满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

– Do you need a cup of tea? -- No, I ___...

Do you need a cup of tea?

-- No, I ____________.

A. do              B. don’t            C. need            D. needn’t


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:你需要一杯茶吗?——不,我不需要。以 Do you…?开头的一般疑问句,其肯定答语用do,否定答语用don’t。故答案为B。 考点:考查助动词的用法。  

Is this ________ school bag?

-- No, _________ is green.

A. your; my        B. yours; mine

C. your; mine       D. yours; my



Hi, everybody! ___ May Day is coming. Do you have any plans for ___ May Day holiday?

-- Nothing.

A. the; the          B. the; /            C. /; the           D. /; /




中国将于2016年9月在杭州举办二十国集团领导人峰会( the G20 summit )。这是一次向世人展示美丽家乡杭州的好机会。为此,上周你们班级进行了一场题为“我为G20做什么?”的讨论会,达成如下共识:

1. 多向身边的人宣传G20峰会知识。

2. 创造一个干净整洁的优美环境。

3. 出行多用公交和自行车。

4. 排队候车,不闯红灯,公共场所安静有序。

5. …… (你的想法,至少一条)




参考词汇:summit 峰会,environment 环境,wait in line 排队,  run the red light 闯红灯

Last week our classmates had a discussion about what we could do for the G20 summit in Hangzhou. Here are the results.











1.Many forget that saving the earth begins w_______ small things.

2.It’s time for lunch. The students all r________ out of the classroom.

3.They called the police because the two women had s________ some shoes in their shop.

4.Most teenagers think they are old enough to make their own d________.

5.The famous doctor gave us some s_________ about how to keep healthy.

6.What’s w________ with him?. He looks so sad.

7.The next day, Peter went to soccer practice with courage r________ than fear in his heart.

8.U________, my bad luck turned into a good thing.

9.Do you have anything v________ in your schoolbag like iphones that cost much?

10.My classmates are working much h________ because we’ll take an important exam at the end of this term.




Would you like to win a million dollars? The day when Jenny won the lottery(彩票) was the __1.__ (great) day of her life. When she took the check(支票) for one million dollars, she started making plans of a new house, a new car, a vacation in the sun. And of course, she could stop working--- give her life a big change.

Eight years __2.__ (late), Jenny was out of money. The money was all _3.__ (go). __4.__ were her friends. The new life was over, but how could she go back to her old one?

__5._ (win) of sudden wealth often give up their jobs, and they don’t know __6.__ to do with the time. They may find that close friends are far away, and it’s difficult to make new _7.__ (one). The new house in the new __8.__ (neighbor) often only leads to more loneliness. What seemed to be wonderful luck turns out to be the opposite. It seems that _9.__ (win) a lot of money doesn’t mean __10.__ (happy). Money isn’t everything



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