满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

基础写作 A)连词成句将所给单词连成句子。要求符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,单...



1.of,your,is,dress,silk,made                                                   ?

2.the,are,delicious,biscuits,how                                                  !

3.must,she,the,laboratory,be,in                                                 .

4.play,he,on,a,often,me,trick                                                .

5.I,jeans,am,suppose,wear,to                                                   ?


1.Is your dress made of silk? 2.How delicious the biscuits are! 3.She must be in the laboratory. 4.He often plays a trick on me. 5.Am I supposed to wear jeans? 【解析】 试题分析: 1.be made of+材料,由...制成;本句是问句,故应将is放在句首。 2.以how开头的感叹句构成为:How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语! 3.本句是陈述句,故应将主语she放在句首;in the laboratory在实验室;must是情态动词,后面加动词原形。 4.本句是陈述句,故应将主语he放在句首;主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词用相应的单数形式,play变成plays;often是频度副词,放在实意动词前;play a trick on sb捉弄某人。 5.be supposed to do sth应该做某事,本句是问句,故应将am放在句首。 考点:连词成句。


1.The          (飞机场) in our city is the larger than before.

2.Could you tell me the         (首都) of China.

3.There are four s       in a year. And I like spring best.

4.I dream someday I can a        a new car.

5.The restaurant is open every day e          Monday.




1.The ground is covered with fallen          (leaf) in autumn.

2.Many young trees           (plant) in my country every year.

3.Students in our class have finished          (read) the text.

4.I overslept this morning. By the time I got to the train station, the train        (leave)

5.When the guest entered the hall, Mr. Smith stood up and greeted him              (polite)




Australia   electronic    policeman  value      after all

1.My parent called the           ,but they couldnt find anything strange.

2.Xu Fei likes the             singer Dan Dervish.

3.           , we are the capital of clocks and watches.

4.We            the time we spend with our family and friends in our everyday lives.

5.He liked loud,               music.




Each year, many Chinese people go abroad because of all kinds of reasons. They are becoming younger and younger year by year. Even some Chinese parents send their children to foreign when they are only in a middle school. They think their children can get a wider view, less(学业)competition or family honor. But life can be bad for young people there. At first, they have to face the culture differences and language problems. However, these are not always the most difficult things to overcome(克服).To most children, controlling(管理)themselves well is a big challenge when studying alone in a strange country. Yu Yang, a 15-year-old student from Guangdong Province studies in a high school in Toronto, Canada .To his surprise; his teachers there seldom push students to study abroad. And usually there isnt too much homework. Students have a lot of free time. Some of his friends spend their whole years money in the first two months of the new term. So they have to ask their parents for some more money.

On the one hand, studying abroad can help students learn foreign languages quickly and open up their eyes, but on the         hand, some children may feel lonely, become bad, lose themselves, etc. Many problems may happen to them. These are different from their original thoughts. So parents should think them over before their children go abroad.


1.According to the writer, parents should                    before sending their children to go abroad.

2.Why do Chinese parents send their children abroad?







Selena Gomez won Favorite Female Singer at 2014 Kids’ Choice Awards on March 29. It is a very important awards show held every year in America.

Gomez was born on July 22,1992 in Texas. The 22-year-old girl is an all-round star----she not only acts well but also sings a lot of popular songs. At the age of 7, Gomez first played with a purple dinosaur on the TV show Barney and Friends. In 2007, Gomez acted in Wizards of Waverly Place (《少年魔法师》)which was a big success. After that, she played different roles in many films and become more and more popular.

Gomez made her own band at the age of 17. Fans love her songs because of her beautiful voice. By fan, she has released (发行) three albums (专辑). She also has a good sense of fashion. Gomez wore a beautiful dress at the Kids’ Choice Award. It made her lovely and she shone the whole night.

Charity is an important part in Gomez’s life. In October 2008, she was named UNICEF’s spokes-person (联合国儿童基金会的发言人)for Trick-or-Treat, which encourages children to raise money on Halloween to help poor children around the world. She said that she was excited to encourages other kids to make a difference in the world.

1.The underline word “all-round” means        in Chinese.

A. 闻名世界的  B. 受人尊敬的

C.多才多艺的    D.能言善辩的

2.         was (were) very successful and after that Selena Gomez become more and more popular.

A.Barney and Friends          B. Wizards of Waverly Place

C. Her three albums             D. Her charity activities

3.People like her songs because         .

A. her voice is beautiful       B. she is a movie star

C. she looks pretty             D. she is lovely

4.We can learn from the last paragraph that Selena Gomez is         .

A. fond of Halloween           B. helpful to children

C. good at dress up            D. talented in music

5.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. Selene Gomez played a purple dinosaur in Barney and Friends.

B. Selene Gomez started a band at the age of 7.

C. Selene Gomez wore a dress on the night of March 29, 2014.

D. Selene Gomez loves to spend Halloween with children.



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