满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

词组英汉互译 1.quite a few ___________________...


1.quite a few ___________________


3.of course  ____________________


5.more than _____________________


7.hardly ever ____________________


9.as long as _____________________

10. 是…的职责,由…决定________________

11.so far ________________________


13.all kinds of  ________________


15.in fact  ____________________


17.find out  ___________________


19.action movie _________________



1.相当多;不少 2.feel like 3.当然;自然 4.because of 5.多于 6.junk food 7.几乎不 8.such as 9.只要;既然 10.be up to 11.到目前为止 12.have …in common 13.各种各样 14.care about 15.事实上 16.primary school 17.查明,弄清 18.take…seriously 19.动作片 20.take one’s place 【解析】考查单词拼写,短语. 考点:词汇和短语。

One of the secrets (秘诀) of successful people is that they have good habits. The good habits help them to be successful. What are good habits? How can you get into good habits? Here is some advice for you.

First, everyone has his merits (优点). You should always look for the good points (优点) in people and learn from them.

Second, you should try to learn new things and new skills every day. Reading a few pages of a book or a newspaper every day also helps you.

Third, start the day the right way. When you get up in the morning, look at yourself in the mirror (镜子) and tell yourself you must keep your good habits today.

I think the last one is the most important. No matter what good habits you decide to have, you should try to keep them. Then you can live a successful and happy life.


1.What makes some people successful?

A. They eat healthy food.

B. They keep good habits.

C. They meet good friends.

D. They have successful parents.

2.What does the writer think is the most important about good habits?

A. Learning from others.

B. Learning new skills.

C. Getting up early in the morning.

D. Trying to keep the good habits.

3.The underlined words "no matter what" mean______ in Chinese.

A. 无论什么          B. 没问题

C. 没关系            D. 不管怎样

4.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Everyone has merits.

B. Starting the day the right way is not important.

C. You can learn everything from newspapers.

D. Everyone can be successful if he or she has good habits.

5.What's the main idea of the passage

A. What our lifestyle is like.

B. How to be important.

C. Advice on having good habits.

D. We should have a secret.



Guitar Player Wanted

Are you a lover of music? Can you play the guitar? Can you sing or dance? Welcome to our Sunshine Rock Band. Please call Mike at 5487-6598 or send an email to sunshine@yahoo.com.

Hot Club

Do you like to play table tennis? Do you want to play it well? Mr. Zhang is a good teacher. You can come here every Saturday afternoon from 2:30 to 5:30.

Telephone: 8665-7868

Address: Room105, Lantian Hotel.

Swimmer Wanted

Can you swim? Do you like children? Can you teach them to swim on Sundays? Come and join us. Call Joe at 8472-9999 for more information.

Summer Job

Do you like to talk with people? Do you like to write stories? Would you like to work for a magazine? Then come and work as a reporter. Please call Karen at 5561-8823.


1.If you want to join the Sunshine Rock Band, you should play the _____ well.

A. piano       B. guitar     C. drum           D. violin

2.Who can teach you to play table tennis?

A. Mike.       B. Joe.        C. Mr. Zhang.    D. Karen

3.You want to learn to play table tennis. Then you can go to Lantian Hotel on _____.

A. Fridays    B. Saturdays    C. Sundays        D. Mondays

4.You want to teach children to swim. Then you can call _____.

A.5487-6598    B. 8665-7868    C. 8472-9999    D. 5561-8823

5.The ads above may be from _____.

A. a newspaper        B. a story book

C. a science book     D. a guidebook



Mr. White was in bed and was trying to go to sleep when he heard the doorbell ring. He turned on the light and looked at the clock. It was half past twelve. "Who can be it at this time of night?" he wondered. He decided to go and find out. So he got out of bed, put on his jacket and went to the door. When he opened the door, there was nobody there. "That’s very strange," he thought. Then he went back to his bedroom, took off his jacket, got back into bed, turned off the light and tried to go to sleep.

A few minutes later he heard the doorbell ring again. Mr. White jumped out of the bed very quickly and rushed to the door. He opened it, but again he found no one there. He closed the door and tried not to feel too nervous. Then he saw a piece of paper on the floor inside the door. He picked it up. There were some words on it: "Now it's after midnight, so it's April 1st. Happy April Fool's Day!"

"Oh, it was the funny boy next door!"  Mr. White smiled.


1. Mr. White was trying to go to sleep when he heard ________.

A. somebody sing

B. the doorbell ring

C. the telephone ring

D. somebody knock at the window

2.At first Mr. White turned on the light and _______.

A. got out of bed

B. put on his jacket

C. wanted to know the time

D. called the police

3.When he opened the door for the first time, he found________ outside the door.

A. no one          B. a boy

C. his friend     D. a piece of paper

4.The story happened________.

A. at noon         B. at twelve

C. on April 2rd   D on April 1st

5.The boy rang the doorbell because he wanted to________.

A. borrow Mr. White's clock

B. ask Mr. White for a piece of paper

C. make fun of Mr. White

D. tell Mr. White a story



The final exam comes with June. When the exam ends (结束), the summer vacation begins. Boys and girls have about two months to relax. The summer vacation is the best part (部分) of the year for most children. The weather is usually fine. They can swim, go to summer camp or visit other places with their parents.

Of course, the beaches are good places for relaxing. Some children are lucky to live near the sea. They can enjoy the sea anytime (任何时候). But for the children far from the sea, they go to the beaches for one or two weeks with their parents.

Why do children like spending their summer vacations on the beaches? It is because they like the sand (沙), the sun, the cool wind and the sea water. There are lots of new things to see, nice things to eat, and exciting things to do.


1.School children usually have exams _____.

A. in June                 B. after June

C. before June           D. in May

2.The summer vacation is about ______.

A. two weeks             B. two months

C. three months         D. two days

3.Why do children like summer vacation?

A. Because the weather is fine.

B. Because it is long.

C. Because the weather is fine and they can have lots of activities.

D. Because it's short.

4.Children near the beach can enjoy the sea ______.

A. anytime              B. for one or two weeks

C. for two months       D. for an hour

5.Which of the following is not right?

A. Children like going to the beaches only because they can see lots of new things.

B. Children like summer vacation best.

C. Children can swim and enjoy the sand, wind, and water on the beaches.

D. Children far from the sea can go to the beaches with their parents.



Bob's Bargain Store is the cheapest store in town.Though it's the cheapest,it isn't the most popular.People don't shop there very often because lots of people say the things there are the worst in town.

The Lord and Lady Store sells very good things.They sell the most fashionable (时尚的) clothes and the best record players. And they have the best service. However, people don't often shop there because the things are also the most expensive. And it is far from the town center.

The Super Saver Store is the most popular store in town. The things there aren't the cheapest, and they aren't the most expensive. It doesn't have the best things, and it doesn't have the worst. So it is with the service. the clothes aren't the most fashionable, but they're more fashionable than the clothes at many other stores. And its location (位置) is convenient, too.


1.Bob’s Bargain Store is the most popular store in town.

2.The service at the Lord and Lady Store is better than that at the Super Saver Store.

3.The location of Lord and Lady Store isn’t as convenient as that of the Super Saver Store.

4.The things in the Super Saver Store are the most expensive.

5.People think the cheapest store is the Super Saver Store.



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