满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

_______ he got up early this morning, __...

_______ he got up early this morning, _______ he didn’t catch the early bus.

A. Although, but      B. Although, /

C. Although, so       D.Though ,but


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:虽然他今天起床早,但是他没有赶上早班车。Although虽然, but但是,表示转折,不同时出现在句子中。结合句意,故选B 考点:考查连词的用法。  

---A number of students _________ in the dining hall.

---Yes, the number of the students ______ 800.

A. is, is   B. are, are    C. is, are    D. are, is



---Did you find your English dictionary yesterday?

---No, I didn’t find ______, but I’ve borrowed ______ from the school library.

A. it, it      B. it, one    C. one, it       D. one, one



It is said that the Medal of Freedom is the highest ________ that a US citizen gets.

A.prize        B. reward    C. award        D. praise



---Have you seen the film Roman Holiday?

---Yes. It’s so wonderful and Audrey Hepburn won the Oscar ______ Best Actress _____ her role in this film .

A.for, of      B. for, for

C. of, for       D. in, on



---Yesterday I watched ______ one-hour documentary about _____ African elephant.

---How did you feel after watching it?

A. a, a        B. a, an    C. an, an        D. an, a



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