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书面表达 随着环境污染的加剧我市正在推广公共自行车,提倡人们“绿色出行,低碳生活...




to live a low—carbon life,convenient to rent and return,too much traffic, too crowded, produce the dirty gases and pollute the environment.....



Now, public bikes are provided for people in many cities in China. I think it’s a good thing.







I hope more and more people can ride bikes and live a low—carbon life.


Now, public bikes are provided for people in many cities in China. I think a it’s good thing. To live a low—carbon life, we should call on people to ride bikes instead of driving cars. First, bikes are much more convenient than cars and everyone can rent and return them. Second, as we know, there’s usually a heavy traffic when we are on the way to school or work. If fewer people ride bikes then there are fewer cars on the road, and there won’t be too crowded. Third, it’s the most important that riding bikes won’t produce the dirty air to make pollution to our environment. Let’s ride bikes instead of driving cars to protect the environment! And I hope more and more people can ride bikes and live a low—carbon life. 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇提纲类作文,介绍自己对于低碳出行的看法。本题给出的材料较为详细,动笔前要先认真阅读要点,然后围绕要点展开写作。根据所给材料内容,可知本文主要用第一人称表达观点,主要时态是一般现在时态 。写作中注意语言的表述应该符合英语的表达习惯。适当使用连词,做到上下文联系紧密,符合逻辑关系。给出的要点都要写到文章中。 【亮点说明】这篇短文使用first,second,third使层次清晰,使用的句式灵活多变。同时使用宾语从句,状语从句和主语从句等提升了整篇作文的档次,比起单纯使用简单句和并列句来说要好很多。充分体现了学以致用,不失为一篇上等作文。  


Match the books with the brief introductions.

1.   Once you open the book, you will become a good speaker. Susan Weinschenk’s excellent ideas on how to make a perfect speech are very helpful to you. With the help of the book, you will be confident to know how to give your speech. Also, you will learn how to attract your audience during the speech.

2.   Car and Driver is the world’s most popular automotive magazine. The people who like cars can get information and entertainment from it. It offers the best vehicle (机动车) tests in the business. The magazine also covers the latest developments in car technology.

3.   There are four parts in IELTS: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Listening is very important. Are you confident? Have you made good preparation? The book Listening for IELTS is helpful for your preparation for IELTS.

4.  The book offers healthy and delicious food. These dishes can all be completed in less than half an hour, and in many cases, in just a few minutes. Sisson and Meier show you how to delight your family or guests every time with quick, delicious meals using local materials: meats, healthy fats (yes, and  real butter) and common herbs and spices.

5.If you are going to join in an English talk show, which of the following can you read

A. Car and Driver

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B. Quick & Easy Meals.

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C. Designing Effective Speech Interfaces.

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D. IELTS Listening

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Practicing yoga(瑜伽) is a helpful, popular way to keep fit. It has many followers around the world. There are many kinds of yoga. You may have  1. of hot yoga before. Now, in India, a new kind of yoga, water yoga,  2.(become) more and more popular among the local people.

In the city of Agra, people practice yoga in water. It is _  3.(hard) to practice yoga in water than on land. But   4.(practice) yoga in water can be good for your flexibility (灵活性).

Harish Chaturvedi, a lawyer,  5. people water yoga for freeeven the poor people can learn from him. Water yoga can become more popular than other kind of yoga, because the body does not get tired so   6. ( quick), he said. Everybody can learn to swim, but if they learn yoga at the same time, they will never   7. tired.

The level of Oxygen(氧气) is very high in water, and you will not have any trouble breathing, he added.

Harish believes that water yoga really helps people to keep away from   8.(ill). He mainly trains children. He has classes at the swimming pool of a local sports room regularly. Many children are   9. in it and come to learn from him.

Harish is very  10. at performing yoga in water, said Sudhir Narayan, a water yoga student. He is teaching children free of cost and that is a very good thing.




suggest,   happen,  well,   habit ,   remember

A: Hello!

B: Hi, John. Its Mary. So, whats  1._______?

A: Well, would you please give me some _2._______ on how to remember English words?

B: Sure, Id love to. In fact, I learn English words by heart.

A: How can you do that?

B: First of all, it is necessary for you to have a good 3._______of remembering them.

A: Do I need to remember the words in each unit all at once?

B: No, you don’t need to. Try to learn by heart a few new words each day, follow the rules of pronunciation and you will finish 4._________all of them in one week.

B: Thank you for your good advice. Ill try my __5.______. Bye!

A: OK, bye-bye.




Did you know that tea, the most popular drink in the world (after water), was invented by accident? Many people believe that tea was first drunk   1.(几乎,差不多) 5,000 years ago. It is said that a Chinese   2.(统治者) called Shen Nong first discovered tea as a drink. One day Shen Nong was  3.煮沸) drinking water over an open fire. Some leaves from a tea plant fell into the water and remained there for some time. It produced a nice   4.(气味) so he tasted the brown water. It was quite delicious. And so, one of the world’s favorite drinks was invented.

A few thousand years later, Lu Yu, the saint of tea,  5.(提到) Shen Nong in his book Cha Jing. The book describes how tea plants were grown and used to make tea. It also discusses where the   6.(最好的)tea leaves were produced and what kinds of water were used.

It is believed that tea was   7.(带到) to Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centuries. In England, tea didn’t appear until around 1660, but less than 100 years later, it had become the  8.(民族的) drink. The tea trade from China to Western countries took place in the 19th century. This helped to  9.(传播) the popularity of tea and the tea plant to more places around the world. Even though many people now know about tea culture, the Chinese are without   10.(疑问) the ones who best understand the nature of tea.



Can you remember the day when you spoke your first words? If you can, you are unusual. Try to think what the first months of your life were like, I’m sure you just spent most of your time eating, sleeping and crying. As you grew older, you were awake more of the time. It took your parents more to play with you and talk to you. You watched and listened. You began to know that people make some sounds to go with some things.

Then you began to cry to make sounds you heard. And step by step you were able to make the right sound for one thing.

On that day you came to understand the secret of the language. The secret is that a certain sound means a certain thing. One sound might be as good as another. But it is not as good as a word unless everyone agrees on its meaning. Only when a group of people use the same set of sounds of things, they can understand each other, so these people have a language.

After you found the secret of language, you learned words. Some of the words meant things, such as books, chairs and shops. Some of the words meant actions such as go and swim. And other words describe things such as good or dirty. Soon you learn to put words together to express one’s idea, such as “I want to go out and play with my friends.” This is language. By the way of language people can communicate. So we say languages mean communication.

1. __________ can remember the day when we spoke our first words.

A. Few of us  B. No one   C. Most people  D. Someone

2. When you were a little baby, you ___________.

A. made sounds to let people know that you wanted to eat

B. could not hear any sounds around you

C. spent most of your time eating, playing and sleeping

D. spent most of your time playing with your parents

3. The secret of language is that ___________.

A. one sound might be as good as another

B. a certain sound is for a certain thing

C. people can understand each other

D. there is a special sound for each other

4. The use of language is ___________.

A. to get everything one wants from another

B. to say what one wants to know

C. to make oneself understood by others

D. to share ideas, opinions, news, etc. with one another



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