满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Do you know who said the famous __ ___ “...

Do you know who said the famous __ ___ “one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind”?

A. words          B. titles

C.sayings       D. sentences


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:你知道谁说的那著名的”一个人的一小步,才有人类的一大步”那句话吗?words话;titles标题;sayings 谚语;sentences句子。所以选A。 考点:考查名词辨析。  


假如你是Jim, 下星期五是你们学校的读书日。请你根据下面的提示,写一篇60词左右的倡议书,呼吁大家多读书。

提示:1. 现在许多学生花太多时间上网,为什么不多读点书呢?

2. 读书可以使人变得聪明,睿智,帮助我们获取知识,使我们更快乐地成长;

2. 应该尽可能到图书馆里多读书,读好书;

4. 我觉得……

Hi, boys and girls. Next Friday is our school Reading Day. Have you been reading these days?




A long story about people is usually called a novel. It can be about any kind of man, woman, or child. It can be about kings, or Chicago newsboys, or housewives. The French writer, Victor Hugo, wrote his novel Les Miserables about a poor man who stole (偷) a loaf of bread. The American writer, Ernest Hemingway, wrote A Farewell to Arms about a young American with the Italian Army in World War One.

A novel can tell the story of any kind of action, over any period of time. The modern Irish writer, James, Joyce, covers less than twenty-four hours in Ulysses. Yet, Joyce takes a thousand pages to tell all that happens from the time one man gets up in the morning until he goes to bed early the next morning. A German writer, Herman Hesse, uses only one hundred and fifty pages in his novel Demian to cover a boy’s life from the age of ten until he becomes a young man.

A novel does not just tell the things that people do. It also tells why they do them. The Badge of Courage, by the American novelist, Stephen Crane, tells about a young soldier who runs away the first time he is in the war. The book shows why he acted as he did. It describes his mental suffering (精神折磨) until he overcomes his fears.

People buy novels because they enjoy reading about other people. The novel meets the human desire (欲望) to know and understand other people.

Definition (定义)

It is a long story about people.


1.        of any kind

Les Miserables is about a man who stole bread.

A Farewell to Arms is about a young American with the Indian Army.


Cover any period of time

Ulysses covers less than 24 hours.

Demian to cover a boy’s life from the age of ten 3.       he becomes a young man.

Plot (情节)

Things and4.    ____

for doing them.

The Badge of Courage describes a young soldier’s mental suffering.


Meet the human desire to know 5.        .





Our class __________________                .


The driving habit in Hong Kong ________________________ ours.


How long   _____________________________  Wuxi?.

4.你必须按时上交作业, 否则老师要生气的。

You   ______________               , or the teacher will be angry..


Can you tell me ___________________________________ ?


It  ______________________ its theaters since the early 20th century.




1.Would you mind __________(tie)the line to the tree for me?

2.— What do you think of my answer to the question?

—Sorry. What’s that? I _____________ (think)about something else.

3.I can’t find my pen. I wonder who _____________(take) it away.

4.The Smiths _________(plan) their holiday at the moment.

5.I found it really exciting __________(read) this novel.

6.His father used to ____________(walk) to work, but now he drives to work.

7.In the past, he often _______(share) his Happiness and sadness with me.

8.You don’t understand what he said. Never mind! I _________(translate) it for you.




1.Alaska became the ____________(四十九) state of the United States in 1958.

2.Do you know when the ____________(国际的) meeting will be held in Shanghai?

3.What’s the best gift Joe has ever ______________(收到)for her birthday?

4.Reading can help us improve our                (知识)of the world around us.

5.After dressing up , the old man is much ___________ ( ugly) than before.

6.It’s said that the cows have two ___________(stomach). Is that true?

7.Dr. Bethune was a  ____________(Canada) doctor who worked in China for many years.

8.There will be much rain in the _____________ (south) part of China next week.



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