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句子翻译 1.我们英语老师在这所学校已工作十年了。 2.扬州的人口正变得越来越多...













1.Our English teacher has worked in this school for ten years. 2.The population of Yangzhou is becoming larger and larger. 3.It is not necessary to wake up children at six every morning./ There is no need to wake up children at six every morning. 4.It’s necessary for us to reduce air pollution. 5.It is said that it only takes more than half an hour to go to the new airport by bus. 【解析】 试题分析: 1.此题考查现在完成时,for+时间段。 2.此题考查固定短语他the population of……的人口。比较级+比较级,表示越来越……。 3.此题考查固定句型It is +adj+to do sth做某事如何。 4.此题考查固定句型It is +adj for sb+to do sth对于某人来说做某事怎么样。 5.5】此题考查固定句型it takes sb some time to do sth做某事花费某人多长时间。 考点:考查句子翻译。



Every year a lot of films are made, but not all of them are good for us. Most of these films are not s   1.  for children. B  2.  we see a film in a cinema or watch a DVD at home, we should be c   3.    to choose a good one.

A good film usually gives us a l  4.      . For example, ‘Beauty and the Beast’ teaches us to love someone for his/her good  h  5.      but not for his/her looks. ‘The Lion King teaches us to be brave and be fair to other people.

Some films are quickly f  6.  ; others stay for a long time as classics (经典) . People can see a classic film many times and still enjoy it. Every time they see it, they learn something n  7.    . For example, if you worry about your looks, you may watch ‘Beauty and the Beast’ again and learn that looks are not so i   8.  . If you are sad, you may watch ‘Mouse Hunt’ again to make y   9.     happy.

There are many kinds of films. There are adventure films, comedies, horror films, science fiction films, documentaries(纪录片), action films, love stories and so on. H  10.   , many of these films are only suitable for adults. So always ask your parents before you see a film.





Literature is a word used to describe written as well as spoken material. Generally speaking, it is often used to describe anything from creative imagination, including works of poetry, drama and fiction.

Then why read literature, since it is often imaginary and seems unconnected with real life?

A lot of us read literature for enjoyment and relaxation. It’s always pleasant to read some interesting books in our spare time. In a modern life full of stress, it is our common wish to read some imaginary works and look for relaxation from the stress in life.

Reading literature is more than fun; it also allows us to get knowledge. As a general rule, literature represents a language of a people, and it often gives us an insight(洞察力) into the traditions, attitudes and values of the age in which it was written.

Sometimes literature can even offer us new, creative ways to have a better understanding of the world. It introduces us to new worlds of experiences. We enjoy the comedy and the tragedy of poems, stories and plays; and we may even grow through our literary journey with books. At last we may discover meaning in literature by looking at what the writer says and how he or she says it. In some ways, we explore the human condition and analyze(分析) the way they think and feel the way they feel. Literature helps us think clearly and encourages us to open minds.

So we can certainly say literature is of great importance to us. Why not get going with one poem, drama or fiction at once?


1.      should we read literature?


It describes anything by using 2.     .


3.     , drama and fiction

4.     to read literature

To get enjoyment and relaxation to forget stress in 5.     .

To get 6.     to make us learn about traditions, attitudes and values of the age in which it was written.

To offer people ways to understand   7.     of the world, to 8.       literary works, to grow through the literary journey, to discover meaning in literature, and even explore 9.     humans think and feel.

To help us think clearly and make us 10.     our minds.


Reading literature.





1.             (幸运地), the fireman put out the big fire in time.

2.She stood in the doorway, unable to decide __________ to go in. (是否)

3.It is good for your health to          deeply. (呼吸)

4.I’ve found great           in doing the work.(困难)

5.A lot of new           have been sent to the poor children. (字典)

6.The TV program Super Brain(最强大脑)is so fantastic that it is well worth____   ( watch).

7.Today is my sister’s __________ birthday. She feels very happy. (twenty)

8.The news is not so           . We are sure he can get it. (surprise)

9.Do you know the           , who broke the window? (true)

10.The little boy is so__   __ (care) that he often leaves his homework at home.



I came to study in the USA a year ago. Yet I did not know the real American society until I injured (伤害) in an accident, because after the accident I had to see a doctor --- and to court (法院).

After the accident, my roommate called a doctor for me. I was very grateful and decided to repay him one day. But the next day, he asked me to pay him $ 200 for what he had done. I was very surprised. He had good reason to charge me, he said. And if I wanted to collect money from the person who was responsible (负责) for my injury. I’d have to have a good lawyer (律师). And only a good doctor can help me get a good lawyer. Now that he had helped me find a good doctor, it was only fair that I should pay him.

But every time I went to see the doctor, I had to wait about 50 minutes. He would see two or three patients at the same time, and often stop treating one so as to see another, yet he charged me $ 115 each time. The final examination report consisted of ten lines, and it cost me $ 215.

My lawyer knew very well the other party was responsible for the accident, yet he hardly did anything. He simply waited to collect his money. He was so irresponsible that I decided not to ask for him again. And he made me pay him $ 770.

Now I had to act as my own lawyer. Because of my inexperience, I told the insurance company (保险公司)the date I was leaving America. Knowing that, they played for time, and I left without getting a cent.

My experiences taught me two things about America: firstly, in a country like America money is everything. It is more important than friendship or honor. Secondly, foreigners are still being unfairly treated. So when we talk about America, we should see both its good and bad sides.

1. The writer’s roommate offered to help him because ______.

A. he thought it was a chance to make some money

B. he felt sorry for the writer

C. he knew the doctor was a very good one

D. he wanted the writer to have a good lawyer

2.A good doctor is necessary for the writer to ______.

A. be properly treated

B. talk with the person responsible for the accident

C. become healthy before he leaves America

D. finally get the responsible party to pay for his injury

3. The word charge in this passage means “______”.

A. be responsible B. be careful

C. ask as a price D. get an answer

4.What can you get from the story?

A. Going to court is something very common in America.

B. Money is more important than other things in the USA.

C. There are more bad sides in America than good sides.

D. One must be very careful while driving a car.



Americans love to drive. They have drive-in movie theaters, drive-through restaurants and driving vacations. It’s often called the “Great American Road Trip”: Your whole family gets into a van or recreational vehicle (RV, 旅行房车), and hits the road for a summertime trip across the country.

American cars are always big, but RVs are the biggest. These are houses on wheels. RVs have kitchens, bathrooms and bedrooms. All across the country you can find RV parks places to park your RV and spend the night. And, if you can’t find one, you can always make your home in a grocery store parking lot.

As big as RVs are, they still seem very small to a family who has to spend every hour of every day together. With your little brother kicking you in the face all night in your tiny bed under the table, the dog barking and Mom playing her country music on the radio, your family is not at its best.

What’s worse, RVs are always breaking down. So it’s possible to spend a lot of time watching dad under the RV on the side of a dusty road.

But RV travel can be a great time with the family, too. You can see the country in the comfort of your own “home”. You can spend every night in a different, natural and beautiful place, or just stay where you are. You don’t have to pay for hotels or restaurants, only gas. But, best of all, you are free to go wherever you want at any time in your home-away-from-home.

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1.RVs have the following EXCEPT____.

A. Bathrooms  B. Bedrooms C. Kitchens  D. Gardens

2.Why do American people like to travel in RVs?

A. Because RVs can go faster than other cars.

B. Because they can listen to music on the radio.

C. Because RVs never break down on the road.

D. Because it’s like traveling in their own home.

3. If you travel in RVs, you only have to pay for____.

A. Hotels.     B. Gas.     C. Food.     D. Drinks.

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Traveling in RVs is more expensive than living in hotels.

B. RVs are big enough for families traveling together.

C. It is not difficult to find parking places for RVs and spend the night.

D. It is less fun to travel in RVs than to stay in hotels.



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