满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

单词拼写 根据下列句子及所给首字母,写出各单词的完全形式(每空限填一词)。 1....



1.Many forget that saving the earth begins w_______ small things.

2.It’s time for lunch. The students all r________ out of the classroom.

3.They called the police because the two women had s________ some shoes in their shop.

4.Most teenagers think they are old enough to make their own d________.

5.The famous doctor gave us some s_________ about how to keep healthy.

6.What’s w________ with him?. He looks so sad.

7.The next day, Peter went to soccer practice with courage r________ than fear in his heart.

8.U________, my bad luck turned into a good thing.

9.Do you have anything v________ in your schoolbag like iphones that cost much?

10.My classmates are working much h________ because we’ll take an important exam at the end of this term.


1. with 2.ran/ rush 3. stolen 4.decisions 5.suggestions 6.wrong 7. rather 8.Unexpectedly 9.valuable 10.harder 【解析】 试题分析: 1.句意:许多人忘记了拯救地球开始于很小的事情。根据句意及所给首字母此空应填 with,begin with 开始于。 2.句意:到了午饭时间,学生们跑/冲出了教室。根据句意及所给首字母此空应填ran/ rush。 3.句意:他们报了警因为两个妇女在他们店里偷了鞋。根据句意及所给首字母此空应填过去分词 stolen。 4.句意:许多青少年认为他们足够大能做出自己的决定。根据句意及所给首字母此空应填decisions。 5.句意:这位著名的医生给了我们一些怎样保持健康的建议。根据句意及所给首字母此空应填suggestions。 6.句意:他怎么了,他看上去很悲伤。根据句意及所给首字母此空应填wrong。 7.句意:第二天皮特带着勇气而不是内心恐惧去练习足球。根据句意及所给首字母此空应填rather。 8.句意:出乎预料的是我的坏运变成了好的事情。根据句意及所给首字母此空应填Unexpectedly。 9.句意:你的书包里有像苹果这样花费很多的有价值的东西吗?根据句意及所给首字母此空应填valuable。 10. 考点:单词拼写


Would you like to win a million dollars? The day when Jenny won the lottery(彩票) was the __1.__ (great) day of her life. When she took the check(支票) for one million dollars, she started making plans of a new house, a new car, a vacation in the sun. And of course, she could stop working--- give her life a big change.

Eight years __2.__ (late), Jenny was out of money. The money was all _3.__ (go). __4.__ were her friends. The new life was over, but how could she go back to her old one?

__5._ (win) of sudden wealth often give up their jobs, and they don’t know __6.__ to do with the time. They may find that close friends are far away, and it’s difficult to make new _7.__ (one). The new house in the new __8.__ (neighbor) often only leads to more loneliness. What seemed to be wonderful luck turns out to be the opposite. It seems that _9.__ (win) a lot of money doesn’t mean __10.__ (happy). Money isn’t everything





As she walked round the large shop, Edith realized how difficult it was to choose a suitable Christmas gift for her father. She wished that he were as easy to please as her mother, who was _______ satisfied with perfume(香水). ________, shopping at this time of the year was a most ______ job.

People stepped on your ______, pushed you with their shoulders and almost ______ you over in their hurry in order to find something cheap ahead of you.

Partly to have a rest, Edith paused in front of a counter, where some beautiful ties were on _____. "They are real silk." the shop assistant told her with a smile trying to persuade her to buy one. But Edith knew from past____that her choice of ties hardly ever pleased her father. She moved on slowly and then, quite by chance, _______ where a small crowd of men had gathered round a counter. She found some fine pipes(烟斗) on sale and the ______ were very beautiful. Edith did not hesitate(犹豫) for long, although her father _______ smoked a pipe once in a while, she believed this was ______ to please him.

When she got home, with her small but _____ present hidden in her handbag, it was time for supper and her parents were already ______ table. Her mother was in great ______. "Your father has at last decided to stop smoking," she told her daughter happily. Edith was so _______ that she could not say a single word.

1.A. never         B. seldom      C. always     D. hardly

2.A. Therefore     B. Fortunately C. Besides    D. Finally

3.A. unhappy      B. careful     C. exciting   D. tired

4.A. hands        B. feet        C. back       D. faces

5.A. turned       B. hit        C. brought    D. knocked

6.A. time        B. show        C. board       D. duty

7.A. experience  B. things      C. books       D. school

8.A. stopped       B. saw        C. asked       D. found

9.A. price        B. cigarette   C. shapes      D. shop


10.A.always       B. nearly      C. only       D. never

11.A.hard         B. impossibly  C. possibly    D. certainly

12.A.cheap         B. well-chosen C. expensive   D. ready-made

13.A.on            B. by          C. beside      D. at

14.A.excitement    B. anger        C. sadness     D. disappointment

15.A. glad         B. happy       C. surprised   D. Excited




A friend is someone who makes you happy. Here is some advice to help you to become a better friend.


When you are making friends, honesty is the most important word. You should always be honest with your friends. When you see your friend does something wrong, you should tell him; when your friend does something good, you should praise him honestly and openly.


Don’t always think about what you have given to your friends. Just try your best to help your friends. You should always remember that you give love, so you can receive love.


We all need encouragement. Tell your friends that you support them. Encourage your friends to achieve their dreams and wish them good luck.


When your friends make mistakes, you should not always remember them. We all make mistakes and besides, you should also try your best to correct their mistakes.


If you have bad feelings, don’t hide them. You should talk about your feelings with your friends. They can do their best to help you. Just believe in them.

A. Give more than take

B. Support your friends

C. Believe in your friends

D. To be honest

E. Forget your friends’ mistakes

F. Have fun with your friends



Today the word friendship has been used so often that it has lost its meaning. Some jokingly or seriously say that friends are made to be used. It makes me very sad.

True friendship doesn’t mean that when you need your friend’s help,you will treat him to dinner,and when you have to protect yourself,you will put your friends in a difficult situation.

In fact,true friendship is the communication and understanding of the hearts.

True friendship is like water. Compared wish decent wine,water is tasteless,but is of great help when we are thirsty. True friends don’t need to be with each other every day,but are connected in heart every minute.

True friendship is like medicine. Though it is bitter,it cures your illness. True friends give you some suggestions even if they know you would not take. They criticize(批评)you when others have a good word for you,not because of envy but worrying that you may lose your cool head.

True friendship has nothing to do with fame,power or money. True friends would often watch you silently far away when you are influential,but come to you whenever you need their help. You’re not his stepping-stone to success,but are his crutch(精神寄托)to live through difficulties.

True friends make you complete. Many persons go along with you through your life your parents,your spouse(配偶),and your children,who take care of you and make your life happy. However,you still need someone who understands your thoughts and souls. Without them,you are likely to be unhealthy in spirit.

True friends stay in your heart,rather than at your side;they know you more than yourself,and try to better you.

Once you have found such a true friend,do treasure(珍惜)him. If your true friend disappears,how can you make the sound of your heart understood?

1.The writer feels sad because some people __________.

A. make wrong friends

B. don’t understand friendship

C. aren’t used so often

D. blame their friends

2.The writer speaks of water because__________.

A. it has no taste

B. it stays with us every day

C. it is easy to get

D. it is important to our life

3.The underlined word “influential” in Paragraph 5 means“__________”.

A. busy              B. quiet             C. helpful           D. powerful

4. According to the passage,true friends may help you __________.

A. enjoy mental(心理的) health

B. achieve success

C. understand them better

D. live a happy life

5.Which one is true according to the writer’s idea?

A. True friendship has something to do with fame, power or money

B. True friendship needn’t understand each other.

C. True friendship means that you will get friend’s help when you treat him.

D. True friendship is that true friends are in your heart and they know you more than yourself.



Is there intelligent (有智力的) life on other planets? For years, scientists said “no.” or “we don’t know.” But today this is changing. Seth Shostak and Alexandra Barnett are astronomers(天文学家). They believe intelligent life exists (存在) somewhere in the universe. They also think we sill soon contact these beings(人;生物).

Why do Shostak and Barnett think intelligent life exists on other planets? The first reason is time. Scientists believe the universe is about 12 billion years old. “This is long enough for other planets to have intelligent life,” say Shostak and Barnett. The second reason is size—the universe is huge. “Tools like the Hubble Telescope(哈勃望远镜) have shown that there are at least 100 billion galaxies,” says Shostak. “And our galaxy, the Milky Way, has at least 100 billion stars. Some planets going around these stars might be similar to Earth.”

In the past, it was hard to look for signs of intelligent life in the universe. But now, powerful telescopes allow scientists to discover smaller planets—the size of Mars or Earth—in other solar systems. These planets might have intelligent life.

Have beings from space already visited Earth? “Probably not,” says Shostak. “It’s a long way away. However, intelligent beings may contact us in other way, such as radio signals(信号). In fact, they may be trying to communicate with us now, but we don’t have the right tools to receive their messages. However, this is changing. By 2025, we could make contact with other life forms in our universe and we might help each other.”

1. Seth Shostak and Alexandra Barnett are _____.

A. astronomers       B. farmers         C. singers        D. drivers

2.What is the best title for Paragraph 2?

A. The Age and Size of Earth.

B. Our Galaxy: The Milky Way

C. Why Intelligent Life Might Exist.

D. Earth: The Only Planet with Intelligent Life

3.Why was it hard to look for signs of intelligent life in the universe in the past?

A. There were not any smaller planets.

B. There were not any powerful telescopes.

C. The astronomers were not interested in them.

D. The Milky Way didn’t exist at that time.

4. Why haven’t beings from space visited us yet according to Shostak?

A. They’re afraid of us.

B. It’s a long way away.

C. They don’t want to see us.

D. They don’t know how to use radio signals.

5.What does the underlined phrase “life forms” in the last paragraph mean?

A. Messages                  B. Tools

C. Intelligent beings        D. Radio signals



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