满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



A: Did you hear about the flood in Wuhan last night?

B: No.      1.

A: My e—friend Lin Tao told me about it.It rained for a long time.

B:            2.

A: For about two weeks.

B:           3.

A: Yes, it was very terrible.There was water all around his house. Most of his furniture and his books get wet.

B:        4.       Did your e—friend still live in his house?

A: No.      5.     There was no flood there because his uncle lives far away.

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1.D 2.E 3.A 4.B 5.C 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇关于谈论A的武汉网友那边发生了洪涝灾害的事。 1.D根据上文Did you hear about the flood in Wuhan last night?你听说昨天晚上武汉发洪水了吗?及下文No. 可知,在问发生什么事了?故选D。 2.2】E根据下文For about two weeks.大约2周可知,上文是在问How long did the rain last?雨下了多长时间。故选E。 3.A根据下文Yes, it was very terrible.是的,它非常的可怕。可知上文是在问真的吗?故选A。 4.B根据上文Most of his furniture and his books get wet.可知,下文是在问That sounded bad.那听起来太糟了。故选B。 5.C根据上文Did your e—friend still live in his house?你的网友还住在他的房子里吗?可知下文应该是He and his family moved to his uncle’s house.他和他的家人搬到了他的叔叔家。故选C。 考点:情景交际


When we see a cigarette box, we’ll see “Smoking is harmful to your health” on it. Children are not      to smoke by their parents or teachers. But in many countries         is becoming a bigger problem for young people. Most smokers      in their teens or earlier.

Some students think smoking is very cool, and they can see many people smoking around them. They want to have a         .

“If young people start smoking early, they will probably get addicted(上瘾的)to nicotine(尼古丁). And it will be very hard to        later on,” said a professor. A study shows smoking is a

problem for many Chinese teens.      can we do to make them stop smoking? Some people think we can       a law. Teenagers under 18 are not allowed to smoke, or they should be fined. Parents should give up smoking. They can set an example           their children.

“Every year about four million people die of smoking. And if people        smoking, the number will increase 10 million a year from now on,” said the World Health Organization. So we must learn and tell others about the        of smoking.

1.A. asked B. allowed    C. interested   D. suggested

2.A. smoke     B. smokes    C. smoking     D. smokers

3.A. make       B. stop      C. start       D. finish

4.A. sleep    B. rest      C. look        D. try

5.A. get up   B. give up    C. stay up      D. look up

6.A. How        B. What      C. When        D. Why

7.A. making   B. makes     C. to make     D. make

8.A. for       B. to        C. at           D. of

9.A. begin      B. keep       C. stop         D. end

10.A. danger    B. good      C. use         D. point





Has China found its own Gangnam Style? If you’ve been living in China ____the last few months , you’ve probably heard the song Little Apple ________ times. From Beijing parks to Shanghai skyscrapers and from Guangzhou factories to Macau karaoke rooms, people are singing Little Apple. The widely-spread song by the group Chopstick Brothers _________ to be around every corner these days.And you just can’t get out of your head.Just see for yourself,Everyone in China is singing and dancing along _________ this song. It’s no secret that China loves to dance._________ you go, you’re sure to find people ________ to the music “Little Apple” in local parks or squares. Group dances are hugely popular, so it’s _______that the well-made moves of “Little Apple” are being practiced by millions around the country. This song is easy to follow, the pace is basic and simple. Even the old ladies in public gardens are learning it         .If you want to ________ the fun, though, you’ll have to learn the lyrics and the dance. Now that you’ve listened to the song about 20 times, you might learn the lyrics _________ .

1.A.since           B.during         C. on           D. to

2.A.a million       B.a million of   C. million of   D.a millions of

3.A.happens         B.would like     C.seems         D.looks like

4.A.to              B.for             C.at           D.on

5.A.No matter where B.No matter who   C.whatever      D. whenever

6.A.to dance        B.dancing         C.danced        D. to dancing

7.A. no problem   B. no use        C.not pity      D. no doubt

8.A.hard            B. seretly       C. quickly     D. safely

9.A.take part in  B. play a part in C. join         D. join in

10.A. as well.     B.at all          C.as an example D. As usual



—Will you please give some advice on _________ English at home?

—Well, do a lot of reading and listen to English programs.

A.how to read                B. how to learn

C. when to use               D. where to use



--Will you please go to Mr Zhang’s birthday party tomorrow?

---._________ if you do.

A.So do I           B. So will I

C. So I do           D.So I will



Diaoyu Islands ________ made up of a group of islands ________China since ancient times.

A.that is, belongs to             B. where is, belonged to

C. that are, belong to            D. where are, belonged to



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