满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

选择适当的词,并用其正确形式填空。 good birthday third mo...


good  birthday  third  month  time  be  December  because  her  friend

It is Monday morning. Mary, Lucy, Tina and Judy 1.     in the classroom.

Mary says she loves2.        because she loves Christmas(圣诞节). She can have a3.     time with her family. And she doesn’t like June.

Lucy likes July4.     she likes the summer holiday(暑假). In July, her parents take5.     to travel(旅行). It’s really great.

Tina thinks the 6.     month is good. People can go out with7.     and families. They can have a great 8.     together(一起).

Judy likes October because her birthday is on the tenth day in this 9.     . She usually has a good time on her 10.     .


1.are 2.December 3.good 4.because 5.her 6.third 7.friends 8.time 9.month 10.birthday 【解析】 试题分析:你最喜欢哪个月份?短文中Mary,Lucy,Tina和Judy分别讲述了他们喜欢的月份。Mary喜欢12月,因为她喜欢圣诞节;Lucy喜欢7月,因为她喜欢暑假,可以去旅行;Tina喜欢三月,因为人们可以出去游玩;Judy喜欢10月,因为这个月的10号是她的生日。 1.句意:这是星期一的上午,Mary,Lucy,Tina和Judy在教室里。空后面in the classroom是一个介词短语,因此这个空应用be动词的形式,构成系表结构。主语是四个人,故应填are。 2.句意:Mary说她喜欢12月,因为她喜欢圣诞节。December是12月,根据句意可知,Mary喜欢圣诞节,圣诞节是12月25日,因此这里应填December。 3.句意:她可以和家人一起玩得非常开心。这里have a good time是一个固定的短语,玩得开心。根据文意可知,过圣诞节的时候,Mary和家人可以玩得很开心。 4.句意:Lucy喜欢7月,因为她喜欢暑假。根据句意可知,这句话说的是Lucy喜欢7月的原因,个应填because,引导一个原因状语从句。 5.句意:在7月,她的父母带她去旅行。her她,人称代词宾格形式。根据句意可知,这一段讲述的是Lucy喜欢的月份,因此这里的代词her指代的是Lucy。 6.句意:Tina觉得第三个月很好。third第三,是一个序数词,修饰后面的名词month,前面用定冠词the 修饰。第三个月也就是三月,March。 7.句意:人们可以和朋友和家人一起出去。friend 朋友,是一个名词。根据句意和空后的families可知,这里也应填复数形式friends。 8.句意:他们可以一起玩得非常开心。time的本意是时间,这里have a great time是固定短语,玩得开心,和have a good time是同义词。 9.句意:Judy喜欢10月,因为这个月的10号是她的生日。month月,月份。根据句意可知,这里说的是Judy所喜欢的10月这一月份。 10. 考点:阅读填空。


Today is Sunday. My Brother and I     at home. We      to take two boxes to the room.     box is big, but it’s light(轻). My brother’s box is       , but heavy(重). We put       on the table. We can see     clothes in the boxes, but my        aren’t in them. I     find my socks. My Brother can      me to find them. They’re         the bed. And my shoes are under it, too. I must look after (照看)my things. We put the       boxes away. The chair is    . My Brother and I can mend(修理)it. After that, we       basketball      the playground(操场). We are very happy. We like this        .

1.A. be               B. am              C. is                D. are

2.A. look             B. want             C. know              D. meet

3.A. Our             B. My             C.  Her              D. His

4.A. small            B. big             C. heavy            D. light

5.A. it               B. they            C. them              D. him

6.A. an            B. a              C. some              D. the

7.A. books            B. pens           C. socks            D. desks

8.A. can't            B. can             C. must              D. isn’t

9.A. find             B. help             C. see             D. meet

10.A. in            B. at              C. on                D. under

11.A. one             B. two             C. three            D. four

12.A. new             B. broken          C. black             D. white

13.A. do              B. see            C. play              D. get

14.A. on             B. of            C. at                D. for

15.A. Friday         B. Saturday        C. Sunday            D. Monday



My uncle is really _______. He doesn't have any time to have breakfast.

A. free             B. busy             C. boring              D. difficult



He wants _______ a dictionary in the store.

A.  buy       B.  buys             C.  buying              D.  to buy



—______ do you have P.E?

We have it on Wednesday and Friday.

A. Why             B. When             C. Where              D. How



—What's your favorite_______?


A. fruit                B. color

C. subject              D. vegetable



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