满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Have you asked the teacher __________ to...

Have you asked the teacher __________ tomorrow morning?

A.if we needed an umbrella

B. when and where we shall meet

A.how shall we get there

D. what should we take


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:你已经问了老师明天早上在何时和何地见面吗? 本题考查宾语从句的用法,要用陈述语序,根据语境可知用一般将来时。故选B。 考点:考查一般将来时  

Taizhou will be sunny tomorrow. Its temperature will stay between fourteen and twenty. —_________ weather it is! We can go hiking to Tiande Lake Park.

A. What good    B. How good      C. How bad        D. What bad



—My bike is broken. May I go ________ yours?  —Sorry, mine __________ broken down.

A. on, is         B. by, is         C. on, has        D. by, has



—Hello, may I speak to Kelly? —___________________.

A.Yes, I am Kelly.          B. I can’t hear you

C. This is Kelly speaking   D. I’ll call back soon



Poor thing! Jack________ down while he________ on the ice. He got hurt badly.

A. was falling; was skating     B. was falling; skated

C. fell; was skating           D. has fallen; was skating



—What do you plan to do on the _______________ May Day holiday?

—I have no idea.Probably,I will spend it by doing many papers.

A.three day’s     B.three days

C.three-days      D.three-day



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