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French Presidents(总统)


Time for being president of France

Charles de Gaulle

8 January, 1959 28 April, 1969

Georges Pompidou

20 June, 1969 2 April, 1974

Valéry Giscard d´Estaing

27 May, 1974 21 May, 1981

Francois Mitterrand

21 May, 1981 17 May, 1995

Jacques Chirac

17 May, 1995 16 May, 2007

Nicolas Sarkozy

16 May, 2007— 7 May, 2012

Francois Hollande

7 May, 2012

1.Georges Pompidou became president of France on ____________.

A. 8 January, 1959             B. 2 April, 1974

C. 20 June, 1969              D. 17 May, 1995

2.According to the chart(表格), ______ was president of France for the longest time.

A. Valéry Giscard d´Estaing    B. Jacques Chirac

C. Francois Mitterrand         D. Charles de Gaulle

3.According to the chart, we know that Nicolas Sarkozy           .

A. won’t be the next president of France

B. was president of France for 6 years

C. became president of France on 7 May, 2012

D. was a very successful president


1.C 2.C 3.A 【解析】 试题分析:这个表格主要介绍了法国历届总统的姓名及任期。 1.根据Georges Pompidou20 June, 1969 – 2 April, 1974可知乔治蓬皮杜1969年6月20日成为法国总统。故选C。 2.根据表格描述,可知弗朗索瓦密特朗是法国任期最长的总统,21 May, 1981 – 17 May, 1995一共任期14年,故选C。 3.根据Nicolas Sarkozy16 May, 2007— 7 May, 2012描述,可知萨科齐今年已经卸任法国总统,故选A。 考点:人物传记类短文阅读。



Worries about school bus safety have drawn much attention. Now schools in some poor areas are looking     some other ways to go to school.

In the countryside, students are living in different places. And there isn’t enough time for school buses to go around and pick up     student. So the most useful way is to let students living in the     village take a special school bus which is for them only. And the cost is    by their parents and the school.

Each bus is asked to carry only five students on the same route(路线) every day. Traffic police are also making daily checks to make sure drivers don’t carry__   than 5 students. For a bus like this, the drivers can     make any money. So schools pay 300 yuan to drivers every month. The rest comes from the parents’ pockets(口袋).

The roads to the students’ homes are rough(崎岖的) and sometimes even dangerous,     falling rocks and narrow(狭窄的) bridges. After spending at least an hour on the road, the students finally make it home.     the money for taking a bus has increased and it’s not easy for parents to make money, they are glad to know that their children will     home safely each day. And they feel happy to see their child enjoy their time at school. But one girl says she’s seen the big yellow school      on TV, and wonders when she’ll ride one of her own.

1.A. at      B. up          C. for          D. through

2.A. all      B. every       C. both        D. either

3.A. near     B. far        C. same         D. poor

4.A. bought   B. spent      C. paid        D. took

5.A. few     B. fewer       C. many        D. more

6.A. always  B. often       C. sometimes    D. hardly

7.A. and      B. but         C. with       D. without

8.A. Because B. Although    C. If           D. When

9.A. get     B. arrive at   C. arrive in    D. reach to

10.A. desks  B. bags        C. buses      D. bikes



After the final exams, I will have a ___________ vacation in Hainan.

A. 5 day    B. 5-day

C. 5 days  D. 5-days



Don’t be nervous. There is ___________.

A. anything serious        B. something serious

C. everything serious.     D. nothing serious



Sonia will call you if she __________ to go.

A. agree       B. will agree

C. agrees      D. Agreed



Don’t keep the boy __________ in the rain. He will fall ill.

A. stand        B. to stand

C. standing     D. from standing



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