满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Do you know that some people don’t do th...

Do you know that some people don’t do their reading assignments(任务)?It’s shocking , but it’s true . Some students don’t even read short texts that they are assigned in class . There are many reasons for this . They may be unwill ing to focus . They may be unconfident readers . Whatever the reason is , it has to stop today . Here’s why .

Reading stimulates(刺激)your mind . It is like a workout for your brain . When people get old , their muscles begin to weaken and their strength leaves them . Exercise can prevent this loss . The same thing happens to people’s brains when they get older . Brain power and speed decline with age . Reading strengthens your brain and prevents these declines . You can benefit from reading in the near-term , too .

Reading provides knowledge . Knowledge is power . Therefore , reading can make you a more powerful person . You can learn to do new things by reading . Do you want to make video games ? Do you want to design clothing ? Reading can teach you all this and more . But you have to get good at reading , and the only way is to practice .

Reading expands your vocabulary . Read everything that you can at school , no matter whether you find it interesting or not . Even a “boring” text can teach you new words . Having a larger vocabulary will help you better express yourself . You will be able to speak , write and think more intelligently . What’s boring about that ?

Reading can change the way that you understand the word. Do not just discount(忽视) a text because it is unfamiliar to you . Each time you read , you are introduced to new ideas and given broader views on things . You can learn how people live in faraway places . You can learn about cultures different from your own . Reading is good for your state of mind . It has a calming effect . It can lower your stress levels and help you relax . You can escape from your troubles for a moment when you read , and it’s a positive escape.

The benefits of reading far outweigh those of acting like a fool . So do yourself a favor : the next time you get a reading assignment , take as much as you can form it . Squeeze(挤压) it for every drop of knowledge that it contains . Then move on to the next one.

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1.Some people don’t read because

A. they have many other activities

B. they are confident about themselves

C. they are bored or unwilling to focus

D. they could hardly understand the texts

2.The writer probably agrees that__________.

A. reading helps you to remain calm

B. reading enables you to get a good job

C. reading keeps you strong and safe

D. reading changes your word around

3.The word “decline ” in Paragraph 2 means “_______”.

A. keep slow      B. stay normal

C. become smarter  D. grow worse

4.This passage is mainly about

A. the power of knowledge

B. the advantages of reading

C. methods used in reading

D. making good use of knowledge


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:该文主要介绍阅读的好处。 1.C细节理解题。根据第一段中There are many reasons for this . They may be unwill ing to focus . They may be unconfident readers可知一些学生不阅读是因为他们讨厌或不愿意集中注意力。所以选C。 2.A细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中Reading is good for your state of mind . It has a calming effect可知作者认为阅读可以帮助你保持平静,所以选A。 3.D词义猜测题。根据前面句子When people get old , their muscles begin to weaken and their strength leaves them . Exercise can prevent this loss . The same thing happens to people’s brains when they get older可知该词的意思是“衰退”即变坏,所以选D。 4.主旨大意题。细读全文可知该文主要介绍了阅读的优点,所以选B。 考点:教育类短文阅读。

“This is the third time that you have been late , Julia . Why?”Mr. Malone stopped Julia as she walked by his desk. Julia explained , “I’m sorry . I was cleaning the tables in the science room . Someone spilled(洒)the chemical , so cleaning took me longer than usual . ”

Mr. Malone replied . “I’ve talked to you about your lateness . I am afraid you won’t be able to go with us in the field trip .”“But…” Julia cried . Mr. Malone stopped her . “Unless your parent comes in to discuss this with headmaster and me , you won’t be attending .

After dinner , Julia found the courage to talk to her dad . She told about the messy science tables and how her science teacher would deduct(减去)points from their daily grades if they did not clean up . Her friends’ next class was on the opposite side of the building . Since her class was nearby , Julia volunteered to help clean up so that her friends would not be late . Then she explained how this would prevent her from attending the school trip . Her dad watched her for several seconds . Finally , he simply said , “I’ll be there right after school .”

The next day after school , Julia walked to the office . Her father and Mr. Malone were already there . Mrs. Thompson , the headmaster , spoke , “Julia , why were you cleaning the science tables alone ?”

Julia answered slowly ,“I guess no one wants to clean up , and I don’t want my friends to get into trouble . ”“But you got yourself in trouble . ”Mrs. Thompson said . Julia nodded . Julia’s dad continued , “You’re still responsible for breaking the rules ; even if it was for a good reason . Do you have any ideas for a punishment ? Julia shook her head hopelessly .

“Normally , your lateness would prevent you from attending some school activities . However , I have considered the reason and will allow you to go on the trip . ”Mrs. Thompson said . Julia jumped out of her seat , repeating , “Thank you , thank you , thank you ! ”“Don’t be too excited . You’ll have a one-day detention (课后留校) for each lateness . ”Mrs. Thompson warned , “I hope you won’t be late again .

“No , madam , I won’t .” Julia replied , smiling from ear to ear .

1.Mr. Malone stopped Julia because_________.

A. she was late for class again

B. she didn’t finish her experiment

C. she was absent form science class

D. she didn’t clean up the classroom

2.Julia helped clean up the science tables so that _____________.

A. her friends would get points

B. she would not be punished

C. she would be praised by teachers

D. her friends would not be late

3.What happened to Julia in the end ?

A. she was popular in her class.

B. she was able to attend the field trip.

C. she was not allowed to go to school.

D. she was not understood by teachers.

4. From this story , we can learn that ____________.

A. parents are always on our side

B. helping friends often gets us in trouble

C. we should be responsible for breaking the rules

D. we can be late for class if it is for a good reason



Harrison School Spring Fundraisers(资金筹集)

From the zoo to the art museum, Harrison students look forward to spring field trips. Please take part in these school fundraisers to help make these exciting experiences possible.

Share a Harrison Recipe

What is your favorite food? Share your recipe in the Harrison community.

◆Ask relatives and friends for a recipe for the school cookbook

◆Bring the recipe to Mrs. Voltz in the front. Office either before or after school by February15.

We will announce the beginning of the sale when the cookbooks arrive. Buy a cookbook for ﹩4.50 to see your friends recipes. Your family will surely enjoy these delicious dishes.

Try Your Luck in a Raffle(抽奖)

Teddy bears, posters, games and pencils are just some of the prizes for the lucky winners.

◆Buy a raffle ticket at the front office for 1.00

◆The winners will be announced at the end of the day on March21.

Good luck!

Celebrate at the school Fair

Saturday, May2


Join family and friends on the field behind the playground for a fun-filled day . Race down the huge slide,

Jump or test your skills at one of the many exciting games. Dont forget to stop by one of the food stands for delicious snacks and drinks. Tickets for food and rides will sell for 50 cents each.

With everyone’s help , we can make the Harrison fundraisers and field trips successful !

1.How much is the cookbook ?

A. $ 1.00. B. 50cents. C. 30cents. D. $4.50.

2.Where can the students buy raffle tickets ?

A. At the front office. B. In the main building

C. At the School Fair?   D. Behind the playground

3.When is the School Fair?

A. On April 10.    B. On May 2.

C. On February 15. D. On March 21.





Helen was sure that she would win the photography competition. Ever since she found the notice calling for________ of sunset in the newspaper,Helen had planned to capture(拍摄)the view from the top of Central Library. After taking the pictures,Helen was ________that she would win the first prize.

Two weeks later,when the winners were announc ed,Helen could not believe it;she did not even place.“What’s the matter with these people?”

she complained angrily. However,when she saw their photos,Helen realized that she had overvalued her talent. There was only one thing to do:________ her skills.

At school the next morning,Helen asked Mr. James about joining the school photography club. As the president of the club, Mr.James ________cameras and could help her improve her skills.“Of course you can join !”Mr.Jams answered.“The only requirement is that you offer ________ for our photo shoots and help develop creativity.”

For the next several days, Helen thought about ideas. She read the newspaper and saw a notice for another competition:Best Photo of City Wildlife. The first prize was a group camping trip to a state park. Helen________ that would be the perfect competition for the club to enter, and the members could share the prize together.

Helen knew ________ where she wanted the club to go and called her aunt who worked in a restaurant. It had a small deck(甲板)that jutted over the river with a great view of sunset on Janson Bridge. Helen knew about something________ under that bridge that held the key to win the competition.

The next Saturday evening, the photography club stood on the back deck, cameras positioned towards the bridge. Helen knew what to________ . Under Janson Bridge housed one of the largest bat groups in North Americas. As the sun began to set, a fascinating sight appeared in the sky.“There they are !”shouted Helen. The students took pictures and stared in amazement. Bats flew over the water and formed a cloud.

Two months later, one of the club’s photos won the competition and the photography club was reported in the newspaper.“The city’s animal lovers can’t wait to see what the Stevenson Middle School Photography Club will________ next,”the reporter wrote in the article.

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1.A. letters     B. photos       C. stories        D. news

2.A. confident   B. active       C. afraid         D. nervous

3.A. lose       B. learn        C. perfect        D. test

4.A. sold      B. invented     C. repaired       D. understood

5.A. dreams     B. prize        C. ideas         D. honor

6.A. decided     B. wondered   C. accepted     D. showed

7.A. carefully  B. immediately  C. gradually      D. widely

8.A. strange     B. natural     C. special        D. private

9.A. trust       B. reply       C. invite         D. expect

10.A. miss      B. catch       C. protect        D. face



—Can you tell me        at the concert last night?It was so sad.

—Erquan Yingyue.

A. what Mr. Lee played     B. what did Mr. Lee play

C. what Mr. Lee will play  D. what will Mr. Lee play



Potato chips        by mistake in 1853.

A. invent         B. invented

C. were invented  D. are invented



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