满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

It’s our duty to help ______ poor to sup...

It’s our duty to help ______ poor to support their families.

A. / B. an C. the D. a


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:帮助那些穷人抚养他们的家庭是我们的责任。此题考查the+形容词表示一类人。根据句意,应选C。 考点:考查冠词。  

Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?

A. Please remember it in your mind.

B. Theres a mile between them.

C. I enjoy the link method.

D. Do you know any tiny computers?



It was brave of the policemen to get over all the difficulties in that case .Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?

A. [keis]          B. [ka:s]        C. [kəs]         D. [kæs]




随着社会的发展,我们的生活越来越好,手机也越来越普遍,因此许多同学带手机去上学。这个现象,你认为是好还是不好呢?请你以“Its good/bad to take a cell phone to school为题,选一种看法谈谈你的想法。











Which college would you like to go to in the future? It’s not too early to think about it right now. Students at Hilltop School had a College Week at the end of last month. 1.________ For instance, they designed a flag for a virtual(虚拟的)“College of Hilltop”.

2.________ He said he started the program to help students form their aims(目标). “College may not be for everyone, but we want the program to help students form their aims.” he said.

3.________Eric, a student in Grade 8, said, “College Week made me realize that college is only four years away. I should do some research about where I want to go.” Paul, another student in Grade 8, said he realized that there so many colleges for him to choose.   4.________

The school also invited people to give career(职业)talks. The first talk was given by Captain Brown, a policeman. He talked about how to choose a career wa5. ________The program opened up the students’ eyes,” said Mr. Miller.

A. According to the students, the program worked well.

B. He also talked about the importance of math, reading, and writing in his career as a policeman.

C. During the week, they took part in all kinds of activities.

D. Mr. Miller is the teacher who started the program.

E. After some research, he said he wanted to choose the University of California.




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