满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

You will find _______ to use the compute...

You will find _______ to use the computer. Even the old can learn it all by themselves.

A. that easily     B. it easily

C. it easy         D. it was easy


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:你会发现使用电脑容易。就连老人都可以自己学习。find it +adj to do sth 或find it is +adj to do sth都是固定句型,前者it 为形式宾语,而后者为形式主语,所以根据这个将A、B排除,又根据时态的限制,所以选C。 考点:考查it形式宾语及形容词。  

If you go by train, you can have quite _______ comfortable journey, but make sure you take _______ fast one.

A. a; a        B. the; a        C. the; the        D. /; a




假定你是李月,你的英国好友Mary 考试失败,对自己失去了信心,产生了厌学情绪。请你给他发一封电子邮件开导她,要点如下:

1.不要过于伤心;              2.放松,不要过于紧张;

3.和老师交流有助于提高成绩;  4.探索适合自己的有效学习方式。


2. 可以适当发挥,不要逐字翻译;

3. 可以增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Mary,

I am sorry to hear that you failed the exams and have lost interest in schoolwork.







Yours sincerely,

Li Yue





1.The book is e_______ what I wanted to buy.

2.After g_______ from college, he set up his own company.

3.P_______ bicycles are widely used in Hangzhou and some other cities in China.

4.They are discussing how to improve the fight a       pollution.

5.Peter missed the bus,so he was l     for the movie.

6.They want to i       us to their place and stay for the weekend.

7.There is no d      that she will be the final winner. She has been practicing in the past two weeks.

8.It rained heavily yesterday, so I p        to watch TV rather than go to the film.

9.He has lived in Shanghai and Beijing,but he doesn’t like e       of them.

10.This little girl caught a high f       . Her body temperature was as high as 40℃.




Tom has many friends and he is very popular at parties.Everyone   1.   (admire) him for his great sense of humor,  2.  his six-year-old daughter, Jenny. Recently, one of Tom’s 3.   (close)friends asked him to make a speech at a birthday party.Tom agreed because he loved to do so. He prepared the speech    4.   (careful)and on that day he went to the party with his daughter. At the party he had included a large number of funny   5.   (story)in the speech and, of course, it was 6.  great success. As soon as he had finished, Jenny told him she wanted to leave. Hearing this, Tom was a little disappointed but he    7. (do) as his daughter asked. On their way home, he asked Jenny  8.  she had enjoyed the speech.   9.  his surprise, she said, “N0, I didn’t. I didn’t like to see so many people    10.    (laugh)at you.”





For two years my life was a complete mess because I was addicted to(对……上瘾)drugs. I took my mother's trust and forgiveness for granted. Despite(尽管)all the times I_______  from her, lied to her, and begged her to give me money, she _______ left me. Not once did I stop to take her feelings into consideration. I was never _______for any of the things she did for me.

Then one night, while wandering(闲逛)through the streets, I got pulled over by two police officers. I was _______and they found drugs in my pocket. That night I should have been put into_______  ,but they called Child Protective Services and I was placed in a foster home instead.

That night reality hit me hard. Away from my mother, I cried myself to sleep. I _______ everything she had done for me. I _______  her so much. I started thinking about the sound of her voice, the music she listened to, the _______and taste of her food, even the clothes she would wear.

I started _______  at all the times she would be singing and I would shout at her to “shut up”,   _______  when she'd hug me and say “I love you” and I would  _______ her away. I took all these things for granted and it was then that I felt _______  a big part of my life she really was.

That night I prayed_______ in eight years. I prayed to God for forgiveness for all the things I had done before. But most importantly I prayed to him for turning my life around.

My _______   has turned around now. I have stopped taking drugs and am living with my family in Baldwin Park. My relationship with my mother is_______ than ever. Now I know the feeling of my mother and I know how to thank her.

1.A. heard        B. stole         C. escaped        D. hid

2.A. never         B. always         C. ever           D. even

3.A. suitable      B. ready          C. worried       D. thankful

4.A. hit          B. questioned    C. searched      D. invited

5.A. bed         B. prison        C. room           D. hospital

6.A. remembered B. forgot        C. found         D. expected

7.A. hated         B. discouraged   C. missed         D. hurt

8.A. shape         B. smell          C. weight        D. size

9.A. calling back B. bringing back C. turning back   D. looking back

10.A. or           B. but            C. yet            D. since

11.A. put          B. take         C. push           D. keep

12.A. what         B. how           C. that          D. which

13.A. for the last timeB. for the first time  C. for a short time D. for a long time

14.A. hobby      B. attitude       C. idea           D. life

15.A. nicer       B. better        C. worse         D. Further



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