满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Mr. Green once worked in a big company.H...

Mr. Green once worked in a big company.He was quite busy so that he couldn't do any reading.So he gave up (放弃) his job and opened a bookshop in the center of the town.It wasn't big but all the books were nice and most people liked to buy some there.When the shop was closed,he could read at home.He knew a lot and many learned people were glad to make friends with him.

It was Sunday and it was cold outside.Mr. Green was very busy.At nine in the evening all the buyers left,but a woman was still there.She was dressed up and seemed to be waiting for somebody there. Standing by the shelves,she looked over the books one after another,and made them in a terrible mess(混乱).Mr. Green came up to her and asked," Excuse me,madam.What can I do for you?"

"Your books are not interesting at all,"said the woman,"I want a delicious one."

"That's easy," Mr. Green smiled.He brought out a cookbook(菜谱) and said,"Here you are,madam."

1.Why did Mr. Green change his job? _________

A.He didn't like reading

B.He was too busy to read books

C.He liked the life in the center of the town

D.He wanted to write a cookbook himself

2.Most people liked to buy books in the shop because _________

A.the bookshop was in the center of the town

B.all the books were nice cookbooks

C.it was very large

D.the books there were all good for people

3.Which is WRONG? _________

A.Mr. Green liked to lend his books to the learned persons.

B.When Mr. Green came back home from the bookshop,he often did some reading.

C.Many learned people liked to make friends with Mr. Green.

D.At nine on that Sunday evening all the buyers left the bookshop except a woman.

4.From the story we know that "learned people" means_________

A.people who are free

B.people who are studying hard

C.people who have much knowledge

D.people who have much money

5.What's the most suitable(合适) ending of the story? _________

A.Mr. Green would make friends with the woman.

B.Mr. Green would teach the woman how to cook delicious food.

C.The woman left the bookshop without buying any books.

D.The woman bought many books in order to(为了) be a learned person.


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文讲述的是Green先生从一个大公司辞职,自己开了一家书店。他书店里的书都很好,因此人们都喜欢去那里买书。但是有一个女士觉得Green先生家的书没意思,她想要一本美味的书。于是Green先生给她拿了一本菜谱。 1.B细节理解题。根据短文中He was quite busy so that he couldn't do any reading.So he gave up (放弃) his job and opened a bookshop in the center of the town可知,Green先生原本在一个大公司里工作,但是他很忙,以至于他没有时间读书,因此他就放弃了他的工作,在镇的中心开了一个书店。由此可知应选B。 2.D细节理解题。根据短文中It wasn't big but all the books were nice and most people liked to buy some there可知,Green先生的书店不大,但是里面的书都很好,因此很多人都喜欢去那里买书。故应选D。A不是人们喜欢去那里买书的主要原因;B太片面;C不符合文意。 3.A推理判断题。A选项说Green先生喜欢把书借给学识渊博的人,这一点文章中并没有说到,故A是不对的。根据When the shop was closed,he could read at home可知B选项符合文意;根据many learned people were glad to make friends with him可知C符合文意;根据At nine in the evening all the buyers left,but a woman was still there可知D符合文意。 4.C词义猜测题。根据短文中He knew a lot and many learned people were glad to make friends with him可知,Green先生喜欢读书,因此他知道的事情很多。而这个单词中learn本意是学习,由此我们可以猜到,learned这个单词的意思应该是有知识的,学识渊博的。故应选C。 5. 考点:故事类短文阅读。

When Jack got to London, his face became bright and he started looking around the city.

He thought he knew English very well. But when he was in London, he found he couldn't understand a word, and nobody understood him, at first he had many difficulties (困难). An English friend of his lived next to him. He often asked him for help.

Soon he got to know he must learn spoken English well. He began going to all kinds of meetings. He always sat in the front seats and carefully studied the speaker's mouth. Listening to spoken English did him a lot of good. Little by little he found English easier to understand.


1.When Jack got to London, he could speak English well.

2.When Jack got to London, his teacher helped him.

3.In London, Jack found nobody could understand his English.

4.Soon Jack knew he must learn spoken English first.

5.Jack went to all kinds of meetings to learn spoken English.




My name is Jack. My best friend John lives in my neighborhood.We often play together after school. My grandparents live near my house, too. So it’s ________ for us to get together on some important festivals.

In my neighborhood, there is a small playground.John and I often go there to ________. John ________  it and he is on the school football team. Sometimes a few friends come to ________ us. Sometimes, just we two practice passing the ball. There is a ________  called Good Neighbour” in my neighborhood.It sells all kinds of foods, drinks, school things and the things that we need in our everyday life. The things in the supermarket are ________  . So people living here like to ________  there. Sometimes I go with my mother. Sometimes I ask ________  to buy my favorite food for me.

I usually ________  with the housework at home. I wash the dishes after meals and clean the rooms. I always wash my own clothes. All my ________ say that I am a good boy at home.

What about your neighbors and neighborhood? Can you tell me?

1.A.hard         B. easy           C.surprising      D. wrong

2.A.go skating   B.play hockey   C.go shopping      D. play football

3.A.is good at   B.hates         C.is away from  D. loses

4.A.meet        B.watch         C.join          D. stop

5.A.restaurant  B.coffee shop    C. supermarket      D. bookstore

6.A.expensive    B.cheap         C.old              D. dirty

7.A.shop        B.stay           C.travel           D. exercise

8.A.you         B.them         C.him           D. her

9.A.help        B.play           C.learn          D. walk

10.A.teachers    B.neighbors      C.students        D. pen-pals






You were _________ ______ be here an hour ago.


Mary enjoys _________all_______ of beautiful erasers.


This dress which she bought is _______ ________ this year?


Mike likes playing chess in his ________ _______.


If you've ________ ______seeing the world ,go traveling!




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1.The picture always ___________ me __________ that holiday.

2.You should _____________ yourself .You are always the best.

3.Don't forget to ______________ your teacher and classmates after you graduate.

4.we should ______________ protect the animals and plants around us.

5.He  started to ______________ when he was only twenty years old.




1.I __________ (finish) my report already.

2.Our English teacher always encourages us_________ (discuss) in her class.

3.After having a rest, I continued _________ (write) my book report.

4.Parents should allow their children _________ (plan) their own lives.

5.My pen is _________ (break).Could I use yours?



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