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缺词填空 根据短文内容和首字母提示,在空格处填入适当的词使短文完整。(每空一词)...



John Allen, an American scientist says,“The Internet is the world’s largest l  1.  , but all the books in it are on the floor!”What he means is that the Internet is f  2. of information but it can be hard to find what you really need. The Internet has a  3. disadvantage(弊端). A lot of information on the Internet isn’t always t  4. , We must be careful not to believe it.

However, the Internet has some advantages(优点). It provides(提供) many o 5.   things. On some websites, you can download music and films. They are usually very cheap and some are even free. On some other websites, you can connect with people from all over the world. And there are some great online s 6.  , too. People can buy things at a very low p  7.  .

The Internet changes people’s life. But we shouldn’t depend on(依赖)it too m  8.  , Some people are a  9.  that surfing the Internet will take the place of(取代)other healthier activities. Whether(无论) you love it or h 10.  it, you have to get used to it(习惯) because it’s right here.


1.library 2.full 3.another 4.true 5.other 6.shops 7.price 8.much 9.afraid 10.hate 【解析】 试题分析:现在互联网已经进入了我们的每个家庭,它给我们带来了很多方便,我们可以在网上购物、听歌、看电影、交朋友等;但是因特网也有它的缺点,它上面的很多信息可能都不是真的,也有很多人沉迷网络而影响了生活。 1.句意:一个美国的科学家John Allen说:因特网就是世界上最大的图书馆,但是里面所有的书都很难找到。library图书馆,是一个名词。根据下句话all the books 可知,这里是把互联网比作成图书馆,故填library。 2.句意:他的意思是说因特网上充满了信息,但是很难找到你所需要的东西。full 充满,满的,常用于短语be full of,充满……。 3.句意:因特网还有另外一个弊端。another 另一个,形容词。根据上句话可知,这里已经提到了因特网的一个弊端,即内容太多,很难找到你需要的信息。而下句话又提到了它的另一个缺点,故应填another。 4.句意:网上的很多信息总是不真实的。true 真实的,是一个形容词,根据下句话we must be careful not to believe it可知,我们一定要小心,不要相信,因此网上的信息不真实,故填true。 5.句意:然而,因特网也有很多优点,它提供了很多其他的东西。other 其他的,是一个形容词,修饰空后的名词things。根据文意可知,上一段说到了因特网的缺点,这一段将会讲述它的优点。故应填other。 6.句意:网上还有很多的商店。shop商店,是一个名词。根据下句话People can buy things ...可知,这里说的是人们在网上购物,因此网上有很多商店。故填复数形式shops。 7.句意:人们可以用很低的价格购买东西。price价格,是一个名词。这句话中at a low price是一个固定的短语,以低价。 8.句意:因特网改变了人们的生活,但是我们不应该对它太依赖。much 多,许多,这里too much是固定短语,太多。 9.句意:一些人担心网上冲浪会代替其他的更健康的活动。afraid 担心,害怕,是一个动词。根据文意可知,虽然因特网非常的有用,但是我们不能沉迷于网络,因此这句话说的是人们担心的事情,故填afraid,用于句型be afraid that...。 10. 考点:阅读填空。


Do you know an old city called "Pingyao" in Shanxi? The old city is not far from Taiyuan, the capital of Shanxi Province . It's a town with a long history of more than two thousand years.

The old city is not very large. It is only 2.25 square kilometers in size. And there are no tall buildings here. Most of the buildings have only two floors. And most of them are made of stones. There are many Chinese-style shops on each side of the street.

Pingyao is a square city. The city has a wall around it.  It's about 6 km long and 12 m high. The wall has six gates. And you mustn't miss the nice food in Pingyao. Try Pingyao beef and you are sure to fall in love with it.

Pingyao is a place worth a visit. You can take buses or trains here. It's less than 2 hours' bus ride from Taiyuan. It costs you only 20 yuan. If you take a train, it will take you less time, only one and a half hours. And if you want to go to Pingyao from Beijing, the train ride takes only about 6 hours.

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The Citv of Pingyao


In Shanxi,   1.  Taiyuan.


3.  2000 years.


2.25 square kilometers.




__5.___: Most of them have two  6._ . They are made of stones.

Streets : There are shops on both 7.___.

Wall: There is a 6-km-long wall around the old___ 8.  city.

Food: Pingyao   9. tastes nice.



Visitors can come to Pingyao by bus or 10. .




1.The problem is ___________(相当) difficult. I can’t work it out.

2.Her dream is to be an___________(工程师).

3.Thank you for __________us to your birthday party.(邀请)

4.Can you swim  ____________(穿过)the river?

5.The girl looks after the  ____________(生病的)mother at home.

6.At the moment, the students ________________ to hold a fashion show.(plan)

7.__________(luck),he passes the exam.

8.It’s five ______(minute) walk from my home to my school.

9.He lives on the___________(twenty)floor in that building.

10.My iPhone 6 is _________. I can’t listen to music any more. (break)



New York City is a very large city with 8 million people. How do so many people move on their way to work and school?

In New York you can travel by subways, bus, taxi and private (私人的) car. The subway runs on the railroad lines under the city. It crosses the city at different points and goes to all parts of the city. Travelling by subway is the fastest way to get around the city.

The second way to travel is by bus. It is a slower way to travel.

You can also travel by taxi. This is very expensive, but the taxi will take you to every place you want to go to. If traffic is heavy, the taxi will be slow. During the mornings and afternoons, there is the “rush hour”. This is the time when the traffic is very heavy with people going to and from work.

The last way is to use your private car. It’s not good to drive during the “rush hour”. If there is an accident on the road, you will have to wait for a long time.

The best time to travel is from 9 a.m to 4.pm . Traffic will be less crowded during this time because most people are already at school or at work at that time.

1.How many ways of travelling are mentioned in the passage?

A. Two       B. Three         C. Four       D. Five

2.The word “rush hour” in Chinese means _____________.

A.高峰时间.   B. 匆忙时间     C. 冲刺时间   D. 繁忙时间

3.The fastest way to travel in New York City is ________________.

A. by bus       B. by subway

C. by taxi       D. by private car

4.From the last paragraph we know that in New York City ____________.

A. there is no “rush hour” from 9.am to 4 p.m.

B. traffic is heavy at noon.

C. most Americans have lunch at home.

D. people go to work and school at 9:00.



One day an old man is selling a big elephant. A young man comes to the elephant and begins to look at it slowly. The old man goes up to him and says in his ear,“ Don’t say anything about the elephant before I sell it. Then I will give you twenty dollars.” “All right,” says the young man. After the old man sells the elephant, he gives the young man twenty dollars and says,“ Now, can you tell me how you found the elephant’s bad ears?” I didn’t find the bad ears,” says the young man.“ Then why are you looking at the elephant slowly?” asks the old man. The young man answers, “Because I have never seen an elephant before, and I want to know what it looks like.”

1.______  the elephant.

A. The young man sells       B. The old man sells

C. The two men sell          D. The old man buys

2.The young man is looking at the elephant slowly. He wants to find out _______.

A. which foot of the elephant is bad

B. how heavy it is

C. which ear of the elephant is bad

D. what it looks like

3.The young man _______.

A. is not interested in elephants

B. knows what an elephant looks like

C. has seen some elephants before

D. has never seen an elephant before

4.Hearing what the young man said, the old man will probably be ______

A. angry   B. happy   C. dangerous   D. hungry



All students need to have good study habits. When you have good study habits, you can learn things quickly. You can also remember them easily.

Do you like to study in the living-room? This is not a good place because it is usually too noisy. You need to study in a quiet place, like your bedroom. A quiet place will help you only think about one thing, and you will learn better.

Before you begin to study, do not forget to clean your desk. A good desk light is important, too. You’ ll feel tired easily if there is not enough light.

1.When you have good study habits, you will          .

A. learn things quickly     B. remember things easily

C. think about              D. both A and B

2.The living-room is not a good place for study because it is too         .

A. quiet      B. noisy   C. good        D. clean

3.You will feel tired easily if the light is          .

A. good        B. enough  C. bad      D. wonderful

4.The best title for this passage is          .

A. Study in the Bedroom   B. Good Study Habits

C. How to Study           D.Desk Light is Important



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