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Everyone wants to have a perfect life. B...

Everyone wants to have a perfect life. But how can we own that? The writer called Brian Tracy tells us some tips:

The first goal common to all of us is healthy and energy.

We all want to be healthy and fit, to have high levels of energy

and to live free of pain and illness. Today, with the quick

development of medical science, the quality of our health and fitness, and our lifespan, is largely determined by design, not by chance. People with excellent health habits are far healthier, have more energy, and live longer and better than people who have poor health habits.

The second goal that we all have in common is to enjoy excellent relationships, getting along well with the people we like and respect, and who like, love and respect us in turn. Fully 85% of your happiness will be determined by the quality of your relationships(人际关系) at each time, and in each area, of your life. How well you get along with people, and how much they like, love and respect you, has more effect on the quality of your life than perhaps any other reasons.

The third common goal is to do work that we enjoy, to do it well, and to be well paid for it. You want to be able to get and keep the job you want, to get paid more and promoted(提升) faster. You want to earn as much money as possible at any time, whatever you do.

The last goal we all have in common is to reach the point in life where you have enough money so that you never have to worry about money again. You want to be completely free of worries about money.

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1.The passage mainly helps us to ______________________.

A. keep healthy         B. make money

C. have a perfect life   D. enjoy working

2.We can get more healthy and energetic if we ____________________.

A. wear well-designed clothes        B. catch the good chance

C. have good health habits           D. eat more medicine

3.Good relationship is needed ________________________________.

A. in rich areas

B. at each time and in each area

C. when we are at school

D. among people we like and respect

4.The statement is true EXCEPT that___________ according to the writer..

A. we can mostly design our health and our lifespan

B. the relationship with others can effect on your life quality

C. doing work that we enjoy is a part of a perfect life

D. money is the most important thing to a perfect life.


1.C 2.C 3.B 4.D 【解析】 试题分析:每个人都想有一个完美的生活,作者Brian Tracy告诉我们一些提示。人生的第一个大梦就是身体健康、精力充沛。人生的第二大梦就是完美的人际关系,与亲人、朋友和同事,以及社会上一般人融洽相处、互动良好。人生的第三个大梦就是做自己喜欢的工作,而且表现出色、薪酬优厚。人生的第四个大梦就是达到财务独立。 1.主旨大意题,根据文中第一句可知,本文主要告诉我们如何拥有一个完美人生。故选C。 2.第二段的最后一句可知有良好生活习惯的人,比起那些有不健康生活习惯的人,能活得更健康、精力更旺盛。因此我们想要生活的更健康,精力更旺盛,就要有一个良好的生活习惯,故选C。 3.Fully 85% of your happiness will be determined by the quality of your relationships(人际关系) at each time, and in each area, of your life.”可知人们在任何一个人生阶段或居住在任何一个地区是否觉得幸福快乐,其中有百分之八十五取决于融洽的人际关系。所以说人们随时随地都需要良好的人际关系,故选B。 4.细节判断题。根据全文大意可知,生活方式、人际关系和做喜欢的工作都是完美人生的一部分,而不是金钱是完美人生最重要的。故选D。 考点:考查日常生活类阅读。



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1.Who breaks records for the largest surface area 3D painting at present?

A. Joe Hill.        B. Qi Xinghua.

C. Teotronico.      D. Matteo Suzzi.

2.How big was the last world record for the largest street 3D painting?

A. 3,000 square meters.      B. 1,120 square meters.

C. 892.15 square meters.     D. 1,940 square meters.

3.What can’t the cool invention the special robot do?

A. He can play the piano faster than any human.

B. He can also sing.

C. He can accompany himself on the violin.

D. He can see those around him with video cameras set in his eyes.





Miss Carter is a beautiful girl. Her father      two years ago and her mother made a terrible mistake and     .They began to live a hard life. When she      middle school, she couldn't go on studying. Her uncle found a    for her. Mr Baker, a rich shopkeeper, hired(雇) her. Her work was to clean the rooms and sweep the floors. She tried her      and worked hard. Mrs Baker liked her and paid her      than the other servants(佣人).

It was Sunday, Mr Baker was reading and Mrs Baker was watching TV in the sitting room. The girl came in and said, "I'm     ,Mrs Baker. I have to tell you I can't work for you any longer."

It     Mr. and Mrs Baker. The woman asked, "What makes you say that? Aren't we __  to you?"

"Yes, you are, Madam," the girl said." Have you found a piece of     work yet?" Mrs Baker asked.

"No, I haven't, "Miss Carter said."     I don't think you trust(信任) me."

"You are     ,Miss Carter, "said Mr Baker. "I always think you are a      girl. And I often leave my keys in my study." "It was       that you often left the keys in your study," said the girl. "But I could use       of them to open the safe(保险箱)."

"Well," said Mr. Baker. "You can go right now!"

1.A. died          B. death          C. dying         D. dead

2.A. hurried off   B. hurried to     C. sent away     D. stopped

3.A. finished       B. stopped      C. end           D. over

4.A. work          B. works        C. job           D. jobs

5.A. better        B. good         C. best          D. well

6.A. much         B. more         C. little        D. less

7.A. sorry        B. glad        C. angry       D. please

8.A. in surprise   B. surprise       C. surprised    D. surprises

9.A. friendly      B. friend         C. rich         D. cold

10.A. good         B. better         C. best          D. well

11.A. But           B. And            C. Though       D. What

12.A. wrong        B. right        C. foolish       D. bright

13.A. bad          B. good           C. well         D. happy

14.A. poor         B. true         C. bad          D. well

15.A. one          B. some         C. all         D. none





Part-time Cleaning Help

Are you looking for a vacation job?Can you clean the house and cook?Then,I need you.The work is boring,but the pay is good.I need you from 2:00pm---5:00pm,Monday to Saturday.Please come to the cleaning center or call Mrs.Johnson at 544-9968.

A Fitness Camp For Overweight Kids

Are you too fat?Can you run as fast as your classmates?Have you failed your PE examination?

Our fitness camp can help you lose weight and get fit again.Come and join us!Please call Nathan at475-2300.

Next Wave Music Store

After 10 years of teaching the piano,David Smith has made his first CD!Come and meet him this weekend.Special presents for the 50 people .


Call Marsha at 8732059

1.The cleaner will work     hours one week.

A. 12                       B. 15                      C. 18

2.You can call     . if you want to go to the fitness camp.

A.544-9968                  B.475-2300             C.8732059

3.If you’re the tenth to come to     . you can get a special present.

A. the cleaning center

B. the fitness camp

C. Next Wave Music Store




There was once a rich and kind store owner. He        to leave all his money to an honest young man when he was old.

A good friend of his had an idea and           him. “The next time you are giving the customers their change. make sure you give them too much. He who returns the             money to you is honest.” The rich man thought it was a good idea. so he decided to try it.

However. a neighbor happened to hear the          . He paid a witch(女巫) to cast spell (咒语) on the rich old man’s coins. Anyone who saw the coins            by the old man wouldn’t see them as coins. but as something that they wanted most in the world. The neighbor believed that            customer would return the old man’s money.

     Indeed. everything went according to the neighbor’s            . When the old man had almost            trying. the greedy neighbor sent his nephew to the old man’s store. He had told the boy to return the old man’s money.           when the boy received the coins. he saw in them all the money of his uncle. He didn’t want to return the money and            with the coins.

Finally. the rich old man was dying. He decided to give his servants some money so that they could live freely when he was          with them. Among these servants was a young man. who         and respected the old man. He saw in the money a powerful medicine. which was           what he most wanted in the world. On seeing this. the young man            the money back. saying. “Take this. sir. It’s            you. It will make you feel better.”

The old man felt happy that he finally found an honest person. He gave all his money to him.

1.A. encouraged      B. asked          C. began      D. decided

2.A. advised         B. warned       C. reminded   D. fooled

3.A. necessary      B. extra          C. useful       D. surprising

4.A. conversation    B. question      C. message      D. sound

5.A. designed       B. created       C. touched     D. changed

6.A. all             B. every          C. each         D. no

7.A. experience      B. plan           C. try          D. lie

8.A. given up        B. thought of     C. kept on      D. begun with

9.A. So             B. But           C.And           D. Or

10.A. sat           B. talked         C. danced    D. left

11.A. as usual       B. at once       C. no longer    D. once again

12.A. surprised     B. loved          C. described   D. pleased

13.A. probably      B. sometimes      C. hardly     D. truly

14.A. brought       B. pulled         C. offered     D. wanted

15.A. with          B. for            C. on          D. beside




A Good Friend In My Mind

英国有句谚语:结识新朋友,不忘老朋友,老朋友是金,新朋友是银(Make new friends, but keep the old; Those are silver, these are gold. )。中国自古亦有“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?”等描绘朋友之间友情的名句。初中的学习生活即将结束了,在这段时间里你一定结识了许多朋友,并产生了深厚的友谊。请你写一篇文章介绍一位你心目中的好朋友。文章必须包含以下内容:1. 人物简介;2. 给你的帮助;3. 你的感受。

要求: 1)条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确、逻辑清晰;



A life without friends is like a life without the sun. Nobody can live alone in the world….









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