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综合填空: 根据短文内容选择方框内的单词,并用其正确的形式填入空白处(每空填一词...

综合填空: 根据短文内容选择方框内的单词,并用其正确的形式填入空白处(每空填一词),使补全后的短文意思通顺,语法正确,结构完整。

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Please look at this photo. The girl    1. yellow is Julia. She is thirteen. She has short brown hair. Mark is 2.   , too. He is in a black cap and blue shoes. He has blond hair. The boy in a white T-shirt is Wang Junfeng. His pants are blue and his    3.  is black. Jane is in a purple T-shirt and a pink skirt. Her hair is red. They look different, but they are good    4.   . Mrs. Gao is their(他们的) teacher. She is 40 years old, but she   5.  young. They like her very much.


1.in 2.thirteen 3.hair 4.friends 5.looks 【解析】 试题分析:本文介绍了一张照片上的几个人。那个穿着黄色衣服的女孩是Julia。马克穿着蓝色的鞋,戴着一顶黑色的帽子。那个穿着白色衣服的男孩是王俊峰。简穿着紫色的体恤衫。高太太是他们的老师。他们非常喜欢她。 1.in+颜色,表示“穿着某种颜色的衣服”,故此处为in。句意:那个穿着黄色衣服的女孩是Julia。 2.根据She is thirteen.和副词too可知此处指Mark和她的年龄一样,是13岁,故为thirteen。句意:Mark也是13岁。 3.有形容词性物主代词his修饰,故此处用名词hair。句意:他的短裤是蓝色的,他的头发是蓝色的。 4.主语they是复数,故表语用复数名词friends。句意:他们看起来不同,但是他们是好朋友。 5.look是系动词,后面接形容词作表语。主语she是第三人称单数,故此处用第三人称单数形式looks。句意:她40岁,但是她看起来年轻。 考点:短文填空。


1.Please give this _________(信) to Maria.

2.We are from China. We are ______(中国人).

3.I like ______________(香蕉). Do you like them?

4.It has a ________(长的) neck.

5.The _____________ (婴儿)is Jim’s sister.





1.This is a _________/ bʌs/(bus, box).

2.This pencil is  ________./ blæk / (blue, black).

3.— Where _________(is, are) Kangkang and Michael from?

—Kangkang is from China and Michael is from America.

4.I have two nice ________ ( knife/knives).

5.________(Do/Does)they have big hands?



Kangkang: Nice to meet you! I’m Kangkang.What’s your name?

Michael: Nice to meet you ,too.  My name is Michael.

Kangkang: Where are you from?

Michael: I’m from Canada. And you?

Kangkang: I’m from China.

Michael: Kangkang! Who is the boy?

Kangkang: Oh, he’s my friend,Yukio.

Michael: Where is he from?

Kangkang: He’s from Japan.

Michael: But you look the same.

Kangkang: That’s right. We have black hair and black eyes.

Michael: I have blond hair and blue eyes.

Kangkang: We don’t look the same, but we’re good friends,too.




Color of eyes

Color of hair
















Hello, boys and girls. My name is Linda Miller. My first name is Linda. My last name is Miller. I am 13. I am from America.Nice to meet you. Look, this is my ruler, it’s red.

Hi, I’m a boy. I’m Jack. I am 14. My family name is Green. I am from England. Look, this is my clock, it’s white and black. That is my pen, it’s blue.

Good morning! My name is Lucy King. Lucy is my first name. King is my last name. I am from the U.S.A. I am 12. Nice to meet you. This is my jacket, it’s yellow.

1. _______ is thirteen years old.

A. Linda          B. Jack        C. Lucy

2. ________ is red.

A. Lucy’s jacket

B. Linda’s ruler

C. Jack’s pen

3.He is ____. His clock is white and black.

A. Jack Green           B. Jack King      C. Linda Miller

4. She is Lucy. What color is her jacket?________.

A.It’s black and white

B. It’s red

C. It’s yellow.

5.____and_____ are from the same country(国家).

A.Linda Miller; Jack Green

B. Linda Miller; Lucy King

C. Lucy King; Jack Green



My name is Sam. I’m tall. I have a round face and big eyes. I have a good friend. His name is Tom. He is short. He has red hair and big eyes. His favorite actor is Jackie Chan, and he thinks Jackie Chan is strong and cool.

Our Chinese teacher is Miss Zhang. She is from Shanghai. She is 25 years old. She has long, black hair. She’s Tom’s favorite teacher.


1.Sam is a       boy.

A.tall      B.cool      C.short

2.      have  big eyes.

A.Sam      B.Tom       C.Sam and Tom

3.Jackie Chan is a(n)       .

A.actor      B.teacher   C.student

4.Miss Zhang comes from       .

A.England  B.Cuba      C.China

5.下列各句说法错误的是      .

A. Jackie Chan is cool and strong.

B.Tom doesn’t like Miss Zhang.

C.Miss Zhang is a young woman.



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