满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

I usually forget _______ the window, but...

I usually forget _______ the window, but I remember_______ it yesterday.

A. shutting; shutting       B. to shut; to shut

C. shutting; to shut        D. to shut; shutting


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:我经常忘记关窗户,但是昨天我记得关了。forget/remember后面接to do表示忘记/记得去做某事;forget/remember后面接doing表示忘记/记得做过某事。根据句子的意思可知选D。 考点:考查非谓语动词。  





Date of birth


Telephone number





Nantong Middle school



Favourite subjects


Interests and hobbies


Activities to protect wildlife



喜爱大自然,对植物动物感兴趣, 想要更多的了解鸟,人们砍伐树,鸟越来越少,想做些事情来保护鸟

Free time


Dear Chairperson

I would like to join the Birdwatching Society.




                                                                      Yours sincerely

Zhao Yang




On Sunday , April 22, people all over the world take time out to appreciate ( 珍惜 ) the earth that we all share. It’s Earth Day, a special day to learn about our planet ( 星球) and how to take care of it.

On Earth Day, some people listen to speeches about the environment. Others help clean up their offices or save water and electricity at home. Your parents may even decide to take a day off from driving their cars.

The idea for Earth Day came from a U.S. Senator ,who was worried about pollution and the health of plants and animals. And the idea quickly caught on ( 流行起来). In 1970, the first Earth Day was celebrated. More than 20 million people in cities all over the U.S. took part . Since then, Earth Day has been used to educate people about their role in taking care of our planet.

Now , Earth Day has become a global celebration. In 1990, 200 million people from 140 countries took part in clean-ups, tree planting and other environmental events on Earth Day

1.When is Earth Day?

2.Who came up with the idea for Earth Day?

3.How many people celebrated the first Earth Day in 1970 ?

4.Is Earth Day popular around the world now ?

5.What is Earth Day?




Animals are man’s friends, but many people don’t treat them as friends. People (66)k_________

animals for their fur, for food and for fun. People destroy (67) f_______ to make more space for buildings and roads. This ( 68)m_________ many animals lose  their food and homes. Every day, many thousands of animals lose their lives (69) b_______ of people.

Many hundreds of kinds of animals are in (70) d_______. They may disappear one day if people do nothing to (71) s_______them. And once they disappear, they will never come back any (72) m______!

Every animal has its place in nature. People (73) s_______ learn to share the world with

them. (74) L_______, many people are doing something to make the world a better place for

both man and animals. Many countries pass laws, too. (75)  I_______ more people start to

care about animals, animals will live a happier life.




1.I would like to live in Zhalong with the red –crowned cranes.(改为一般疑问句)

_______ you _______ to live in Zhalong with the red –crowned cranes.

2.Many animals die because people hunt them. (保持句意基本不变)

Many animals           their            because people hunt them.

3. She didn’t come to school because she was ill. (对划线部分提问)

__________ __________ she come to school?

4.We should do something to protect wild animals.(否定句)

We             do                  to protect wild animals.

5.We left the classroom after our teacher came back. (保持句意基本不变)

We _________ leave the classroom ______ our teacher came back.




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1.Listen!Someone _____________ at the door, go and see who it is.

2.My sister always ______ the same mistakes when she was young.

3.Jane _________the little children to learn English next year, isn’t she ?

4.Not only you but also your brother_______________ to go now.

5.Many people cut down trees __________ more money.



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