满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

根据句意用括号中单词的适当形式填空,使句子的意思完整、正确。 1.We ofte...


1.We often go home together for ______(safe).

2.It is said that the victim has several ______(enemy).

3.The teacher ______(carry) a book is our Maths teacher.

4.His grandfather died ______(peace) on May 3, 2004.

5.The story is about a boy who ______(fall) in love with a young girl.


1.safety 2.enemies 3.carrying 4.peacefully 5.falls/fell 【解析】 试题分析: 1.句意:为了安全,我们经常一起回家。此题考查名词,根据句意,故填safety。 2.句意:据说这个受害人有很多敌人。此题考查名词复数,根据句意,故填enemies。 3.句意:正在搬书的那位老师是我们的数学老师。此题考查现在分词作后置定语,根据句意,故填carrying。 4.4】句意:在2004年5月3号那天他的祖父平静地去世了。此题考查副词修饰动词,根据句意,故填peacefully。 5.这是一个小女孩深深爱上一个的男孩的故事。此题考查动词,根据句意,故填falles、fell。 考点:考查词汇。


1.We ______(假定)any person who does something against the law will be put into prison.

2.Do you know when Zhang Ziyi entered the film ______(产业).

3.Her beauty and charm caught the famous writer’s ______(注意).

4.We can learn a lot about nature, history and _____ (真实生活的) events from documentaries.

5.Tan Dun has ______(成功地) brought Chinese and Western music together.





Have ever heard of Dagang Talks about News in Nanjing news channel? Do you often watch it? Here are several pieces of news he reported yesterday.

News Item 1

Have you ever thought of flying around the world in a new hours though the journey is as long as about 40,000 kilometres? One day maybe you can.Last Sunday, the American X-43A airplane made its first flight.It reached a speed a speed of 8,000 kilometres an hour.It became the fastest plane in the world.The X-43A is only three to four metres long, but it’s very heavy.It weighs 1,270 kilogrammes.

News Item 2

Have you ever got angry at books that are full of mistakes?don’t worry.It will get better soon.Last week, China started checking textbooks, dictionaried and children’s books all over the country.The government said the results of the checking would come out at the end of June.

News Item 3

Floods across Coahuila, the state of northern Mexico, killed at least 32 people and left 100 more missing.It was reported on Monday that the heavy rain hit the state and lasted for the whole night last Friday.Much of the river bank was broken, so about 3,000 families along the river were seriously affected.

1.How many pieces of news did Dagang report yesterday? (no more than 4 words)

2.Which item reported the fastest plane in the world?     (no more than 4 words)

3.How long will the X-43 take to finish the trip if it flies around the world?

4.When will the results of the checking books’ mistakes come out?

5.Why were families along the river seriously affected?




All day long Lily has been looking forward to watching her favourite television show.

Lily made a cheese sandwich and poured herself a glass of orange juice.She put them on a tray and carried them to her room.She turned on the TV and picked up a video tape.Written on the tape in large red letters was the message:“Do not touch this tape.It belongs to Lily!”Lily put the tape into the video player and sat on her favourite chair.She was ready for a perfect evening watching her favourite episodes of Friends.

She pressed the play button and waited, but Friends did not appear on the screen.Instead of

catching up on Ross and Rachel, Lily was watching basketball.She pressed the fast forward button.There was more basketball.There was no mistake.Someone had recorded over her favourite show!

A few seconds later Lily threw open the door to her brother’s room.

“How could you?”she said.Her brother looked at her and saw the video in her hand.

“Did you record over my favourite show with your silly basketball?”shouted Lily.

John started to say he was sorry, but Lily would not listen to him.She threw the tape onto his bed and ran out of the room crying.John picked up the tape.He had not realized that it was so important to Lily.He wished he could show her how sorry he was.

The next day when Lily came home from school, she went into her room to start her homework.On the bed was a box with a note on top.The note said, “Sorry!”She opened the box and inside was a set of Friends videos.

John really was the best brother in the world!

A 1. evening

What Lily planned to do

She looked forward to 2.  her favourite show.

What happened

1. Lily 3. a cheese sandwich and a glass of orange juice to her room.

2. She put a video tape into the video   4. .

3. She waited for the show, but there was only   5.  on the screen.Her brother had   6.  over her show.

4. Lily opened John’s room and 7.  at him angrily.She threw the tape onto his bed and ran out   8.  .

What John did the   9. day

He   10.  a set of Friends video for Lily.



The Aztec population was divided into four main classes.Nobles were the highest and most powerful class.They included the emperor and his extended family, as well as governors in charge of local areas, and members of the government.The nobles owned most of the land.Commoners made up most of the population.They ran small family farms or did ordinary jobs in the towns and cities.Serfs worked on the land owned by the nobles.They were given food and shelter, but weren’t paid.Slaves were either prisoners of war or criminals who could be bought and sold.

Many Aztec people lived in rural villages, working the land.However, many more lived in large towns and cities.Tenochtitian, the Aztec capital and home to the emperor, became one of the largest cities in the world.Its construction began in 1325 AD, and it’s believed that by 1500 AD more than 200,000 people lived there.

As with all Aztec towns and cities, there was a central area for temples and other special places in Tenochtitian.People could gather there to worship the Aztec gods.

1.There were ______ main classes in the Aztec.

A.2             B.3              C.4            D.5

2.______ were in charge of local areas and members of the government.

A.Nobles        B.Commoners     C.Serfs         D.Slaves

3.Commoners ______ most of the population.

A.made into      B.made for

C.made up       D.were made up of

4.______, the Aztec capital, became one of the largest cities in the world.

A.Temple       B.Maya

C.Montezuma       D.Tenochtitian

5.The title of the article is ______.

A.The Aztecs

B.Aztec Society

C.Aztec Religious Beliefs

D.Tears for the Future



In Japan, Luffy is more popular than Harry Potter.Luffy is the main character of One Piece(海贼王).The book came out in 1997.

One Piece tells the adventures of Monkey D.Luffy, a 17-year-old boy.He gets supernatural abilities by eating fruit.Luffy’s dream is to find the world’s biggest treasure, One Piece.Then he wants to become the next Pirate(海盗) King.

To make his dream come true, Luffy has to reach the end of the most dangerous ocean: the Grand Line.Luffy travels with a group of pirates called the Straw Hats.On his way, more people join the group.It even includes a cook, a soldier and a musician.They also help Luffy fight with other pirates on the way.

Many Chinese teenagers are One Piece fans.Yang Peiqi, 14, of Shenzhen, says he thinks reading One Piece is great fun and also he likes the themes of the story-dreams and friends.

1.When did One Piece come out in Japan?

A.In 1996.     B.In 1997.      C.In 1998.         D.In 2000.

2.How old is Luffy?

A.He is 16 years old.      B.He is 17 years old.

C.He is 18 years old.      D.He is 19 years old.

3.What are the themes of One Piece?

A.Treasure and money.     B.Study and hard work.

C.Dreams and friends.     D.Pirates and wars.

4.Which of the following sentences is NOT true according to the passage?

A.The Straw Hats is a group of pirates.

B.Yang Peiqi is a fan of One Piece.

C.Luffy wants to find One Piece.

D.In China, Luffy is more popular than Harry Potter.

5.What does the underlined word “character” mean in Chinese?

A.特点         B.字母            C.角色            D.个性



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