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缺词填空(每空一词) Computers are useful machines...


Computers are useful machines. Today more and more families o_____1.computers. Parents buy computers for their children because they hope computers can h____2.them improve (提高) their studies at school. But many of the children u______3.them to play games, to watch films or listen to music. So some teachers and parents t _____4.that computers cannot help children to study but make them fall b_____5.. So some parents p_____6.computers in the drawers(抽屉).

In some other countries, even the scientists (科学家) h _____7.computers. They say computers let millions of people lose their j______8.or bring them a lot of trouble.

Will computers r_____9.bring trouble to people or bring people happiness? One must decide(决定)h_____10.to use computers.


1.own 2.help 3.use 4.think 5.behind 6.put 7.hate 8.jobs 9.really 10.how 【解析】 试题分析:这篇文章讲述了电脑能够在生活上大量的帮助人们,但是,现在的家长和老师抱怨电脑反而使孩子的学习落后,所以,电脑是给人们带来麻烦还是幸福取决你如何使用它。 1.own 考查语境理解题。句意:今天越来越多的家庭拥有电脑。结合句意和首字母可知填own。 2.help 考查语境理解题。句意:父母给孩子买电脑是因为他们希望电脑能帮助他们(孩子们)提高学习成绩。结合句意及首字母可知填help。 3.use 考查语境理解题。句意:其中许多孩子用他们玩游戏,看电影或听音乐。结合句意及首字母可知填use。 4.think考查语境理解题。句意:因此一些老师和父母认为电脑不能帮助孩子学习,但使他们落后。结合语境及首字母可知填think。 5.behind考查语境理解题。句意:因此一些老师和父母认为电脑不能帮助孩子学习,但使他们落后。结合语境及首字母可知填behind。 6.】put 考查语境理解题。句意:因此一些父母把电脑放在抽屉里。结合语境及首字母可知填put。 7.hate 考查语境理解题。句意:在一些其他的国家,甚至科学家讨厌电脑。根据下文They say computers let millions of people lose their j______or bring them a lot of trouble.及首字母可知填hate。 8.jobs 考查语境理解题。句意:他们说电脑让上百万的人丢失了工作。结合句意及首字母可知填jobs。 9.really考查语境理解题。句意:电脑真地给人们带来烦恼或带来幸福吗?结合首字母及句意可知填really。 10.how考查语境理解题。句意:人必须决定怎样使用电脑。结合首字母及句意可知填how。 考点:考查缺词填空。


Christmas Day is the most important festival in the USA , Canada, Australia, England and many other Western countries. The day before the festival, people put a tree in their house and in the tree there’re colourful lights and many presents for the family members. People often have a party around the tree and they have a very good time.

The most important festival in China is the Spring Festival. People usually have 15 days off. Family members get together. They eat and chat a lot. There’re also lots of wonderful TV programmes (节目) for the festival. The Mid-Autumn Festival is an important festival, too. On the evening of the festival, people eat mooncakes, look up at the beautiful moon in the open air. Another important festival is the Dragon Boat Festival. People eat a kind of Chinese food called Zongzi (rice dumplings) on that day. In some places, people can watch dragon boats.

Thanksgiving Day is a special festival for the Americans to thank God (上帝). They eat pumpkins and turkeys (火鸡) on the festival. The birthday of a country is called National Day. Every country doesn’t celebrate it on the same day of the year.

Some Festivals Around the World

Names of countries

Names of


What people do to celebrate them


The Spring Festival

Family members get together to 3.       it and the celebration lasts (持续) for 4.     days.

The Mid-Autumn Festival

People have 5.       and look up at the moon in the open air in the evening.

The Dragon Boat Festival

People eat Zongzi and have dragon boat races.

Western countries


People put lights and presents in the tree and the family members have great6.      in the party.


Thanksgiving Day

People celebrate it to show their8.       to God.

All the countries

9.           Day

People celebrate it on 10.      days of the year.



单词拼写  根据句意,根据括号内所给单词和中文注释,用词的适当形式填空。

1.We live on the_________ (十二) floor in this building.

2.We dont know the new________ (经理)names.

3.Don’t talk with them. They are busy ________ (准备)food for the party.

4.Walk __________(经过) the house and the treasure is under the ground.

5.The Great Wall is very ________ (著名的) all over the world.

6.I need someone to fix the ________ ( break)TV set.

7.The ________ ( art )from France are my father’s friends.

8.How ________ ( fun ) he looks in a pair of big glasses?

9.I am looking forwar d to ________(invite) my friends to my birthday party.

10.Our classroom is bigger than _________ (them).



It was Sunday and Tom was staying at home. After breakfast he went out into the garden and played quietly by himself. There were no kids around and he was used to playing alone quietly. He played with Bobby, the dog. He climbed up and down the tree. Sometimes a bird would come down to perch(栖息)on top of the doghouse. Then Tom would have the greatest fun by throwing a stone or something at it. Though he never made it, he did like doing this kind of thing.

Now Tom had been in the garden for half an hour. Suddenly a crack was heard and the little boy began crying.

“What’s the matter, Tom?” His mother looked through the kitchen window. Tom ran into the kitchen.

“Mum,” he sobbed. “I broke Bobby’s plate. I didn’t know it was so fragile(易碎的). His mother put her arms round him and said, “Don’t feel so sad, Tom. We have other plates for Bobby. But how did you break that one?”

“I threw it at a bird but missed, and it went straight to the plate.”

In Tom’s hand was his father’s gold pocket watch!

1.When a bird perched on top of the doghouse, Tom________.

A. would like to play with it

B. was very interested in it by throwing a stone at it

C. would like to give it something to eat

D. would smile

2.There were no kids around and he was used to playing alone quietly. Here “kids”means _______.

A. men         B. dogs         C. children     D. birds

3.How long had Tom been in the garden when his mother heard him cry?

A. An hour.    B. A day.       C. Two hours.   D. Half an hour.

4.“Though he never made it” means “______”.

A. Though he couldn’t hit a bird with a stone or something

B. Though he couldn’t catch the bird

C. Though he couldn’t have fun from the bird

D. Though he couldn’t eat the bird



Tom walks into a shop. It has a sign outside: “ Second hand clothes bought(买)and sold(卖).” He is carrying an old pair of trousers and asks the owner of the shop. “ How much will you give me for these?” The man looks at them and then says, “ Two dollars.” “ What!” says Tom, “ I think they are worth(价值) at least five.”

“No,” says the man, “They aren’t worth a cent(美分) more than two dollars.”

Well,” says Tom. Taking two dollars out of his pocket, Here’s your money. These trousers are hanging (挂) outside your shop. The list price of them is six dollars and a half. But I think that is too much money, so I want to find out how much they are really worth.”

Before the shop owner can think of anything, Tom walks out of the shop with the pair of trousers.

1.At first the owner of the shop ________ for the old trousers.

A. will give Tom two dollars

B. will pay three dollars

C. will pay five dollars

D. will give Tom six dollars and a half

2.The shop owner insists(坚持) that the trousers are worth only two dollars because

A. he wants to sell them cheaply

B. he wants to buy them cheaply

C. he doesn’t like the trousers

D. they are old and dirty

3.In fact, the trousers _______.

A. are hanging inside the shop

B. are stolen by Tom from the shop

C. are the shop owner’s

D. are Tom’s

4.From the story we know that _______ cheaper than the list price.

A. the owner sells (卖)the trousers two dollars.

B. Tom buys the trousers two dollars

C. the owner buys the trousers four dollars and a half

D. Tom buys the trousers four dollars and a half



The future is coming! All over the world there are many new ideas for new places to live and work in. Some of them will be in the sea! They will be very big and lots of people will live and work in them. The Americans are planning to build a town called Atlantis City. It will be in the sea, about five miles away from the land. But the most exciting idea comes from Japan. It is Aeropolis. Aeropolis will be a huge sea city, with parks, schools, a hospital and an  airport(飞机场)... And it will move(移动)! It will travel slowly around the world. There are just two problems. Aeropolis will cost a lot of money to make. And for people who get seasick, it won’t be much fun.

1.Which country will plan to build a town in the sea?

A. America.       B. England.       C. China.       D. Japan.

2.What’s the name of Japanese sea city?

A. Atlantis.    B. Aeropolis.     C. Tokyo.       D. Osaka.

3.What does the underlined word “huge” mean?

A. Very small.    B. Very long.     C. Very big.    D. Very short.

4.“Aeropolis will cost a lot of money to make” means “                 ”.

A. Aeropolis will be very cheap to build

B. People will spend much money building Aeropolis

C. It will take little money to build Aeropolis

D. To build Aeropolis will cost little money



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