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The Most Useful Inventions 1._____ needs...

The Most Useful Inventions

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1._____ needs some ideas about the most useful invention.


B.Cindy Wu



2.Cindy Wu thinks the air conditioner _____.

A.is useful in summer

B.makes people sick

C.is terrible

D.is cheaper

3.Jorge thinks that the Internet is the most important invention because_____.

A.it uses electricity

B.it helps him do business

C.he can buy things from all over the world

D.it is man-made

4.______ is the most useful invention in Kazuo’s opinion.






1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 【解析】 试题解析:这是应用文,是书信,后三封是第一封的回信。 1.细节理解题。根据第一封信中的写信人的名字是Barbara,并结合信中的第一句I’m writing a paper for my English class, and I need some ideas,可知应选C。 2.2】细节理解题。根据第二封信中的I vote for the air conditioner,可知应选A。 3.3】推理判断题。根据第三封信中的Now, people from all over the world can buy my clothing using my web site,可知全世界的人都从他的网站上买东西,故可推断他利用网络来做生意,故选B。 4.4】细节理解题。根据第四封信中的there is an invention that is the most useful -electricity,可知选D。 考点:日常生活类阅读



One day, a father and a son were walking along a road. Suddenly, the father said, “     ! There is a tin (罐头盒). Pick it up.” The son didn’t. The father picked up the tin and put it in his pocket. After a while, the father said again, “Look at the empty bottles under the tree. Let’s pick them up.” The son said, “No, I won’t. People will laugh at me.”

Once again the father said nothing and pick         up. Later they decided to have a rest. The father        the tin and the bottles, and with the little money that he had just got, he bought some cherries(樱桃).

The father and the son        on their way. It was very hot. The son was very       . Then, by accident, the father dropped a cherry onto the ground. The son picked it up as if it were a piece of gold and          it. After a little while, his father dropped another      , and the  son wasted no time in picking up the tasty         and putting it into his mouth. The father continued to drop the cherries, and the son continued to pick them up. When all of the cherries were gone, the father said to the son, “My dear son, if you had bent down to pick up the tin and the bottles, it would not have been       for you to bend down so many times to pick up the cherries. Always remember that he who does not care about the         things will find that he cannot do the great things.”

1.A.Go          B.Listen         C.Tell       D.Look

2.A.them        B.it             C.us         D.one

3.A.sold        B.examined       C.forgot     D.memorized

4.A.turned      B.put            C.tried      D.continued

5.A.clever      B.bright         C.thirsty    D.cold

6.A.planted     B.drew           C.ate        D.studied

7.A.cherry      B.pear           C.apple      D.banana

8.A.juice       B.bread          C.milk       D.fruit

9.A.difficult   B.important      C.necessary  D.possible

10.A.same       B.little         C.big        D.wonderful



Linda’s mother______ her a beautiful hat on her next birthday.


C.will giveD.has given



— How bright and clean your classroom is!

Thank you. Our classroom         every day.

A.was cleanedB.cleaned

C.is cleanedD.cleans



The policeman told her father _________ more carefully next time.

A.to driveB.drive




Mike is one of _____________ students in his class.


C.bestD.the best



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