满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

The whole classmates won’t be back home ...

The whole classmates won’t be back home until the project      .

A.is done

B.will be done

C.was done


A 【解析】 试题解析:考查一般现在时的被动式。句意:直到工程完了,我们全班同学才回来。 分析句子,这是一个由until引导的时间状语从句,在句子中,时态要用“主将从现”。根据句意,故选A。 考点:一般现在时被动式  

I’m sure Cindy will be able to find the hotel. She has a pretty good ________of direction.






—Smoking and drunkenness are both harmful for people’s health.

     , so we should      cigarettes and alcohol

A.So they are; shut down

B.So they are; stay away from

C.So is it; put away



You shouldn’t park your car here, or it will get in      way of the traffic.








提示词语:role model, kind,  helpful,  help,  work hard,  hope

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As life-saver Christopher Walsh rescued(营救) his brother and then his sister from the water of a canal(运河), his mother shouted to him:” I’m proud of you.”

His mother Bery1 sat proudly and watched last night as Christopher was given the “Child of Courage award by his favourite TV star.

Christopher was in the car with his mother, father, sister Rosie, 10, and brother Mac, 7, when his father drove into a metal barrier.

The family’s car fell down a hill into the canal, and landed with its wheels up.

Christopher, then 12, swam through a broken window and got out into the fresh air. Then he saw the rest of his family were still in the car-in the water. He took a big breath and swam back to save first Mac, and then Rosie. Christopher, from England, said:“ I didn’t think about it and only knew I had to get them out. I was frightened, but it was all happening so fast, and I didn’t really think about the danger.”

Christopher freed Mac and then swam back to get non-swimmer Rosie, who was under the cold, cloudy water, in the car.

Christopher had to feel for her seatbelt(安全带) because he could not see anything. He took the seatbelt off her, then went up for air. Finally he went back to pull her out of the car.

Bery1 I said:“ When I got to the side and looked back, I thought Christopher and Rosie had gone. I thought they were dead. Then I saw him come up out of the water like a dolphin, and I could see he had Rosie. I shouted across the canal, ‘I’m so proud of you. ’”

Christopher’s father was badly hurt in the accident and was taken to a nearby hospital.

1.Was Christopher given the “Child of Courage” award by his favourite TV star?

2.What happened to Christopher’s family?

3.Why did Christopher have to feel for the seatbelt of his sister?

4.Who was badly hurt in the accident?

5.What do you think of Christopher? Why?



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