满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完形填空。 My uncle is a farmer. He has ninet...


My uncle is a farmer. He has ninety ________  trees on his farm. My uncle and my ________ can’t pick(采摘) all the apples in fall(秋天). ________ they ask my parents and me to ________ them every year. It’s Sunday. My parents don’t go to   ________ and I don’t go to school. So we’ll go to the ________ . We get up early(早) in the ________  . My mother is in ________ old clothes. My father buys many kinds of food for my uncle’s ________  in a shop. She likes them very much. My uncle and aunt ________  us many apples, too. I like to work on the farm.

1.A. apple    B. orange     C. banana  D. family

2.A. mother  B. sister     C. brother D. aunt

3.A. If       B. So         C. But       D. And

4.A. look      B. buy         C. help     D. take

5.A. work     B. shop       C. school   D. home

6.A. office   B. hospital    C. home      D. farm

7.A. evening   B. afternoon  C. morning D. Sunday

8.A. her       B. his        C. she       D. hers

9.A. son       B. daughter   C. father   D. parents

10.A. take   B. bring       C. get      D. give


1.A 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文叙述了作者的叔叔是一个农民,他种了一些苹果树,每到秋天的时候作者一家去农场帮忙。 1.考查名词及语境的理解。 A. apple苹果;B. orange橘子;C. banana香蕉;Dfamily家庭。整篇短文描写摘苹果的事情,只有A符合题意,故选A。 2.考查名词及语境的理解。 A. mother 妈妈;B. sister姐妹;C. brother 兄弟;D. aunt姑姑。与uncle对应的单词为aunt(姑,婶,姨),其他选项不符合题意,故选D。 3.考查连词及语境的理解。A. If 如果;B. So因此;C. But但是;D. And和。由上下文语境可知, 本题应为“所以”,用表示因果关系的连词so,故选B。 4.考查动词及语境的理解。 A. look看;B. buy买;C. help 帮助;D. take带走。本句指帮助他们摘苹果,故选C。 5.考查名词及语境的理解。 A. work工作;B. shop 商店;C. school学校;D. home家。由上文“It’s Sunday.”及下文“I don’t go to school.”可知本句指“我父母不去上班”,故选A。 6.考查名词及语境的理解。 A. ofice办公室;B. hospital 医院;C. home家;D. farm农场。由本中第一句及整篇文章可知,要去农场摘苹果,故选D。 7.考查名词及语境的理解。A. evening晚上;B. afternoon下午;C. morning 早晨; D. Sunday周日。由文中“We get up early ...”可知是在早晨,故选C。 8.考查代词及语境的理解。 A. her她;B. His他的;C. she她;D. hers她的。与主语my mother相应的形容词性物主代词是her,故选A。 9.考查名词及语境的理解。 A. son儿子; B. daughter女儿; C. father父亲;D. parents父母。由下文“She likes them very much.”可知,此题指“叔叔的女儿”,故选B。 10.考查动词及语境的理解。A. take带走;B. bring 带来;C. get得到;D. give给。由上下文可知, 此处表示“送给”的意思,故选D。 考点:日常生活类短文。


A: Look, Linda. What’s that?

B: It’s a coat. It’s a black one.

A: 1.

B: Yes, is it yours?

A: No. Mine is old.   2.

B: It looks like Mr. Smith’s.

A: Look! He is there.

B: 3.

A: Excuse me, Mr. Smith.   4.

C: Let me see. Yes, it is mine. Where do you get it?

B:   5.

A: Here you are.

C: Thank you very much.

A: You are welcome.

A. Let’s go and ask him.

B. You are welcome.

C. Whose is it?

D. Is this coat yours?

E. Is it new?

F. Next to that car.

G. How do you spell it?




A:Hi, Betty. Are you free this Sunday?

B: 1.______________ I’ve got a lot of work to do.

A: What about tomorrow morning?

B: 2._______________

A: Would you like to go out for a picnic with me?

B: 3._______________

A: What time will we meet?

B: 4._______________

A: Oh, that’s too late (迟). Why not make it a little earlier (早)?

B: OK! Let’s make it thirty minutes earlier.

A: All right. 5._______________

B: See you tomorrow morning.




—It’s ten o’clock.

A. What’s that in Beijing?

B. What’s the time in Beijing?

C. What’s it in Beijing?

D. Where is Beijing?



—____ are the pants?

—They are 180 yuan.

A. How many   B. Whose    C. Where      D. How much




—Sorry. She isn’t at home now.

A. Are you Jim?               B. Do you know Linda?

C. May I speak to Linda?      D. Can I help you, Jim?



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