满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

The old enjoy their happy life in the nu...

The old enjoy their happy life in the nursing home. They have ______ to worry about.

A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:老年人享受在疗养院的幸福生活,他们没有担心的事情。A. everything每件事情;B.anything任何事情;C. something一些事情;D. nothing没有事情。根据句意及语境此题应选D。 考点:考查不定代词的用法  

Can I use your bike this afternoon? ______ is under repair.

No problem. Here’s the key.

A. My B. Mine C. Me D. I



Wild animals are our friends. We shouldn’t kill them ______ food or clothing.

A. for B. in C. with D. about



Which of the following words matches the sound        /nɔ:θ/?

A. nice B. nose C. north D. noise












I was very quiet and shy before I became   1.    member of the Teen Board. At my first meeting, I remember that the Teen Board members really      2.     (encourage) me to speak, as I was quiet    3.   the whole meeting. It was then that I realized my opinion did matter and people wanted to hear my opinion. That really improved my confidence and self-worth.

4.      (Be) a member of the Teen Board has helped me develop my voice around my friends, and that’s      5.    (especial) true at school. One day, I saw a student being bullied (恐吓) by a big boy. I came to the boy and asked him     6.   (stop). There’s no doubt (无疑) that the confidence I had gotten from the Teen Board helped me stand up.

I joined the Teen Board    7.  I knew that the teens on the board would be a good influence. I also thought that many of them had probably faced similar school situations and knew that they would be a good support system.

8.    to the Teen Board, I become a more positive person. I no   9.    feel sorry for myself. Now, I’m a self-confident girl. And I want to    10.    my experience with others.



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