here you are.

B: Can I try it on?

A: Sure. Is it all right?

B: Yes. I like it very much.   _______3._______?

A: 296 yuan.

B: Thats a bit expensive. Do you have any other kind? I want a cheaper one.

A: What about this one? It is only 108 yuan.

B: OK. _______4._______. Here is the money.

A. Here you are. Goodbye, sir.

B.       5.        .




1.You look unhappy. What about _______ (have) a walk with me?

2.Do you learn English by _________(ask) friends for help?

3.His sister is ________(afraid) of the dark.

4.When I was a child, I used ________ (go) out for a picnic(野餐).

5.When students do homework with friends, they talk instead of _____(do) homework.



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