满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Do you know Xishuangbanna? It’s a very b...

Do you know Xishuangbanna? It’s a very beautiful place. It lies in Yunnan. The Dai people live there. Their homes are wonderful. The houses are very big and have long legs to hold (支撑) them up. Sometimes those legs are over two metres tall.

It can be very hot in Yunnan. But the Dai people do not need air conditioners (空调) to keep cool. Their houses usually have two floors. One half of the second floor is the living room. The living room has a balcony. The other half of the second floor is their bedroom. There is a long corridor (走廊) between the living room and the bedroom.

You must always take off your shoes before you go into a Dai family’s house. They like to keep their houses clean. The bed is made of bamboo. The family’s tables, chairs and cupboards are all made of bamboo too. It often rains in Yunnan. Pigs and chickens live on the first floor, because it is a good place to stay dry.

1.Where do the Dai people live?

A. In big flats.  B. In small flats.

C. In big houses. D. In small houses.

2.The writer doesn’t tell us ________.

A. how many floors the Dai people’s house has

B. the things in the Dai people’s house

C. the rooms in the Dai people’s house

D. why it’s cool in the Dai people’s house

3.You may find the things except (除了) ________ in a Dai family’s house.

A. an air conditioner

B. a bamboo bed

C. a bamboo cupboard

D. bamboo chairs and tables

4.The underlined word “dry” in the paragraph may mean ________ in Chinese.

A. 潮湿的   B. 干燥的  C. 醒着的  D. 安全的

5.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Xishuangbanna is a beautiful place.

B. The Dai family’s houses are usually very clean.

C. It’s easy for the Dai people to get bamboo.

D. The Dai people’s houses are two metres tall.


1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.D 【解析】 试题分析:短文介绍了云南的西双版纳,那里傣族人的生活环境。房子的特征以及他们的生活习惯。 1.C细节理解题。根据短文中的句子“Their homes are wonderful. The houses a re very big and have long legs to hold (支撑) them up.”可知,傣族人通常住在大房子里。故答案为C。 2.D 细节判断题。根据短文中的句子“Their houses usually have two floors.”; “One half of the second floor is the living room. The living room has a balcony. The other half of the second floor is their bedroom.”;“The bed is made of bamboo. The family’s tables, chairs and cupboards are all made of bamboo too.”只有D答案为什么在傣族人民的房子里很冷没有提到。答案为D。 3.A细节判断题。根据短文中的句子“But the Dai people do not need air conditioners (空调) to keep cool.”可知,在傣族人的房间里是看不到空调的。答案为A。 4.B词意猜测题。根据短文中的句子“It often rains in Yunnan. Pigs and chickens live on the first floor, because it is a good place to stay dry.” 云南经常下雨。猪和鸡住在一楼,因为这是一个很好的保持干燥的地方。结合语境理解,猪和鸡住在一楼,而这里又经常下雨。原因是这个地方干燥。答案为B。 5.D细节判断题。根据短文中的句子“The houses a re very big and have long legs to hold (支撑) them up. Sometimes those legs are over two meters tall.”可知,是支撑房子的腿有两米,而不是房子。答案D错误。 考点:文化类短文阅读。

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1.How long is the Huai’an Culture Group Tour ?

A. Two days    B. Four days

C. Five days   D. eight days

2.Mrs. Li is going to take the 4-day Qingdao Private Tour with her two daughters, how

much is the tour?

A. ¥1,590   B. ¥1650   C. ¥2007  D. ¥47,400

3.If you want to go boating in Sun Moon Lake, you should call ______________.

A. 800-817-7223        B. 800-810-6288

C. 800-830-7288        D. 800-850-8288

4.If you take the 8-day London Private Tour, you can ________________.

A. eat Huaiyang food      B. climb A-li Mountain

C. enjoy the Thames       D. have the fresh air

5.The information may come from _________________.

A. driving school   B. travel service

C. sports centre   D. bus station




Sydney is not the capital of Australia, but it’s the biggest and most famous city. It’s a________city, only about 200 years old. And about four ________  people live there. That’s about one fifth (五分之一) of the population (人口) of the whole________  .

Sydney is a ________ city. The climate (气候) there is very good. It’s not too ________ in winter and not too hot in summer. The sky is ________ blue. There are many interesting places in the city. Every year, many people from all over the world go to Sydney on holiday. Many people think Sydney is one of the most beautiful   ________ in the world. It has many tall and modern ________  . Sydney is famous for ________ seas and harbours (港口). It has many bays (湾) and beautiful ________  . Sydney Harbor is not only beautiful, but also very ________  . Many ships carry wool, wheat and meat from Sydney to ________  countries.

The people living in Sydney have a(n) ________  life style. They often say, “Don’t worry.” or “No hurry.” When they are not   ________ , they love to have a good time ________  the beaches and enjoy life.

1.A. big       B. small       C. young       D. far

2.A. million     B. thousand    C. hundred     D. millions

3.A. town        B. country     C. city        D. place

4.A. bad        B. heavy      C. beautiful   D. sick

5.A. warm       B. cool        C. hot         D. cold

6.A. sometimes   B. never       C. usually     D. seldom

7.A. cities     B. countries   C. city       D. country

8.A. buildings   B. roads       C. museums     D. gardens

9.A. it         B. its         C. it’s      D. its’

10.A. hills     B. rivers      C. mountains   D. beaches

11.A. quiet      B. busy        C. new         D. long

12.A. other    B. others    C. the other   D. another

13.A. hard      B. difficult   C. strange    D. easy

14.A. work     B. free        C. working    D. happy

15.A. in         B. at          C. on          D. under



Sorry, my father isn't in. I'll ask him        you back.

A. to call         B. call           C. calling         D. calls



I think it's difficult for him _________ English well.

A. studies        B. studying        C. to study        D. study



It takes him an hour ________ there on foot.

A. go to         B. going          C. go            D. to go



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