满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

— You don't look well, Peter; You'd bett...

You don't look well, Peter; You'd better stay in bed.


A. With pleasure     B. That's very kind of you

C. Oh, it's nothing    D. No, it's very cheap


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:-你看起来不太好,你最好呆在床上。-你真是太好了。With pleasure用于回答对方提出的要求,表示乐意去做;oh, it's nothing表示没有什么;No, it's very cheap.表示不,它是非常便宜的。上一句说到最好呆在床上,所以应该对别人的善意表示感激。故选B。 考点:考查情景对话。  

—Remember this, children. _______ careful you are, _______ mistakes you will make.

—We know, Miss Gao.

A. The more; the more  B. The fewer; the more

C. The more; the fewer  D. The less; the less



—I don't know if his uncle _______ .

—I think he _______ if it doesn't rain.

A. will come; comes  B. will come; will come

C. comes; comes      D. comes; will come



—How about going hiking this weekend?

—Sorry. I prefer _______ rather than _______ .

A. to stay at home ;go out

B. to go out; stay at home

C. staying at home; go out

D. going out; stay at home



—Would your sister go to Hainan this summer?

—If I don’t go, _______.

A. neither will she           B. neither does she

C. so will she               D. so does she



—She learns swimming by herself.

—______ smart girl she is!

A. How     B. How a        C. What a    D. What



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