满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

书面表达 由于社会的发展,人们的生活水平有了很大的提高,但随之也出现了许多问题。...




1. 我们家乡过去是个小镇,……,如今……。(适当扩充)

2. 游玩的最佳时节:春天。天气……景色……

3. 存在问题:一些人不遵守交通规则; 污染严重,……

4. 措施:自己……,希望政府……


1. 语句通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,字迹工整;

2. 必须包含所有相关信息,并作适当发挥。

3. 开头已给出,不计入总词数, 100词左右。

My hometown

With the development of our society, my hometown has changed a lot.








With the development of our society, my hometown has changed a lot. It used to a small town. There were small houses everywhere. The roads were narrow. But the air was fresh and the river was clean. Now great changes have taken place in my hometown. Tall buildings and Wide Streets can be seen in it. Spring is the best time to visit here. The weather is fine and you can enjoy the beauty views. Everything seems to be nice. Surely, there’re some problems. For example, some people don’t obey the traffic rules. That causes traffic accidents easily. And pollution is also another biggest problem.In many places, rubbish is thrown into lakes and rivers. So many of them are polluted. Because of this, I think the government should make stricter laws to protect the environment. As a teenager, I should plant more trees around my neighbourhood and help the police watch the traffic in my free time. I hope that everyone can do something to make a difference. 【解析】 试题分析:考生首先要认真阅读前面的提示认真审题,确定文章的中心。注意文章文体、人称和时态。要求介绍。同时应选用合适的连接词或过渡词,使文章具有一定的连贯性。温馨提醒:考生必须认真查验是否有漏写情况,有无拼写错误及标点误用等。 写作亮点:这篇文章语言规范,叙事清楚,词汇及时态运用正确,能够把提示的内容叙述清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯是一篇不错的文章。 考点:提纲作文  

缺词填空  请根据短文内容,填写所缺单词,每空一词

It happens to most of us at times as we try to get through our workday. When sitting at work, we suddenly f  1.  a bit headache. But don’t worry; there are some simple things that you can do to ease (减轻) a headache at work w  2.  medicine.

Drink a bottle of warm water. Many people do not r  3.   that the dry air in their working place can be a danger because of the lack (缺少) of water.

Eat a h 4.    snack. During a busy day, it is easy to f   5. to eat, have a snack with much protein(蛋白质) which will improve your 6.    and quickly get rid of the hunger that 7.    the headache. A cup of coffee or a piece of chocolate can be just the thing that you 8.     to ease your headache fast and get back on your way to a great day at work.

Step away from what you are working on for five to ten m  9.  . Often, your headache is from your too much attention paid to one thing. This can be a computer screen or even one project. The best thing would be to go outside for your e  10.  to get some natural light.




1.A couple of actors ____________  (interview) about their recent work yesterday.

2.In that traffic accident, twenty people were killed,_________ (include) three foreign visitors

3.It’s easy for __________(tour) to get lost unless they have a map or a guide.

4.It’s 4 o’clock in the afternoon. Daniel ______________(study) in the classroom.

5.It will be Helen’s ___________(nine) birthday next Monday.

6.The wind ________(blow) hard yesterday because of the sudden change of the weather.

7.Keep calm if there’s much____________(dangerous).

8.More than two weeks ____________(pass) already since we said goodbye.




1.Do you have problems _____________(描述) what a panda looks like?

2.It’s fun to use carrots for _____________(雪人) noses.

3.–What’s the weather like today? It will be a hot day, with _____________(温度) in the thirties.

4.We won’t go on the school trip if it is even ___________(有雾的) tomorrow.

5.--Excuse me. Is this Jim’s new car?  --No, it is ___________(我的).

6.Read these __________________(指示)first if you want to do the experiment successfully

7.From the show Running Man, we can learn the _______________(重要性) of the team spirit.



任务型阅读  请根据短文内容,完成信息记录表,每空一词。

You will read about how you are a citizen in your school, community and nation. A citizen is a person who belongs to a place. You are a citizen of the community where you live and the nation where you were born.

Citizens Have Rights

As a citizen, you have rights that the government protects. A right is something you may do. As a citizen, you have a right to speak freely and to practise your religion(宗教). You also have the right to privacy(隐私). That means you may decide what to show or tell someone and what not to tell.

Citizens Have Responsibilities(责任)

Along with rights, citizens have responsibilities. A responsibility is something that you should do. For example, you should follow the laws. A law is a rule that everyone in a community, state or country must follow. Laws keep people safe and help them get along well with one another. When people follow the traffic laws, they help keep others safe. When you follow laws in a park, you help others enjoy the park.

Being a Good Citizen

Good citizens care about people's rights. They try to make things fair and safe for everyone. Good citizens work together to solve problems. Children can be good citizens by solving problems together in their school or community. They may follow proper steps to work out problems. First, name the problem. Then, list ways to solve it. Next, choose the best way. And finally, find out if it solves the problems.

Citizens'    1.   and Responsibilities


Passage outline

Supporting details

Main idea

Learn about     2.   to be a good citizen.


Speak    3.

Practise your religion.

Make a decision on what to     4.    or tell someone and what not to.


Follow the laws, which are 5.    that everyone should follow.

Obey a traffic law to keep 6.   people safe.

Follow laws in a park to help others 7.   the park.

Ways to be good citizens

Care about people's rights.

Try to do things in a fair and   8.   way.

Work    9.  to solve problems.

Learn to work out problems properly in   10.   steps.



















阅读表达  请根据短文内容,回答下面问题,每题不超过5个词。

Why are so many people so afraid to fail? Quite simply because no one tells us how to fail so that failure (失败) becomes an experience that means growth. We forget that failure is part of the human condition and that every person has the right to fail.

Most parents work hard at preventing failure or protecting their children from the knowledge that they have failed. One way is to lower standards. When a child finishes making a table, the mother describes it as “perfect” even though it doesn’t stand still. Another way is to blame (责怪) others. If John fails in science, his teacher is unfair or stupid.

There’s a problem with the two ways. It makes a child unprepared for life in the real world. The young need to learn that no one can be best at everything, no one can win all the time, and that it’s possible to enjoy a game even when you don’t win. A child who’s not invited to a birthday party, who doesn’t make the honour list on the baseball team, feels terrible, of course. But parents should not offer a quick consolations (安慰), prize or say, “It doesn’t matter.” Because it does. The young should be allowed to experience failure and be helped to come out of it.

Failure never gives people pleasure. It hurts both grown-ups and children. But it can be really good to your life when you learn to use it. You must learn to ask “Why did I fail?” Don’t blame anyone else. Ask yourself what you did wrong and how you can improve. If someone else can help, don’t be shy about asking them.

1.What can failure become in fact?


2.How many ways do most parents choose to prevent failure and protect their children?


3.Who can always win according to the third paragrah?


4.What should young people be allowed to experience?


5.Who does failure hurt?




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