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It is reported that ______President Xi v...

It is reported that  ______President Xi visited Zhenjiang last month and he spoke highly of our city.

A. the          B. an         C. /        D. A


C 【解析】 试题分析:President Xi习主席在这里是专有名词,故前面不加冠词the;句意:据报道,习主席上个月访问了镇江,他高度赞扬了我们的城市。根据语境故选C。 考点:考查冠词的用法  

Writing (作文):

Write a passage of at least 60 words about the topic "How to Celebrate Graduation."(以“如何庆祝毕业”为题写一篇不少于60词的短文,标点符号不占格。)

Situation:临近毕业,班里的同学们打算举行一次毕业庆祝活动,他们在讨论征集庆祝活动的建议。以"How to Celebrate Graduation"为题写一篇英语短文,谈谈你的建议并陈述理由。




Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)

The Moments (朋友圈)section of WeChat has become

a popular part of the  social networking platform(平台).

We can share everything about your life on it with your friends.Some students had a discussion on whether to allow our parents to see our moments.

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Stella, 16:

I think it's meaningful to let parents see our Moments.Some say that without parents' involvement(参与),they feel free when sharing things online.However,as teenagers,sometimes we do need our parent's guidance,especially in terms of social experiences.What's more,shutting them off my make the generation gap (代沟)bigger and bigger,while inviting them in can help us to communicate and feel closer to each other.


Most of my friends keep your parents out of their Moments.They argue that if their parents get involved,they will feel upset.However I feel happy when my parents comment (评论)on my posts in my Moments.It shows their love and care for me.It also makes them happy and stops them from worrying about me.We'll leave them when we grow up.Why not cherish(珍惜) every opportunity to interact(互动) with them?


I don't allow my parents to see my Moments.Everyone needs some privacy and we all have our own secrets and lifestyles.If my parents could see my posts there,they may push me around with your ideas,nagging(唠叨) at me to do as they wished,which would be unacceptable to me even though it would show their love and care.After all,appropriate distance unites the family better.



I believe blocking (屏蔽)our parents in

Moments is not a bad idea,as the generation gap can be a great problem.Online social media(媒体) is mainly a way of communicating with friends of our own age.We can have more freedom to develop our thoughts and interests.

Besides,we don't have to worry about our parents' presence.To enable them to read our daily posts would create a lot of misunderstandings.

1.What can you share with your friends on the Moments section of WeChat?


2.Why does Stella think it's meaningful to let parents see our Moments?

Because she thinks                                                   .

3.How do most of Denny's friends deal with their Moments,block their parents or let them see?


4.Robin doesn't allow his parents to see his Moments,does he?

       ,he                  .

5.What's the advantages of blocking our parents in Moments according to Laura's opinion?


6.Do you think your parents should be allowed to see your Moments?Why or why not?




Do you want to make homework simpler?Oxford Learning founder and C EO Dr.Nick Whitehead said,"Homework might be an unavoidable(不可避免的)part in school,but it doesn't have to be that boring part.With the right skills in place,students can turn homework from headache-including to trouble-free."These steps will make an obvious  1.d____.

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Use your notebooks

The brain is able to finish great works,but it is not 2.a____perfect.Students should never rely on it to remember all school details.When a teacher assigns homework,students should write the details in their notebooks.According to Whitehead,to make them effective,students 3.n____to remember to take the note books out of the school bags at night,open them up,and read over the night's list.

Remove distractions(使注意力分散的事物)

Computers on, music on, text messages receiving······Whitehead says if students aren't doing research,they should turn off all the above electronics,and focus on the task at hand for a set period of time.They'll find that it is 4.e____to concentrate and that homework takes less time.

Think actively

Getting homework done is the name of the game,but what happens if students are struggling with a question or can't work out an answer?When facing difficulties,it is wise for the student to take a small break,then5. r____to look at the problem again.

Get organized

Homework is often the most disorganized part.Whitehead recommends,"Students should keep all the homework-related things in a bin,so they don't waste time 6.s____for pens or rulers."He also recommends picking the same place to do homework every night,and (when possible)completing homework at a7. c____ time each day.



Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)

People around me always told me that I could dance,because it was a girl's sport.

But I never gave up my____ of becoming a dancing star.I practiced secretly,learning from books,movies,and shows.However,without my parents support,it seemed impossible to reach.

One summer,my little sister Maggie was going to dance lessons.I immediately asked my parents for permission to take her to the lessons.What a ____chance to learn dancing!

One afternoon,I was practicing a new dance in my room,when Maggie walked in.

"What's the matter ,Maggie?"I stopped dancing.

"Denis,you're a great dancer!Can you help me?"

"What is it?"I wondered.

"There will be a dancing performance in my school,but the boys think I'm slow,and ____of them wants to be my partner.Could you dance with me for it?"She looked at me anxiously.

"You can be a good dancer!"I encouraged her."Let's show those people that they have been wrong all along."

In the following months,we practiced every evening,hiding from my parents.I was having a fantastic time and soon Maggie improved a lot.

Finally came the big day.I became____ when I heard my parents would come to watch the performance.As the music began,I took a deep breath and tried to calm down.we moved____,shining with pride.From the cheering of the crowd,I was sure we were successful.

My heart was beating wildly when I saw my father coming towards me.He put his hand on my shoulder."Well

done ,son.Though it is hard for me to admit it,it seems that you really ____this stage.Go for it and make us proud."

I'd been waiting for this moment for so long.I knew that the road ahead was going to be easy,but I wouldn't give up.I wanted nothing more in life than to dance.

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1.A.work         B. dream    C.answer      D.message

2.A.wonderful     B.funny     C.similar       D.strange

3.A.all           B. both       C.neither      D.none

4.A.shy           B.bored      C.nervous     D.angry

5.A.politely      B.perfectly   C. quietly      D.carefully

6.A.stood on      B.put on      C.fell into     D.belonged to



Choose the best answer (根据文章内容,选择最恰当的答案):

I put my carry-on in the luggage compartment(行李舱架),

and sat down in my seat.Just before take-off,a line of soldiers came down the aisle(过道) and filled all the empty seats.

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After flying for about an hour,an announcement was made that sack lunch (午餐袋)were available for $5.As I reached for my wallet to buy one,I overheard the soldier ask his buddy if he planned to buy lunch."No ,that seems like a lot of money for just a sack lunch.I'll wait till we get to Chicago."His friend agreed.

I looked around at the other soldiers.None were buying lunch.I walked to the back of the plane,and handed the flight attendant(服务人员)a $50 bill." Take a lunch to all those soldiers."

After we finished eating. I went again to the back of the plane,heading for the restroom.A man stopped me."I saw what you did.I want to be part of it.Here,take this."He handed me $25.

Soon after I returned to my seat,I saw the Flight Captain coming down the aisle.

When he got to my row,he stopped and said,"I want to shake your hand.I was a soldier and I was a military(军队) pilot.Once,someone bought me a lunch.It was an act of kindness I never forgot."I was embarrassed when applause(掌声) was heard from all of the passengers.

Later I walked to the front of the plane so I could stretch my legs.A man who was seated about six rows in front of me reached out his hand,wanting to shake mine.He left another $25 in my hand.

We landed in Chicago,I picked up my belongings.Waiting just inside the airplane door was a man who stopped me and put something in my shirt pocket.Another $25.

Upon entering the terminal(航站楼),I saw the soldiers gathering for their trip to their base.

I walked over to them and handed them $75."It will take you some time to reach the base.It will be about time for a sandwich.God Bless You."I  said.

These soldiers were giving their all  for our country.I could only give them a couple of meals.It seemed so little.

1.The writer met the soldiers when he          to Chicago.

A.took a coach    B.took a plane

C.took a bus      D.took a train

2.The soldiers didn’t buy sack lunches because                  .

A.they were not hungry at the time

B.They missed the time when they could buy sack lunches

C.They thought the sack lunches were too expensive

D.They thought the lunches on the plane tasted bad

3.When the writer bought lunch for the soldiers,              .

A.he wanted the soldiers to thank him

B.he expected others to pay for them with him

C.he wanted to impress the Flight Captain

D.he didn’t know others would notice what he did

4.The writer received      from the other passengers in the end.

A.$125    B.$75   C.$50   D.$25

5.Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the article?

A.The writer bought sack lunches for the soldiers and the captain

B.A flight attendant give the writer $25 to buy lunch for the soldiers

C.Someone once bought the Flight Captain a lunch when he was a military pilot

D.The writer bought sandwiches for the soldiers when they got off the plane

6.The article is mainly about “                           .”

A. Love for one’s motherland is often rewarded

B. You should show pity to people around you

C. An act of kindness will invite others to join in

D. Sometimes it costs a little to help people in need



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