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The People’s Movie House Date: May 19 T...


The People’s Movie House

Date: May 19

Time:9:30 a.m—11:30 a.m

Place:On Renmin Road

Movie: Harry Porter

Ticket price:30 yuan

Rules of the People’s Movie House

You can only buy tickets from the movie house.

You can’t let children get into the cinema by themselves.

1.When does the movie Harry Porte begin?

A. At 9:00 a.m   B. At 9:30 a.m

C. At 9:30 p.m   D. At 11:30 a.m

2.People can see the movie on________.

A. March 19     B. March 20      C. May 19      D. May 20

3.Lily and Lucy want to see the movie, and they should pay_____..

A. 60 yuan      B.30 yuan        C.20 yuan     D.35yuan


1.B 2.C 3.A 【解析】 试题分析:这是一则在人民影院上映的电影《哈利波特》的告示。上面介绍了电影放映的时间,地点,票价以及观众应该遵守的规则。 1.B细节理解题。依据表格中的信息:Time:9:30 a.m—11:30 a.m可知,电影是在中午九点半开始,答案为B。 2.C细节理解题。依据表格中的信息:Date: May 19可知,电影的放映日期是五月十九号。答案为C。 3.A 数字计算题。依据表格中的信息:Ticket price:30 yuan可知,两个人的票价是60元。答案为A。 考点:广告布告类短文阅读。



My name is Tom. My parents and I _   __a great vacation in Dalian last summer.Dalian is a great city ___ __lots of nice beaches. So in ___   __many people go on vacation there.

On the first day, we __   __to go to the beach. We didn’t like being with too may people, _   ___we started at 8:00 am. We went to the famous beach—Laohutan.When we__ _ there, only a few people were there. We were happy. We __  ___ along the beach, played with the sand on the beach, and swam in the sea. The water was really   __  __.

More and more people came to the beach. There were___  _people in the sea. Then my father and I went to play volleyball on the beach. Two young men watched us and then __  __ us. How happy we were!

1.A. brought      B. gave          C.played      D. took

2.A. for          B. with          C. on          D. at

3.A. spring        B. summer        C. autumn      D. winter

4.A. decided       B. needed       C. talked      D. asked

5.A. so           B. and          C. or           D. because

6.A. got to        B. got           C. arrived in   D. arrived at

7.A. slept         B. lay           C. felt         D. walked

8.A. hot         B. cold         C. cool        D. dirty

9.A. quite a few B. a little     C. a lot        D. kind of

10.A. came       B. went        C. joined      D. talked



I’m very_____because I don’t like exercise.

A. health       B. healthy        C. healthily       D. unhealthy



My best friend likes to do ____same things ___I do.

A. the, with     B .the, as      C. a, to        D. a, as



Did you ____the answer to this question?

A. find       B. look for      C. find out    D. look



Of the two girls, Lucy is _____one.

A.tallest    B.the taller

C.taller       D.the tallest



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