满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

综合填空 Now the increasing population is be...


Now the increasing population is becoming the biggest problem in the world. Too many people can 1.c__________ many kinds of problems. First, a large population can make too much pollution. People throw 2.r__________ everywhere. Air 3.p__________ will be worse. Rivers will also be polluted. We don’t have 4.e__________ clean water to drink. Second, many people will have no jobs and no 5.h__________ to live in. Third, too many people will 6.m__________ more noise. Fourth, the government will make more laws to 7.p__________ people and raise more money to run the city.


1.cause 2.rubbish 3.pollution 4.enough 5.houses 6.noise 7.protect 【解析】 试题分析:本文叙述了世界上的污染越来越严重,太多的人到处扔垃圾,引起了空气污染,水污染及噪音污染等,政府通过法律来保护人们来管理自己的城市。 1.句意:太多的人能够引起许多种问题。情态动词后应该用动词原形,故用cause。 2.句意:人们到处扔垃圾。根据a large population can make too much pollution可知,这里指的是人们仍垃圾引起污染,故用rubbish。 3.句意:空气污染将是更糟糕的。这里指的是污染,句子缺少的是主语,所以用名词,故用pollution。 4.句意:我们没有干净的水可以喝。这里用形容词来修饰后面的名词。故用enough。 5.句意:许多人没有工作和房子住。根据to live in可以居住的当然是房子,故用houses。 6.句意:太多的人将制造更多的噪音。短语make noise制造噪音,will后用动词原形,故用make。 7.句意:政府将通过法律来保护人们,筹集更多的钱来管理城市。根据run the city可知,这里指保护人们,故用protect。 考点:综合填空。


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1.We’re washing people’s cars. My friend and I are working together. The money from it is for our school football team.

2.I’m seeing a funny movie with my family. We are having a happy time.

3.I’m with my granddaughter in the park. Her parents are working today. She is telling me something about her school. She and I are good friends.

4.I’m sitting in bed with my laptop. It’s 11:00 at night. I’m writing letters to my friends. They’re in other countries. I miss them.




As a housewife (家庭主), I love watching TV. I love different kinds of   . I watched the popular programme Where Are We Going, Dad? last year.    similar show comes to us these days. It’s Dad Is Back. Four famous stars      the show at a time. They have to look after their children alone     48 hours without other people’s help.    , they need to cook for their   and help them take a shower. My favorite actor Chun Wu does a good      in the show. I think he looks after his daughter    of the four stars. Sometimes, these famous fathers’ friends     on the show.

Many kids love the show,    the kids in the show are really lovely. Many parents love it, too, because they hardly stay alone with their children like this.

1.A. shows       B. cartoons    C. movies     D. sitcoms

2.A. One         B. Other     C. Any       D. Another

3.A. watch       B. join        C. discuss    D. play

4.A. after        B. before      C. in         D. for

5.A. For example  B. In fact     C. So far     D. As for

6.A. parents      B. children    C. students   D. classmates

7.A. plan       B. action      C. work      D. job

8.A. fastest      B. most       C. best     D. worst

9.A. appear     B. reach     C. win       D. care

10.A. if         B. though      C. because    D. but















We should __________ _________ ________ __________ them.


______  _______, that panda was only 100grams ____  ______ .

3.由于大雨我们昨天没去上学。We didn’t go to school________ _______ the heavy rain.

4.你最好不要独行,你会迷路的。You’d better not go alone, or you’ll _____  ______.

5.人以食米为生。Humans _______ ________ rice.




1.It’s __________________ (danger) to play football in the street .

2.He became __________________(interest) in science when he was ten years old.

3.I think it’s ___________(easy ) to learn English than to learn Chinese.

4. He looked __________________(sad) at the broken toy car.

5.Would you like _____________(join) the trip to the Tai San Park ? It’s very interesting .

6.The teacher made us _____________________(clean) the classroom

7.Many wild animals’____(live) areas are becoming farmlands.

8.Look! The police _________________ (hunt) for the lost dog in the forest.

9.There __________________ (be) a wonderful basketball match this weekend, won’t there?

10.The policeman told the children __________________ (not play) football in the street.



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