满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

30, 000 dollars_______ a lot of money, b...

30, 000 dollars_______ a lot of money, but it's_______ than we need.

A. is; far more    B. are; very much

C. is; far less    D. are; very little


C 【解析】 试题分析:从横线后的than可以推出本空中应该选择形容词的比较级,因而排除BD选项。然后根据句意,前句中提到三万美元是很大一笔钱了,但后句中有一个but表明,这些还是不够的。应该选less。本题中far是修饰比较级的,表示远远不够的.故选C 考点:考查主谓一致及比较级。  

-We have never been to America. What about Jeff?

-_______. He hopes to visit it some day.

A. So does he    B. Neither does he

C. So has he    D. Neither has he



Look, the students are discussing_______.

A. about which super star to vote

B. which super star to vote for

C. about to vote for which super star

D. to vote for which super star



Xu Zheng's film Lost in, Thailand is_______ a success that many people are looking forward to his next film.

A. so      B. such       C. too      D. quite



-Amy, do you know if Daniel_______ to the farm with us tomorrow if it_______?

-Sorry, I have no idea.

A. will go; will rain    B. will go; rains

C. goes; will rain      D. goes; rains



-Could you tell me_______? -More than a year.

A. how soon will the new airport be built

B. how long has the new airport been in service

C. how soon the new airport will be built

D. how long the new airport has been in service



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