满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Winter Sale! Winter is coming. So we are...

Winter Sale!

Winter is coming. So we are having a big and end-of-autumn sale. Look at the prices!

A blouse(女式衬衫):$5     A coat$20      A silk(丝绸)skirt $28

A pair of trainers(运动鞋)$30            A pair of jeans$30

Will you come to Reborn Fashion Shop on the 2nd floor of New Century Shopping Mall from Friday to Sunday?

Cash Back!

Spend twenty dollars in our shop, we will(将)give you five dollars back. Spend 40 dollars, and you will get 10 dollars back.

Remember only at weekends

You are welcome to Happy Times Doll Shop on the first floor of New Century Shopping


Closing Down Sale!

Come to our shop next Monday. There is a discount(打折)on every kind of chocolate. And we will give you a big box of sweets for free(免费) if you spend more than 20 dollars in our shop. So come to Sweetheart Chocolate Shop on the first floor of New Century Shopping Mall.

1.How many shops are mentioned in this advertisement(广告)?

A. Two.      B. Three.       C. Four.        D. Six.

2.What is the price of a silk skirt in Reborn Fashion Shop?

A. $5.       B. $20.       C. $28.      D. $30.

3. If you spend 20 dollars in Happy Times Doll Shop, how much money will you get back?

A. 5 dollars.      B. 15 dollars.

C. 20 dollars.      D. 40 dollars.

4.If you want to buy clothes at a lower(更低的)price, where should(应该)you go?

A. Reborn Fashion Shop.

B. Happy Times Doll Shop.

C. Sweetheart Chocolate Shop.

D. The first floor of New Century Shopping Mall.

5. What does the word "cash" mean in Chinese?

A. 商品          B. 发票       C. 现金       D. 赠品


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇文章是对三家商店的销售信息的介绍,文中分别对它们进行的销售活动进行了介绍。 1.B细节理解题。根据文中描述这篇广告涉及到三家商店,故选B。 2.C细节理解题 。根据文中信息A silk(丝绸)skirt: $28可知此题应选C。 3.A 细节理解题。根据文中信息Spend twenty dollars in our shop, we will(将)give you five dollars back. 可知此题应选A。 4.A细节理解题。根据文中信息想要买更便宜的服装应该去Reborn Fashion Shop.,故选A。 5. 考点:广告布告类短文阅读

David is a twelve-year-old boy. He is tall and strong with short blond (金色的) hair. He likes sports and reading. Every week David gets ten dollars from his parents. This money is his weekly (每周的) pocket money. It’s not a present. David must work for the family to get the money.

On Monday, David must sweep the floor and walk the dog after he finishes (完成) his homework. On Tuesday, David must take out the rubbish (垃圾) bags in the morning and clean the garden after school. On Wednesday, he should wash the dishes and clean the kitchen after dinner. On Thursday, he helps his mother do some cooking. Sometimes he has to go to the supermarket to buy some food and drinks. On Friday, he should water (给…… 浇水) the flowers in the garden after school. On Saturday and Sunday, David doesn’t need to do the housework, so he goes to the cinema with his classmates or does some shopping in the shopping mall.

David wants to buy a new football, but he doesn’t have enough money. He is looking forward to (期盼) getting more pocket money.

1.From the passage, we know David ________.

A. is short with brown hair

B. likes sports and music

C. usually works for his family

D. gets a present every week

2.David has to work for ________ days a week to get ten dollars.

A. four      B. five       C. six       D. seven

3.David sweeps the floor after ________.

A. cleaning the garden

B. finishing his homework

C. watering the flowers

D. shopping in the supermarket

4. David ________ on Wednesday.

A. takes out the rubbish bags

B. buys some food and drinks

C. washes the dishes and cleans the kitchen

D. goes to the cinema with his classmates

5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. David makes money by sending letters.

B. David never cooks food for his family.

C. David wants to have more money to buy a football.

D. David always goes shopping after school.




Most of ________  like Christmas. On Christmas Eve, ________ 24th —— the night ________  Christmas Day, children are very happy. They put their stockings(长筒袜)at the end of their beds before they  ________  . They want Father Christmas(圣诞老人) ________   them some presents.

Parents tell children that Father Christmas is a very  ________ man. He arrives on Christmas Eve. He lands on the top of the kitchen and comes________ the chimney(烟囱)in the fireplace. He ________ children a lot of presents.

On Christmas Day, children often wake up very early ________  . They can not wait (迫不及待)to   ________ their stockings and they are   ________ to see so many lovely presents. Then they  ________ and say. “ Merry Christmas!” to their parents. Then the family usually ________  a big breakfast. They ________the whole day playing with the new toys and  ________  their friends. They greet each other with a hug(拥抱)and say, “ Merry Christmas!”

1.A. I              B. we               C. me            D. us

2.A. November        B. December        C. October       D. September

3.A. after           B. on              C. before          D. at

4.A. go to bed       B. have supper      C. get up          D. have dinner

5.A. to show         B. to buy           C. to give         D. to make

6.A. young          B. kind           C. boring          D. bad

7.A. in             B. up              C. through         D. from

8.A. brings          B. does            C. makes          D. takes

9.A. in the afternoon B. in the evening C. in the morning  D. at night

10.A. close          B. open             C. shut            D. use

11.A. excited        B. busy            C. difficult      D. interesting

12.A. wake up        B. get up          C. phone         D. find

13.A. have          B. has            C. eats            D. will have

14.A. let            B. spend          C. take           D. cost

15.A. visiting      B. playing          C. watching       D. Staying



–Mum, I’d like to play computer games this afternoon.

–_________. But please do your homework first.

A. That’s right.       B. All right.

C. That’s all right.    D. All the best.



–New Year’s Day __________. What do you think you can buy          your grandpa?

–A pair of sports shoes. They are comfortable.

A. comes to        B. is coming for

C. will come of    D. is coming to



–This dress is         . Can I             ?  –Sure. Here you are.

A. enough cheap try on it

B. cheap enough try on it

C. enough cheap try it on

D. cheap enough try it on



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