满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

---How much difficulty did you have_____...

---How much difficulty did you have________________ this physics problem?

---_____________. It's quite easy.

A. to solve, Nothing  B. solving; None

C. to solve, None   D. solving; Nothing


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:---你在这个物理问题上有多少困难?---一个都没有,很容易。此题考查固定短语have difficulty in doing sth在做某事方面有很多困难。根据句意,应选B。 考点:考查非谓语动词及不定代词。  

----______number of cars on the roads is growing too fast.

----I agree with you,and ______ number of problems have appeared already.

A. A, A             B. The , The        C. The ,a          D. A, the





1. 我最喜欢的明星是周杰伦(Jay Chou), 他三十几岁了,结婚一年多;

2. 15岁试图写歌曲,梦想成为一名成功的歌星;

3. 他认为古典音乐具有永恒价值,也擅长西方乐器。他将再次加盟“中国好声音”电视节目;

4. 成就不局限于音乐界,他还曾在电影头文字D(Initial D)中担任主角。

5. 我相信……






完成句子。 按所给的汉语,完成下列句子


Amy ______________________________________  because she is afraid of darkness.


The artist _____________________________________ that people thought highly of him.


No one can _____________________________________________________ the Mars.


My brother is proud that he______________________________________ for many years.


Don’t lose heart! Children _________________________________________________by us.


They would rather ______________________________the show than be absent from this exam



任务型阅读  认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入最恰当的单词。注意:每空格1个单词。

Most of us have never thought about building an educational toy by ourselves. If we need a learning toy or something, we simply go to the nearest store and buy it. However, things are not as easy in third world countries. With families even having no food to put on the table, buying toys, especially the educational ones, is the last thing on the parents’ minds.

So how can one get these kids interested in science? This was a question that worried the Indian engineer Arvind Gupta so much that he decided to leave his job and spend his life making toys from things that people no longer want or need!

Mr. Gupta began teaching in the 1970s. While still an engineering student at the Indian College of Technology, he volunteered to teach the children who could not afford to go to school. After his graduation, he found a good job at India’s Tata Motors and spent the next five years designing cars.

But he soon realized that this was not something he wanted to do for the rest of his life. So he took a year’s training course and took part in the Hoshangabad Science Teaching Program whose aim was to make science fun and exciting for poor children using common materials.

Mr. Gupta found the whole project so intereting that he decided to leave his high-paying job and pay his attention to designing educational toys that were not only cheap and easy to build, but are also full of scientific principles(科学原理), so that children could get interested in this interesting subject.

When the Internet started becoming a more widespread learning tool, Mr. Gupta created a Toys from Trash website and also recorded over 250 YouTube videos.

Today, over 50,000 children and teachers visit the website daily to download the videos for the toy creations developed from cool science. Some young children have become so inspired (鼓舞)that they have even won international science competitions with the help of his creations.

Making educational toys from rubbish


●Most people never thought about building educational toys.

●Usually people go to the nearest store to buy educational toys in    1.

●To some families, food is more    2. than educational toys.

●We should help children to get interested in science.

About Mr Gupta

●Finding a good job and spending five years designing cars after   3.    college

●Deciding to stop a good job and spending his life making special toys

●Volunteering to teach the children from  4.    families

●Taking a year’s training course to learn to make science fun and exciting for poor children

●Focusing his attention on designing educational toys

About the website

●A Toys from Trash is a website with over 250 YouTube videos

●Many children visit the website and they are  with the videos for the toy creations  5.  on cool science

●With the help of his creations, children have even won international science competitions




1.---Oh, my God. I have to give up the difficult problem.

--- Don’t worry. I _____________(explain) it to you.

2.He seems to have difficulty ___________ (spell) these long and difficult words correctly.

3.I will send you a Christmas card as soon as the meeting ____________ (end).

4.The firemen _________________(control) the fire, so all of you are out of danger now.

5.----Has your friend completed his design?

----Not yet. He     ______     (work) on it last night.

6.More people prefer to ride bicycles ________________(reduce) the pollution.

7.Many of my friends_____________(send) messages by QQ, but now they like using Wechat.

8.--- Will you leave her alone?  --- Not until her drawings _____________(finish).



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