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Tu Youyou, an 84-year-old scientist, bec...

Tu Youyou, an 84-year-old scientist, became the first female (女性)Chinese to win a Nobel Prize in science on Oct,5. She shared the 2015 Nobel Prize for medicine because of the new medicine for malaria(疟疾). Tu started the research in the 1970s that made her find artemisinin(青蒿素), a kind of medicine that has saved many people’s lives. It comes from Chinese traditional medicine and now is a good way to treat malaria.

When the news came that Tu was given the prize, there were cheers as well as questions. Some said that her achievement(成就) was the result of lots of Chinese scientists working together. So it is unfair to give the prize only to Tu.

However, Tu was awarded for “three firsts”. She was the first to bring artemisinin to her team, the first to extract(提取) artemisinin that can stop malaria, and the first to finish the experiment.

Giving prizes to scientists with great ideas is the best way to keep national innovation(创新).

1.What kind of prize did Tu Youyou win at the Nobel Prize ceremony?

A. peace      B. physics

C. medicine     D. literature(文学)

2.What kind of illness can artemisinin be used to treat?

A. cold      B. flu     C. malaria    D. cancer

3.Why did someone say it was unfair to give the prize only to Tu Youyou?

A. because it was many scientists’ hard work together.

B. because Tu was a woman

C. because malaria was not a serious illness

D. because artemisinin comes from Chinese medicine.

4.For what did Tu get the prize?

A. for her kindness       B. for the great ideas

C. for her old age        D. for her teamwork


1.C 2.C 3.A 4.B 【解析】 试题分析:本文主要介绍了科学家屠呦呦事迹。 1.C考查细节理解题。【问题】在诺贝尔奖颁奖仪式上屠呦呦赢了什么奖?根据第一段第二句She shared the 2015 Nobel Prize for medicine because of the new medicine for malaria(疟疾).可知选C。 2.2】C考查细节理解题。【问题】青蒿素可以用于治疗什么样的疾病?根据上文根据第一段第二句She shared the 2015 Nobel Prize for medicine because of the new medicine for malaria(疟疾).可知选C。 3.3】A考查细节理解题。【问题】把奖仅仅颁给给屠呦呦,为什么有人说这是不公平的?根据第二段第二句Some said that her achievement(成就) was the result of lots of Chinese scientists working together.可知选A。 4.4】B考查细节理解题。【问题】屠为什么得到了这个奖?根据最后一段Giving prizes to scientists with great ideas is the best way to keep national innovation(创新).结合第三段理解可知选B。 考点:考查人物传记类阅读。

Never try to work when you are very hungry. If you decided to do your homework right after school, you may get something to eat before getting to work. Always do your homework before you get too tired. Don’t wait until very late in everything, or your work will seem much harder than it really is.

If you have more than an hour’s work, give yourself a break after an h满分5 manfen5.comour. On the other hand, don’t break it up so much, or you can’t finish anything, you should be able to work at least a half at a time without stopping.

Don’t put it off until the last满分5 manfen5.com minute. If you put off doing your homework, you will have it on your mind, and you will not enjoy your free time so much. If you put it off until the end of the week or until right before a test, you will have too much work to do. A little bit each night, enough to keep up with what is happening each day in school, will make you not afraid of the test and get good grades.

Do your homework at the same time every evening. This will help you make it a habit. It will make it easier to do, and it will make your free time more enjoyable, as well.

1.If we wait very late in the evening, our work will ______

A. look very easy          B. g满分5 manfen5.como to so much trouble

C. become a bit hard        D. seem much harder

2.Some students in schools won’t enjoy their free time so much because they ___.

A. never finish their homework in time

B. want to keep up with what is happening in the school

C. have to do their homework each night

D. will have too much catching up to do

3. The underline words “break it up” in the second paragraph may mean___ in Chinese.

A. 停下来休息 B. 打破    C. 吃零食     D. 拖拉

4.What is the pass满分5 manfen5.comage mainly about?

A. How to spend your free time.

B. Some good habits at home.

C. How to do your homework.

D. Some don't do and do in schools.



Traveling is one of the most important things and people have been interested in it for many years. Modern traffic develops(发展) fast. So traveling to different places has become much easier than before.

Staying healthy while traveling can make 满分5 manfen5.comyo满分5 manfen5.comur trip happier. But do you know how to keep healthy during a trip? The following information may be useful for you.

Before traveling

Wear comfortable shoes, a hat and sunglasses.

Take some necessary medicine with you. They can be used when you get sick or have other problems.

If you do lots of sports like walking or climbing during your trip, you should do some exercise for weeks or months before you leave.

While traveling

Be sure not to eat dirty food or bad fruit.

Have enough time to take a rest during your trip.

Tap water is not safe, so drink bottled water and always clean the cover of the bottle.

1. Traveling has become much easier because of the __________.

A. modern technology(技术)

B. modern traffic development

C. travel agencies

D. development of people’s liv满分5 manfen5.comes

2.You should _______ before you leave your home for a trip.

A. take some medicine with满分5 manfen5.com you

B. clean the cover

C. drink much water

D. wear warm clothes

3. You had better not ______ while your are having a trip.

A. wear glasses     B. wear a hat

C. be too tired     D. take a rest

4.The passage mainly talks about _______________.

A. traveling development

B. how to keep healthy during a trip

C. what to do before traveling

D. what to do while traveling



Everyone needs friends. What kind of people can be friends? Here are some students’ opinions.



I think a good friend should always support(支持)me. Also he should know my likes and dislikes. When I’m wrong he should tell me about it and not worry that I may be angry.



I like to make friends with those who are the same as me. The similarity doesn’t have to be about looks, but about hobbies and interests, But the most important thing is that they must be honest(诚实的).


I want to make friends with people who bring me happiness, give me a hand and support me.


I would like to make friends with people who are different from me. We maybe sometimes don’t agree with each other, but with friends like these I can learn different ways of thinking.

1.It’s very important to __________ to be Nick’s friend.

A. know his dislikes    B. support him

C. make him happy       D. be different from him

2.What does the underlined word “similarity” mean in Chinese?

A. 缺点       B. 优点      C. 不同点    D. 相似点

3.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Nick doesn’t like his friend to tell him about it if he is wrong.

B. Gina wants to make friends with people who have the same hobbies as she does.

C. Jenny thinks that a friend should support her.

D. Mark thinks that different friends teach him many things.




One morning thirty years ago, I walked into t满分5 manfen5.comhe Track Kitchen, a ________ where almost everyone came for breakfast. I saw an empty chair next to an old short man. He was ________ a pair of old glasses and a wrinkled(皱) black hat. “He must be from a ________family.” I thought to myself. I asked him, “Could I join you, sir?” He agreed quietly and I sat down to have my ________.

We began a conversation and talked a lot. But we ________ asked each other’s name. I guessed that he might have no money and couldn’t buy anything to eat. So when I went back to the counter and bought a ________ cup of coffee, I asked.

“May I get you something??

“A coffee would be nice.”

Then I bought him a cup of coffee. We talked more, and I got him________ cup of coffee. Finally, I got up to leave, wished him well, and walked to the door. At the door, I met one of my friends. He asked.

“How did you know Mr. Carpenter?”


“The man you were sitting with. He is the CEO of the Channel.”

I could hardly ________it. I was buying a free breakfast ________ one of the richest men in town!

My few hours with Mr. Carpenter changed my life. Now I try to treat ________ with respect(尊敬), no matter(无论) what he wears. What one has doesn’t depend on what he wears.

1.A. mall           B. cinema           C. hotel         D. restaurant

2.A. putting        B. wearing          C. dressing     D. having

3.A. big            B. small            C. poor          D. rich

4.A. breakfast      B. lunch            C. dinner       D. afternoon tea

5.A. ever           B. always           C. often        D. never

6.A. first          B. second           C. third        D. fourth

7.A. another        B. the other        C. others        D. other

8.A. hear           B. believe         C. get           D. understand

9.A. to             B. of               C. for           D. from

10.A. somebody     B. anybody          C. everybody     D. nobody




假如你是李明, 你已经在新的学校学习了3个月,你的笔友Steve来信询问你的学习生活各方面的情况。请你向他写一封回信。



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想家 homesick

Dear Steve,

Many thanks for your concern. _____________________________________________







Looking forward to your telling me your study life.


Li Ming



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