满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

It’s too cold outside today. You’d bette...

It’s too cold outside today. You’d better ____ your jacket.

A. put on   B. put up

C. put off    D. put out


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:今天外面太冷啦。你最好穿上你的夹克。put on穿,戴;put up张贴,挂起;put off推迟,延期;put out扑灭。所以选A。 考点:考查动词短语辨析。  

I don’t know if it _______ tomorrow. If it ____, I will stay at home and read some books.

A. will rain, will rain    B. rains, rains

C. rains, will rain        D. will rain, rains



There _____ a sports meeting in our school next week.

A. will have          B. is gong to have

C. are going to be    D. is going to be



He enjoys collecting,. He has collected over three _____ stamps.

A. hundred         B. hundreds

C. hundreds of     D. hundred of



---If you prefer the red evening dress, you’ll have pay ____ 30 dollars, because it’s made of silk.

---Ok, here you are.

A. other     B. the other     C. more     D. another



---The camera in your hand is nice, is it ______?

---Yes, but I’ll give it to my friend Lily as ______ birthday present.

A. you, her       B. your, hers

C. yours, her     D. you, his



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