满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

The old man has something wrong with her...

The old man has something wrong with her eyes and has to have them_______.

A. operated on    B. operated

C. operate       D. operate on


A 【解析】 试题分析: 本题考查operate和have sth done的用法。operate作“动手术”讲,是不及物动词,其后加介词on。此处them指的是eyes,是被动,根据句意:这个老人的眼睛有一些问题,不得不给他们做手术;所以选A。 考点:考查动词短语。  

30, 000 dollars_______ a lot of money, but it's_______ than we need.

A. is; far more    B. are; very much

C. is; far less    D. are; very little



-We have never been to America. What about Jeff?

-_______. He hopes to visit it some day.

A. So does he    B. Neither does he

C. So has he    D. Neither has he



Look, the students are discussing_______.

A. about which super star to vote

B. which super star to vote for

C. about to vote for which super star

D. to vote for which super star



Xu Zheng's film Lost in, Thailand is_______ a success that many people are looking forward to his next film.

A. so      B. such       C. too      D. quite



-Amy, do you know if Daniel_______ to the farm with us tomorrow if it_______?

-Sorry, I have no idea.

A. will go; will rain    B. will go; rains

C. goes; will rain      D. goes; rains



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