满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

____ of the students has finished the ex...

____ of the students has finished the exam, so ___ has come out of the classroom.

A. None, no one      B. Nobody, none

C. No one, nobody    D.None,not anyone


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:所有的学生都没有完成考试,所以没有一个人离开教室。None of后面加名词的复数形式,表示全部否定;no one没有一个人,否定代词,谓语动词用单数形式;nobody没人。故选A。 考点:考查不定代词。  

We think white looks good ________ you, but people with black skins dont look

good ________ white.

A. on, on        B. in, in

C. on, in        D. in, on



—You can stay at home alone or go shopping with me, Jim. What do you prefer?

—Well, I prefer ___________ at home to _____________ shopping, Mum.

A. staying; go B. staying; going

C. stay; go    D. stay; going



    Chinese clay art, you should choose a very special kind of clay first.

Yes. This kind of clay is easy to shape.

A. Making        B. Make

C. To making     D. To make



    paper cutting used during the Spring Festival?

People usually put them on doors or windows.

A. Why did      B. Why is

C. How is       D. How did



How     the cartoon animals look!

Thank you. This is my art assignment (作业).

A. lively      B. happily

C. nicely      D. beautifully



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