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Young Music Scene Concert Young musicia...


Young Music Scene Concert

Young musicians from all over Germany perform at Young Scene Concert at Berlin’s

famous Quasimodo music hall. The concert is part of the Berlin Festival.

Time 15—20 Nov.        Place 45, 18756 Berlin, Germany      Cost Various

Email info@quasimodo.de           Phone +34 (0) 45 839 5986


Documentary Film Month

Cinemas, schools and libraries across France and the French-speaking world take part

in November’s Documentary Film Month. About 120, 000 visitors take part each year.

Time 1—20 Mar.         Place 25 Road Pyramids, 75001 Paris          Cost Various

Phone +12 (0)1 43 38 19 73         Email info@paris-touristoffice.com


Craft (工艺) Show

You can come to the show twice a year, in spring and at Christmas. There are hundreds of artisans (手艺人) from across Canada selling jewellery, pottery, glass, ironwork and clothing.

Time 26 Nov.—7 Dec.        Mon.—Fri. 11 am—10 pm

Sat. 10 am—8 pm     Sun. 9 am—6 pm

Place Direct Energy Centre             Cost $10

Phone +7 658 198 3245       Email askus@oneofakindshow.com

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1.You can buy ____________at the Craft Show.

A. glass, ironwork and clothing

B. different kinds of flowers

C. classic music CDs

D. some books about film

2.If two adults and two boys of 9 want to see Flower Show and Craft Show, it will cost


A. $40               B. $56               C. $76                D. $112

3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Young musicians from all over Germany perform at Quasimodo music hall.

B. Cinemas, schools and libraries across France take part in Documentary Film Month.

C. People can enjoy the Craft Show from 9 am to 6 pm on Sunday.

D. Toronto Garden and Flower Show is the world’s largest garden show.


1.A 2.C 3.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文叙述了年轻的音乐会现场、记录片电影月、工艺展以及花展的时间、地点、价钱、网址、及电话等信息。 1.A细节理解题。根据第三个表格内容:There are hundreds of artisans (手艺人) from across Canada selling jewellery, pottery, glass, ironwork and clothing.可知你可以买到glass, ironwork and clothing,故选择A。 2.C计算分析题。根据对第三个表格和第四个表格内容:Cost: $10;Cost: $18; under 12 free,两个成年人和两个9岁的孩子,看手工展四个人应花40元;看花展两个成年人花36元,两个九岁孩子不花钱,所以应共花76元,故选择C。 3. 考点:广告布告类短文阅读。

It was a Monday morning. As the teacher walked into the classroom, he heard a low voice(低声), “Here's the teacher. I'm sure this boring fellow(家伙)is going to talk about how to use commas(逗号).”It was a boy's voice and the teacher knew who he was.

However, the teacher didn't get angry. He said nothing about it, but really began to talk about how to use commas And then he wrote the following sentence on the blackboard, “Nick says the teacher is a boring fellow.”

The class laughed and Nick's face turned red.

“Now,” said the teacher, “I'11 tell you the importance of commas.” He put two commas in the sentence, and then read, “Nick, says the teacher, is a boring fellow.”

The whole class laughed again. Nick felt very surprised first, then his face much redder. Finally he couldn't help(情不自禁) laughing with the other students, too.

1.What subject did the teacher teach the students?

A. Math        B. English         C. Music       D.History

2.What kind of boy was Nick like? _______.

A. A tall boy     B. A unhealthy boy

C. A nauty boy    D.A bad bo

3.“Nick says the teacher is a boring fellow.”is _______“Nick, says the teacher, is a boring fellow.” in the meaning.

A. the same as              B. a kind of different from

C. quite different from     D.All above




World Book Day falls on April 23 every year. It was set up by UNESCO (联合国教科文组织) in 1955 to encourage people, especially teenagers, to find the pleasure of        .

Many countries celebrate World Book Day. On that day in the UK, millions of students can buy _______of special price, much ___________ than usual in any bookstore. It has been done every year since 1998. World Book Day is also celebrated in China. Premier Wen Jiabao does lots of reading_______ he’s very busy. On World Book Day 2009, he _______  people to do more reading. He suggested that young people should spend more time reading. “Books can’t change the world, but people can change the world by changing  _______ through reading,” he said. Reading can benefit (有益于) people _______  . Reading _________us become more knowledgeable and more intelligent. . Reading  _______us with information about other culture and places of the world. When we read, we may find many _______ that we don't understand.We would have to use our brain(头脑) _______  about them or do more reading to find out the answers. The more we read, the more we know. The more we know, the _______ we become. Reading is also one of the most important ways to learn a foreign language   _______ English. We all know that we _______ learn everything at school, for example, the ways English people are speaking and writing today.

“Reading makes a full man.” Books, magazines, newspapers and other kinds of reading materials can help to know more about the outside world and perfect us.  _______, it is necessary for us to form the habit of reading every day.

1.A. listening         B. speaking            C. reading        D. writing

2.A. clothes           B. dictionaries       C. computers      D. books

3.A. cheaper           B. more expensive     C. lower           D. higher

4.A. because         B. though             C. through         D. when

5.A. allowed          B. ordered             C. encouraged      D. introduced

6.A. ourselves        B. yourselves        C. themselves     D. itself

7.A. in many ways     B. by the way        C. in any way      D. in the way

8.A. help              B. helps              C. helped         D. helping

9.A. shares            B. gets                C. opens           D. provides

10.A. things           B. thing              C. something      D. anything

11.A. think           B. to think            C. talk           D. to talk

12.A. Outstanding(杰出的)B. prettier        C. cleverer       D. Outgoing

13.A. like             B. at                  C. about           D. towards

14.A. can             B. can’t              C. might         D. have to

15.A. So               B. However             C. Now that        D. Therefore



This TV play is really a bit boring.

____________. You will find it more and more interesting when you go on watching.

A. I'm not sure          B. That's true

C. I'm afraid I disagree  D. I'm afraid so



Every doctor should try his best to do everything he can________the sick people.

A.save                B.saving           C.to save         D.saved



Tom has ______ homework to do .He ______ not come to the party this evening.

A.much too, must      B.too much, maybe

C.too much, may       D.much too, need



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