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综合填空 根据首字母和短文意思,在题后横线上填入一个适当的单词,使短文通顺完整 ...



In China if you are seven, you have to go to school. At school you learn different s____1.___. S___2.____ is one of them. We have three science classes a w__3.___. They are on Tuesday, W____4._____ and Friday. We can learn a l_5.___ in science classes. Mr. Jin is our science teacher. He wasn’t born here. He is from another big c___6.___ named Haikou. He is a b__7.___teacher before. He knows much about plants. For e__8.______, when is the best time to water flowers. He is very s___9.___ with us. After science classes, we are so t__10.___.


1.subjects 2.Science 3.week 4.Wednesday 5.lot 6.city 7.biology 8.example 9.strict 10.tired 【解析】 试题分析:在学校里我们学习很多不同的学科,这篇短文中作者特别介绍了科学这门学科。他每周上三节科学课,他们的科学老师对他们非常严厉,因此每次上完课,同学们都会感觉很累。 1.句意:在学校,你学习不同的科目。subject科目,学科,是一个名词。根据文意可知,这篇短文介绍的是我们在学校的生活,在学校里,我们需要学习很多科目,故这里应用复数形式subjects。 2.句意:科学就是其中的一门学科。science 科学,是一个名词,在这里指的是一门学科。根据下句话We have three science classes可知,这里提到的这门科目是科学,因为位于句首,因此第一个字母需要大写,故填Science. 3.句意:我们一周上三节科学课。week周,星期,是一个名词。根据文意可知,这里说的是我们在学校学习的一门学科,—科学,这句话说的是上这门课程的频率。...three science classes a week表示一周三节。故填week。 4.句意:分别在星期二、星期三和星期五。Wednesday 星期三,是表示星期的一个名词。根据文意可知,这句话说的是每周上科学课的日子,根据第一个字母W,我们可以知道应该是星期三。注意这个单词的正确拼写。 5.句意:在科学课上我们能学到很多。a lot 很多,大量,是一个固定的短语,在这里修饰谓语动词can learn。 6.句意:他来自另外一个大城市海口。city城市,是一个名词。根据上句话He wasn’t born here以及句中的Haikou可知,金老师来自另外一个城市。故填city。 7.句意:他以前是一个生物老师。biology 生物,也是一门学科名词。根据下句话He knows much about plants可知,金老师非常了解植物,因此我们可以推测他以前是生物老师,故填biology。 8.句意:例如,什么时候浇花最合适。example例子,是一个名词。这里for example是固定的短语,例如,表示举例。 9.句意:他对我们非常严格。strict 严格的,严厉的,是一个形容词。这里be strict with sb.对某人要求严格,是固定的短语。 10. 考点:阅读填空。



I 1.__________ (see) a movie with my friends this weekend. We love2._________(see) movies, but we all 3.__________(like) different kinds. I like to see thrillers and science fictions, my friend Sam 4._________ (love) action movies and comedies and my best friend, Lee, loves a good romance. Because we like different kinds of movies, it can be difficult5._________ (choose)(选择)one to see. So we usually take turns (轮流)to choose the movie. Last week, Sam chose an action movie for us, he thought it 6.________ (be) exciting, but we 7._________ (not like) it. It’s my turn to choose this weekend, so we’re going to see Harry Potter Ⅱ, a new movie. It 8.________(be) number one at the box office, and everyone is saying what a great movie it is. I think we 9.________ (enjoy) it. I 10.___________(not wait)!



Hello Kitty, the Japanese white cat with no mouth,has a lot of fans around the world. A new home for Hello Kitty was opened in China in the summer of 2014.

The Hello Kitty Theme Park was built in Anji, Zhejiang Province and this is the first Hello Kitty Park in China.Anji is known for its natural beauty. It has large forests and many bamboo groves(竹园). So the new Hello Kitty Park will be both a playland and a natural park. Children and visitors will enjoy the fun of games and learn about the environment at the same time. There are five gardens in the park. Each of them has a different theme of the five natural elements: water, wood,fire, metal(金) and earth.

Visitors to the amusement park will be able to enjoy 3D Games, watch Hello Kitty films and food service. Children can have lots of interesting activities here.

Now you see,Hello Kitty’s new home was so interesting. So come and see it by yourself.

1.The passage may be a(an)______.

A. news           B. film post         C. story         D. ad

2.China has______ Hello Kitty Park(s) until 2014.

A. one            B. two              C. three      D.five

3.Which of the following is not the them of the Hello Kitty Park?

A. Fire          B. Bamboo            C. Earth         D. Wood

4.The third paragraph mainly tells us___.

A. Hello Kitty Park is a theme park in China.

B. You can learn the environment in the Hello Kitty Park.

C. Hello Kitty Park is a natural park.

D. Hello Kitty Park is a playland.

5.Which of the following is not true according to the passage?

A. You can have fun playing games in the Hello Kitty Theme Park.

B. Hello Kitty’s new home settled in Zhejiang Province.

C. Hello Kitty Park is a natural park in Anji.

D. More natural park will be built in China.



In northern China winter is long and cold, lasting from December through March. You can often see snow. Summer lasts from May through the end of August. The best time to visit northern China is spring and autumn. The days are warm but the nights are cool.

Winters in central China feel colder than they look. You will seldom see snow. Winters are short, lasting from January to the end of March. Summers are long hot and humid, lasting from April through September/October. In spring flowers are blooming(盛开)and the tree’s leaves turn green so there is an air of freshness. However, autumn usually sees clearer skies, and it rains a little.

It is very wet in the south and high temperatures last for a long time. Winter from January to March, is short but can feel very cold. But it doesn’t snow. Summer through September is the rainy season where temperatures and humidity reach highs. In autumn the heat and humidity weather stops. There is always a chance of rain.

1.Winter in northern China is_____.

A. hot  B. cool    C.long    D. short

2.Summer in central China starts in ____ and usually finishes up in September or October.

A. May   B. April  C. June   D. January

3. It never snows in winter _____.

A. In northern China   B. In central China

C. In southern China   D.  All over the China

4.Which part of winter lasts nearly four months?

A. Northern China  B. Central China

C. Southern China  D. None

5. In most places of China summer is ______.

A. cool  B.  warm   C.humid   D.dry



People eat different things in different parts of the world.

In south China we eat rice every day. Sometimes we eat it two or three times a day, for breakfast, lunch and supper. We usually eat it with fish, meat and vegetable.

The Japanese eat rice, too. They also eat a lot of fish. They sometimes eat raw(生的)fish. In Africa, maize(玉米)is the most important food. People there make maize into flour(面粉).From this flour they make different kinds of bread and cakes.

In western(西方的)countries such as Britain, Australia and the U.S.A, the most important food is bread or potatoes. People there usually make their bread from wheat flour. They cook the potatoes in different ways. In England the most popular food is fish and chips. Sometimes people cook this food at home, but usually they buy it at the shop. They eat this food at home, in their work place, in the park or on the road. People call it "take-away" food.

1.This passage is about ______.

A. food  B. drink  C. clothes   D. ways of life

2.Who sometimes eat fish when it isn't cooked?

A. People in China       B. People in Japan

C. People in Africa        D. People in Britain

3.The most important food for African people is ______.

A. rice  B. fish  C. vegetable D. maize

4.Which of the following countries is called " a western country"?

A. One of the countries in Africa  B. Japan

C. China                           D. Australia

5.People eat "take-away" food ______.

A. at home                  B. on their way to school

C. in their offices         D. A、B and C



Mr. and Mrs. Smith come from London, England. They work in China now. They teach English in a middle school. They like their work very much. They have two children, Sam and Sue. They are both in Shanghai with their parents. Mr. Smith can't speak Chinese, but his wife can speak it very well.

Mr. Smith like swimming and reading, and Mrs. Smith has the same hobbies. They often go swimming in the afternoon and read in the evening. Sam and Sue like playing games with Chinese boys and girls.

Sam's uncle has a farm near London. He likes swimming, too. He wants to work in Shanghai, but he can't speak Chinese. So he is still there and goes to Chinese classes every day.

1.Sam and Sue are from __________.

A. Canada   B. America  C. England  D. China

2.What sport does Mrs. Smith like?

A. Swimming            B. Running

C. Playing basketball  D. Walking

3.What does Sam's uncle do?

A. A teacher  B. A worker C. A farmer  D. A doctor

4.What does Sue like?

A. Swimming and readin

B. Learning Chinese

C. Watching TV

D. Playing games with Chinese boys and girls

5._______ are in the different countries now.

A. Mr. and Mrs. Smith

B. Mr. Smith and his brother

C. Mrs. Smith and her children

D. Mr. Smith and his children



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