满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完形填空 阅读下面短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 How do...



How do you usually go to work? By bus? My ______  have different ways (方式) of going outside.

My parents work in a hospital (医院). The hospital is ______  from our home, so they go to work by car. The car ride ______  about 45 minutes. My sister has a clothes store. It’s about 2 kilometers from her   ______ to our home. She   ______  there every day. She thinks walking is good   ______ health. I’m a middle school student. I take the school bus to school. Many students ______ taking the school bus is boring, but I don’t think so, ______  I can talk with my classmates on the bus. It gives (给) me a lot of   ______  . I like every minute of it.

______ about your family? Do you have the same way of going outside or different?

1.A. family   B. friends    C. teachers    D. classmates

2.A. new      B. free       C. far         D. tidy

3.A. finds    B. takes    C. gets        D. wants

4.A. club   B. room       C. school     D. store

5.A. rides the bike  B. walks  C. takes the bus   D. takes the subway

6.A. at       B. with       C. to        D. for

7.A. think   B. know       C. see        D. show

8.A. so       B. and        C. because   D. but

9.A. time   B. fun        C. love       D. help

10.A. When   B. Who       C. Where      D. What


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文叙述了作者家人的出行方式,父母开车去上班,姐姐每天步行去她的商店,作者每天坐公交车去上学。 1.考查名词及语境的理解。 A. family家庭; B. friends朋友; C. teachers老师; D. classmates同学。句意:我的家人出去有不同的方式。根据My parents work in a hospital (医院). The hospital is_____from our home, so they go to work by car.可知,下文提到的是家人的出行方式,故选A。 2.考查形容词及语境的理解。A. new 新的; B. free 空闲的; C. far 远的; D. tidy整齐的。句意:医院离我们家很远。根据they go to work by car.可知,开车去应该距离比较远,故选C。 3.考查动词及语境的理解。A. finds发现; B. takes花费; C. gets 到达; D. wants想要。句意:开车需要花费45分钟。Sth. take +时间段,做某事花费多少时间。故选B。 4.考查名词及语境的理解。A. club俱乐部; B. room房间; C. school 学校; D. store商店。句意:从他的商店到我们的家有2千米。根据My sister has a clothes store.可知,这里指商店,故选D。 5.考查动词短语及语境的理解。 A. rides the bike骑自行车; B. walks步行; C. takes the bus坐公交车; D. takes the subway坐地铁。句意:她每天步行去那里。根据She thinks walking is good _____ health.可知,她愿意步行去那里,故选B。 6.考查介词及语境的理解。A. at 在,后接时间点; B. with 和; C. to 向;D. for为。句意:她认为步行对身体是有益的。短语be good for sth.对……有益。故选D。 7.考查动词及语境的理解。A. think认为; B. know知道; C. see看见; D. show出示。句意:许多学生认为坐公交车是无聊的。根据but I don’t think so可知,这里指认为,故选A。 8.考查连词及语境的理解。 A. so 因此; B. and和; C. because因为; D. but但是。句意:因为我可以和我的同学在公交车上聊天。根据I don’t think so后面叙述的是原因,故选C。 9.考查名词及语境的理解。A. time时间; B. fun 有趣; C. love 爱; D. help帮助。句意:它给我许多乐趣。根据I like every minute of it.可知,这里指的是乐趣,故选B。 10.A. When什么时间; B. Who谁; C. Where那里; D. What什么。句意:你的家人出行的方式是怎样的呢?这里上文问的是出行的方式,故选D。 考点:日常生活类短文。

—Is the school trip on December 12th?

—_______. Let’s ask our teacher.

A. Yes, it is      B. You’re right

C. I’m not sure   D. Have a good day



—_______ are your family rules?

—Er, I must help to do the dishes and clean my room.

A.What     B. How     C. Why     D. Who



—How does Jack get to school?

—He _______ .

A.ride a bike    B. take by subway

C. by bus       D. walks



—It’s 9:50, right?

—Yes, it's _______.

A.ten past nine   B. ten to nine

C. ten past ten   D. ten to ten



We must eat breakfast ______. It’s time for class.

A. usually    B. quickly    C. really    D. only[



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