满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

We have always been interested in the mo...

We have always been interested in the moon. 2000 years ago people already knew it moved around the earth and where it would be in the sky at different times of the year. At that time, everything about the moon was learned by watching it carefully in the sky.

When scientists could use telescopes(望远镜) to study the moon more closely, their ideas began to change. They could see the moon was made of rocks. Most scientists thought moon rocks would be different from those on Earth. This was because they believed the moon had once been a planet(行星) that had been caught in the earth’s gravity(重力) millions of years earlier.

In 1969 moon rocks were finally brought to the earth and studied. Much to their surprise, scientists found that, except for water, the moon and the earth were made of the same things. Once again new ideas were needed for this new information.

After years of study, most scientists now think that the moon was once part of Earth. They believe very early in its history, maybe 4 million years ago, something about the size of Mars(火星) hit Earth. This sent billions of rocks into space around our planet. These rocks slowly joined together and after many years became the moon.

In the future, even though our ideas about the moon may change again, we will still be interested in it.

1.In the passage the writer wants to tell us ___________________.

A. why people are interested in the moon

B. how ideas about the moon have changed over time

C. where the moon came from in the past

D. that people have finally learned the truth about the moon.

2.Before 1969 most scientists thought the moon was ___________________.

A. part of the earth billions of years earlier

B. older than the earth

C. a planet caught by the earth’s gravity

D. made of the same things as the earth

3.From this passage we can learn that ___________________.

A. scientists in the past were not clever

B. the earth was once part of the moon

C. we now know everything about the moon

D. new information brings new ideas


1.B 2.C 3.D 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:在该文中作者告知人们关于月球的想法是怎样随着时间而改变的,人们一直对月球感兴趣。在未来,即使人们对月球的想法可能会改变,人们仍然会对它感兴趣。 1.B细节理解题。根据文章内容可知给作者是在告知人们关于月球的想法是怎样随着时间而改变的,所以选B。 2.C细节理解题。根据文章内容This was because they believed the moon had once been a planet that had been caught in the earth’s gravity millions of years earlier.可知这是因为他们认为数百万年前月亮曾经是被地球的引力吸引的一颗行星,所以选C。 3.D细节理解题。根据文章内容In the future, even though our ideas about the moon may change again, we will still be interested in it.可知新的信息会带来新的想法,所以选D。 考点:科普类短文阅读。




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Red Sorghum


action film

TV series

be on

Movie cinema

Shandong channel


12th, November, 2014

27, October, 2014


Christopher Nolan

Zheng Xiaolong

main actor

Matthew McConaughey

Zhou Xun,  Zhu Yawen


the original big-budget Hollywood spectacular

memory of the Chinese anti-Japanese war


1.You can see the film _________________ on November 12th, 2014.

A. Comedy Of Power      B. Ghost

C. Interstellar         D. Red Sorghum

2.Who is the major role in Zheng Xiaolong’s TV series?

A. Zhao Wei             B. Yang Mi         C. Zhou Xun          D. Lu Yi

3.What’s the theme of Red Sorghum?

A. The feeling of loving country        B. Exploring spirit

C. Protecting nature                   D. Love story



完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

The Lake

The day when Robert was born was the happiest day of my life. Unfortunately my wife decided she no longer wanted to be married to me. My little boy and I had to part, only getting to see each other every ________ weekend.

One day, I decided to go fishing with my son, who was about 5 years old, at a nearby lake. We arrived at the lake early. Getting out of the car, we brought out all of the fishing equipment and our life jackets and the cooler that had our tasty lunch in it. I could just ________  the day in my mind in hopes that it would never end. We both went out onto the dock(船坞)and I thought, “Do I put his life jacket on first or load the boat first?” I saw him skipping rocks on the water, so I decided to load the boat first.

I was just finishing up when I heard the splash. I turned and looked quickly expecting to see Robert   ________ standing there, but I did not see him anywhere. I jumped into the water to save my son immediately. I searched and searched but found him nowhere. I came up for a breath hoping to see him above water, now wondering how I could find him in the murky(浑浊的)water. I finally decided to go all the way to the bottom and   ________ around, not coming up until I found him.

Finally, there on the bottom he was, his arms wrapped around the wooden pole that holds up the dock. I brought him to the   ________ and put him on the bank. While both of us were coughing and spitting out water, I just hugged him and was ________ that I had found him in time.

When things finally calmed down, I asked one simple question, “Robert, why were you   ________  onto that pole on the bottom of the lake?” He looked at me with the most innocent and loving eyes and simply replied, “I was waiting for you, Daddy. I knew you would come to ________  me.”

I thought that I could not be any ________  or any madder at the same time and I just told him, “I sure do love you, sweetheart.” He replied, “I love you too, Dad.”

There is no amount of money or cars or jobs or any material thing that could replace being loved and   ________  someone so much. I am lucky to have the ability to love on such a high level, and the ability to forgive on the same level.

1.A. another      B. other      C. the other   D. others

2.A. picture      B. enjoy      C. show        D. spend

3.A. carefully  B. happily     C. safely     D. quietly

4.A. walk         B. look        C. hear        D. feel

5.A. surface      B. centre     C. front      D. corner

6.A. thoughtful   B. regretful   C. hopeful    D. thankful

7.A. jumping      B. holding    C. stepping  D. pointing

8.A. call        B. awake      C. save       D. remind

9.A. funnier      B. prouder     C. sadder      D. cooler

10.A. missing    B. touching  C. loving     D. changing



-I guess you must be very excited about having the chance to go travelling abroad!

____________,but I am afraid I am not good at English.

A. I’m sorry          B. Well, I should be

C. I don’t know yet   D. Certainly not



-Who will be the winner of the speech contest?

-No one can know the result until it ____________tomorrow morning.

A. will announce      B. will be announced

C. is announced     D. announces



The lovely girl had all the flowers ____________, didn’t she?

A. watering          B. watered             C. to water           D. water



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