满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

He is never afraid of speaking in front ...

He is never afraid of speaking in front of many people. ______ he is!

A. How confident

B. What confident

C. What a confident

D. How a confident


A 【解析】 试题解析:句意:他多自信啊! 感叹句一般有两种结构:How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语!What+形容词+名词+主语+谓语!How感叹句强调形容词/副词,what感叹句强调名词。此句强调形容词confident故要用How,故选A。 【考点】考查感叹句 【点评】首先要确定感叹句所强调的单词的词性,再确定用how与what。  

My cousin is _________ sometimes. It’s hard for him to change his mind even

though his idea is not right.

A. stubborn

B. imaginative

C. energetic

D. practical



---Can you tell me what the article is about?

--- _________ in China. The article is worth _________.

A. Something surprising;reading

B. Something surprised;to read

C. Surprising something;reading

D. Surprised something;to read



He is businesslike and is often _____. I hope he will have more _____ at his business.

A. success; successful

B. successful; success

C. successfully; successful

D. successful; successful



---It’s generous ________ Millie to donate all her pocket money to UNICEF.

---Yes. It is really meaningful _________ us to do something for charities.

A.of;of   B.for;for   C.for;of  D.of;for



---It’s         nice day, isn’t it?

---Yes, what         fine weather!

A. a; a    B. the; the   C. a; /   D. the; /



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