满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

When Jack got to London, his face became...

When Jack got to London, his face became bright and he started looking around the city.

He thought he knew English very well. But when he was in London, he found he couldn't understand a word, and nobody understood him, at first he had many difficulties (困难). An English friend of his lived next to him. He often asked him for help.

Soon he got to know he must learn spoken English well. He began going to all kinds of meetings. He always sat in the front seats and carefully studied the speaker's mouth. Listening to spoken English did him a lot of good. Little by little he found English easier to understand.


1.When Jack got to London, he could speak English well.

2.When Jack got to London, his teacher helped him.

3.In London, Jack found nobody could understand his English.

4.Soon Jack knew he must learn spoken English first.

5.Jack went to all kinds of meetings to learn spoken English.


1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.T 【解析】 试题分析:Jack原以为自己的英语很好,来到伦敦之后才发现他听不懂一个单词,别人也不明白他的话。他决定先学会口语,所以他去参加各种各样的会议,这样逐渐的他发现英语容易理解了。 1.F根据短文中He thought he knew English very well. But when he was in London, he found he couldn't understand a word, and nobody understood him可知,Jack以为自己的英语很好,结果到了伦敦,他发现他听不懂一个词,别人也不明白他的话。故这句话是错误的。 2.F根据短文第二段中An English friend of his lived next to him. He often asked him for help.可知,Jack经常向他的一个英国的朋友去寻求帮助,并不是他的老师。故这句话是错误的。 3.T根据短文第二段中But when he was in London, he found he couldn't understand a word, and nobody understood him可知,当Jack来到伦敦的时候,他发现没有人能听懂他的英语。由此可知这句话是正确的。 4.T根据短文第三段中Soon he got to know he must learn spoken English well可知,很快Jack就知道了他必须先学会说好口语。由此可知这句话是正确的。 5. 考点:日常生活类短文阅读。


My name is Jack. My best friend John lives in my neighborhood.We often play together after school. My grandparents live near my house, too. So it’s ________ for us to get together on some important festivals.

In my neighborhood, there is a small playground.John and I often go there to ________. John ________  it and he is on the school football team. Sometimes a few friends come to ________ us. Sometimes, just we two practice passing the ball. There is a ________  called Good Neighbour” in my neighborhood.It sells all kinds of foods, drinks, school things and the things that we need in our everyday life. The things in the supermarket are ________  . So people living here like to ________  there. Sometimes I go with my mother. Sometimes I ask ________  to buy my favorite food for me.

I usually ________  with the housework at home. I wash the dishes after meals and clean the rooms. I always wash my own clothes. All my ________ say that I am a good boy at home.

What about your neighbors and neighborhood? Can you tell me?

1.A.hard         B. easy           C.surprising      D. wrong

2.A.go skating   B.play hockey   C.go shopping      D. play football

3.A.is good at   B.hates         C.is away from  D. loses

4.A.meet        B.watch         C.join          D. stop

5.A.restaurant  B.coffee shop    C. supermarket      D. bookstore

6.A.expensive    B.cheap         C.old              D. dirty

7.A.shop        B.stay           C.travel           D. exercise

8.A.you         B.them         C.him           D. her

9.A.help        B.play           C.learn          D. walk

10.A.teachers    B.neighbors      C.students        D. pen-pals






You were _________ ______ be here an hour ago.


Mary enjoys _________all_______ of beautiful erasers.


This dress which she bought is _______ ________ this year?


Mike likes playing chess in his ________ _______.


If you've ________ ______seeing the world ,go traveling!




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1.The picture always ___________ me __________ that holiday.

2.You should _____________ yourself .You are always the best.

3.Don't forget to ______________ your teacher and classmates after you graduate.

4.we should ______________ protect the animals and plants around us.

5.He  started to ______________ when he was only twenty years old.




1.I __________ (finish) my report already.

2.Our English teacher always encourages us_________ (discuss) in her class.

3.After having a rest, I continued _________ (write) my book report.

4.Parents should allow their children _________ (plan) their own lives.

5.My pen is _________ (break).Could I use yours?



He advised me _______ that one

A. to choice     B. choice     C. to choose     D. choose



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