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Liang Huili is the leader of Huana Inter...

Liang Huili is the leader of Huana International Volunteer Service Group,with hundreds of students, young professionals and business leaders. They held a basketball match to help 150 poor students in western China with school supplies(用品) and winter clothes. She also worked with an organization in the US to raise money for children with heart disease.

Born in Guangdong Province in 1942, Liang moved with her family to Taiwan at the age of seven. Liang taught at a primary school for seven years until her boyfriend went to America in 1969, one year after they got married.

“We didn’t have much money,” she says, “ so I started babysitting for other Chinese families and taking care of my own daughter at the same time.” She also taught children Chinese at Chinese schools. What’s more, she would help newly arrived Chinese families find apartments and work, and sometimes lend them money.

“I remember those students from China who first came in 1986. They didn’t have much money, and idea of what to do,” Liang told us. “ I then asked people in my neighborhood and my Chinese friends for donations(捐赠)-not only some money but also small electronic appliances needed for daily living.”

One of her experiences in Dayton, Ohio made her want to make volunteering a vocation(职业). She remembers how she once collected(接走) two Chinese professors who had missed their flight and had no one there to pick them up. A friend told Liang about it, and she went to meet them herself around midnight. She found the men feeling lost in that strange country, where no one spoke their language. They didn’t want to go to an American hotel, and didn’t know how they would get to Columbus the next day. “ So I talk to them and took them home with me,” she says, “ and today, I am still in touch with those two professors. We are good friends.”

1.Liang helped poor students in western China by______.

A.holding a basketball match

B.working with an American organization

C.asking her Chinese friends for donations

D.taking the poor students to her home

2.Liang moved with her family to Taiwan when she was_____ years old.





3.Her experience of_______ made her decided to make volunteering her vocation.

A.moving from place to place

B.helping students in 1986

C.being a primary school teacher

D.helping the two professors in Dayton

4.What can we learn about Liang from the passage?  ______

A.She didn’t have to worry about money.

B.She likes helping others when they are in trouble.

C.Many Chinese families lent her money.

D.She asked people to take care of her daughter.


1.A 2.B 3.D 4.B 【解析】 试题解析:本文讲述的是梁慧丽,一个志愿者团体的发起者的故事。 1.】细节理解题。根据第一段中的They held a basketball match to help 150 poor students in western China with school supplies and winter clothes,可知应选A。 2.】细节理解题。根据第二段中的Born in Guangdong Province in 1942, Liang moved with her family to Taiwan at the age of seven,可知她七岁去了台湾,故选B。 3.】细节理解题。根据对文章中第五段中的内容的理解,可知她是在经历了去机场接那两个中国教授的那件事以后,才决定自己将来要从事志愿者行业的,故选D。 4.】推理判断题。纵观全文,文章主要是讲主人翁梁慧丽是如何建立一个自愿者的机构继而帮助别人的,可知选B。 考点:人物传记/故事类阅读

The Most Useful Inventions

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1._____ needs some ideas about the most useful invention.


B.Cindy Wu



2.Cindy Wu thinks the air conditioner _____.

A.is useful in summer

B.makes people sick

C.is terrible

D.is cheaper

3.Jorge thinks that the Internet is the most important invention because_____.

A.it uses electricity

B.it helps him do business

C.he can buy things from all over the world

D.it is man-made

4.______ is the most useful invention in Kazuo’s opinion.









One day, a father and a son were walking along a road. Suddenly, the father said, “     ! There is a tin (罐头盒). Pick it up.” The son didn’t. The father picked up the tin and put it in his pocket. After a while, the father said again, “Look at the empty bottles under the tree. Let’s pick them up.” The son said, “No, I won’t. People will laugh at me.”

Once again the father said nothing and pick         up. Later they decided to have a rest. The father        the tin and the bottles, and with the little money that he had just got, he bought some cherries(樱桃).

The father and the son        on their way. It was very hot. The son was very       . Then, by accident, the father dropped a cherry onto the ground. The son picked it up as if it were a piece of gold and          it. After a little while, his father dropped another      , and the  son wasted no time in picking up the tasty         and putting it into his mouth. The father continued to drop the cherries, and the son continued to pick them up. When all of the cherries were gone, the father said to the son, “My dear son, if you had bent down to pick up the tin and the bottles, it would not have been       for you to bend down so many times to pick up the cherries. Always remember that he who does not care about the         things will find that he cannot do the great things.”

1.A.Go          B.Listen         C.Tell       D.Look

2.A.them        B.it             C.us         D.one

3.A.sold        B.examined       C.forgot     D.memorized

4.A.turned      B.put            C.tried      D.continued

5.A.clever      B.bright         C.thirsty    D.cold

6.A.planted     B.drew           C.ate        D.studied

7.A.cherry      B.pear           C.apple      D.banana

8.A.juice       B.bread          C.milk       D.fruit

9.A.difficult   B.important      C.necessary  D.possible

10.A.same       B.little         C.big        D.wonderful



Linda’s mother______ her a beautiful hat on her next birthday.


C.will giveD.has given



— How bright and clean your classroom is!

Thank you. Our classroom         every day.

A.was cleanedB.cleaned

C.is cleanedD.cleans



The policeman told her father _________ more carefully next time.

A.to driveB.drive




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