满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

补全对话,在空格处填写正确字母选项。有两个多余选项。 A:___1.______...



B: Yes, you are right .But in my home town it is much colder.

A: Really?  __2.______________

B: My hometown is in the north of China.


B: It often snows in winter.


B:We usually go skiing(滑雪)。


B: No. It is very short.

A. What do you usually do in winter?

B. It is very cold here.

C.Is summer long in your home town?

D .Where is your hometown?

E. What’s the weather like in your home town in winter?

F.I like the weather in my home town.

G .It’s never too hot or too cold in summer.


1.B 2.D 3.E 4.A 5.C 【解析】 试题分析:这是两个人在谈论他们家乡在冬天的天气情况。 1.B根据答语Yes, you are right .But in my home town it is much colder.可知是说这里的天气非常冷,所以选B。 2.D根据答语My hometown is in the north of China.可知这里是问对方的家乡在哪里,所以选D。 3.E根据答语It often snows in winter.可知这里是在问对方家乡的冬天的天气怎样,所以选E。 4.A根据答语We usually go skiing可知这里是问对方在冬天通常做什么,所以选A。 5.根据答语No. It is very short.可知这里是一个一般疑问句,所以选C。 考点:七选五。


1.Nancy  lives the ____________(最远的)from school in our class.

2.You  shouldn’t  ____________ (停车)here.

3.What ’s  the ____(体育比赛中)得分?

4.It ’s  natural  to ____(忘记) new  words.

5.I ____(同意) with you.

6.There’s ____________/plenti/of time for them to score.

7.It’s on the ____________/kəust/ near Hong Kong.

8.We are going to play ____________/[əˈgenst/ another school next week.

9.That’s a good  _______/tʃɔis/,but it’s a bit dangerous.

10.What a____ /piti/! We lost  in the match.




1.How many______  (university) are there in Shanghai?

2.Remember______  (visit) the Great Wall when you’re in Beijing.

3.She is as___________(old) as Mary.

4.It’s taller than many other _____________(building) in Shenzhen.

5.Please be______________(quiet). I am telephoning.

6.Bob is __________ (young) than Fred but taller than Fred.

7.Lily sings__________ (well) than Lucy.

8.John ran more__________ (slow) than the others.

9.Going to school by taxi is the ___________(expensive)and the most comfortable.

10.I ‘d like __________(go) to the stadium with you.




Some people say, "Extreme( 极限的 )sports are so dangerous .Why would anyone want to do them?"

But the danger is what makes them so 1①(excite). Keep reading to find out about the most popular ones.

Bungee jumping (蹦极): People on some South Pacific islands have been bungee jumping for hundreds of years. In 1979, some people bungee jumped off a bridge in England and made the sport popular around the world. Bungee jumping came to China about②(15年以前).
Skydiving: This is probably the scariest(最惊险的) extreme sport. Skydivers jump out of airplanes about four kilometers up in the sky. They usually free fall(自由降落) for a while and then open a parachute (降落伞)to slow down for a safe landing.

Snowboarding: ③This became a winter Olympic sport in l998. People tied their feet to the board, with special shoes. They don't use any ski sticks. Then, they ride down hills, jump high and do tricks.





3.What’s the Chinese meaning of the underlined word“Skydiving”?

A. 从空而降B.空中潜水 C.跳伞运动 D.高空跳水



5.The passage mainly talks about                     .

A. exciting sports        B. extreme sports

C .the scariest sport      D. dangerous sports





Favourite sport


Favourite player



exciting and popular





Michale Phelps



cheap and safe

Jeannie Longo



cool and exciting




popular and relaxing

Yao  Ming

1.What’s Betty’s favourite sport?

A. Cycling   B.  Basketball

C. Skiing    D. Football

2.Who is cycling player?

A. Messi     B. Michale Phelps

C.  Jodan    D. Jeannie Longo

3.Why does Daming like basketball best?

A. Because it’s exciting and popular.

B.  Because it’s popular and relaxing.

C. Because it’s cool and exciting.

D. Because it’s  cheap and safe.

4.How many people have their favourite players?

A. Four    B. Three     C. Two     D. One

5. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Adam’s  favourite  sport is football.

B. Michale Phelps is a good swimmer.

C. Helen’s  favourite   player is Yao Ming.

D. Skiing is Tom’s   favourite  sport.



Sarah was ill, she went to see the doctor.   Doctor, I’m not feeling well,” she said. Every time I do my homework, I feel tired. If I go to school on foot, I have to sit down and rest for ten minutes.” The doctor looked at her carefully. At last he said, Nothing much. But I’m afraid you are eating too much.”  “I don’t understand, what do you  mean ? ”asked Sarah. “I mean you eat too much food,” said the doctor.   Oh! You mean I’m too fat. That’s a problem.” Said Sarah. “What should I do If I don’t want to be heavy !”  The answer is easy,” said the doctor. If you want to be thin and healthy, you shouldn’t eat a lot of food and you also should do much exercise.”

1.What was the matter with Sarah ? She felt _____ .

A. tired               B. sad

C. sore in the back     D. hungry

2.Sarah went to school _____ .

A. by bike     B. by bus     C. by car     D. on foot

3.The doctor told her that _____ .

A. she must eat much food    B. she ate too much

C. she was too thin           D. she was ill

4.____ is a problem.

A. Eating less food     B. Being too fat

C. Working too hard      D. Playing too much sports

5.Sarah wants to _____ later.

A.eat a lot of meat      B. be fat

C. do more exercise      D. stay at home for some days



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