满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



The situation seemed hopeless.

From the first day he entered my junior-high classroom, Willard P. Franklin lived in his own ________ , shutting out his classmates and me, his teacher. I tried to build a ________ relationship with him but he showed no interest. Even a “Good Morning Willar” received only a grunt(咕哝) that couldn’t be ________ . Willard was a loner(孤独的人) who seemed to have no hope or need to break silence.

Shortly after the Thanksgiving holiday, we received the news of the annual(每年的) Christmas collection of money for the less ________ people in our school district.“Christmas is a season of giving ,” I told my students. “There are a few students in the school who might not have a happy holiday season. ________ donating our Christmas collection, you will help buy food, clothing and toys for these needy people. We start the collection tomorrow.”

When I called for the donations the next day, I discovered that ________ everyone had forgotten, except Willard P. Franklin. The boy dug deep into his pants pockets ________  he walked up to my desk. Carefully, he ________ two coins into the small box.

“I don’t need milk for lunch,” he said quietly . For a moment, just a moment, he smiled . Then he turned and walked back to his desk.

That night, after school, I took our donations to the school principal. I couldn’t ________ sharing the incident(事件) that had taken place.

“I may be wrong, but I believe Willard might be getting ready to become a part of the world around him,” I told the principal.

“Yes, I believe it is hopeful for him to get out of his own world,” he nodded. “And I think we can do something to have him ________ a bit of his world with us. I just received a list of the poor families in our school who most need help through the Christmas collection. Here, take a look at it.”

As I read, I discovered Willard P. Franklin and his family were the top names on the list.

1.A. class     B. school     C. world     D.home

2.A. equal     B. simple    C. friendly     D. common

3.A. seen     B. heard    C. found        D. discovered

4.A. poor    B. good     C. sad          D. rich

5.A. By      B. With      C. For         D. On

6.A. mostly    B. hardly    C. almost      D. simply

7.A. while     B. after      C. before      D.as

8.A. threw     B. dropped    C. brought      D. changed

9.A. keep    B. enjoy      C. stop         D. finish

10.A. compare B. begin    C. mix         D. share


1.C 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.D 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:作者是一名教师,通过短文来描述一名叫富兰克林的学生,刚入初中时就封闭自己,作者想与他建立友好的关系,可是没有成功。但是在一次圣诞节募捐活动中,班级学生差不多都忘记了这件事,这时他主动捐赠了两个硬币。后来在校长提供的名单中,竟然发现他也是一位贫困的学生。 1.C考查名词及语境的理解。句意:富兰克林进入初中的班级,从第一天起,他就生活在自己的世界里。class班级;school学校;world世界;home家。根据句意富兰克林进入初中的班级,从第一天起,他就生活在自己的世界里。也就是说封闭了自己。因此选择世界。所以选C。 2.C考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:他远离同学与我,作为教师的我尽力与他建立友好的关系。equal平等的;simple简单的;friendly友好的;common普通的。通过句意可知是建立友好的关系。所以选C。 3.B考查动词及语境的理解。句意:为了与他建立友好的关系,早上见面时,我对他说:早上好。而回敬我的是一个让人听不清的答复。seen看;heard听;found发现;discovered发现。根据句意这里是说听不清。所以选B。 4.D考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:感恩节假期之后,我们收到了一个通知,是每年轻圣诞募捐的钱,直接给在我们学校中并不富有的人。poor贫困的;good 好的;sad伤心的;rich富有的。根据句意结合语境可知该选D。 5.A考查介词及语境的理解。句意:学校中有一些学生在圣诞节期间是不开心的,通过圣诞节募捐,你可以帮助买食物,衣服和玩具为需要的人。By通过;With和;For为了;On在之上。联系上文依然是教师的话语:学校中有一些学生在圣诞节期间是不开心的,通过圣诞节募捐,你可以帮助买食物,衣服和玩具为需要的人。我们明天开始募捐。结合句意是通过募捐活动。所以选A。 6.C考查副词及语境的理解。句意:第二天,我号召捐赠活动。班级除了富兰克林,差不多每个人都忘记了。mostly主要地;hardly几乎不;almost差不多;imply简单地。根据句意结合语境可知该选C。 7.D考查连词及语境的理解。句意:当他走向我的桌子时,拿着一个袋子。认真地,丢下了两个硬币在这个小盒子里。while然而;after在之后;before在之前;as当……时候。两个动作是同时发生的。因此用连词as.所以选D。 8.B考查动词及语境的理解。句意:当他走向我的桌子时,拿着一个袋子。认真地,丢下了两个硬币在这个小盒子里。threw扔;dropped掉下;brought带来;changed改变。根据后面提到是一个盒子,因此是丢进盒子里。所以选B。 9.C考查动词及语境的理解。句意:我情不自禁的让大家分享这个事件的发生过程。keep保持; enjoy喜欢;stop停止;finish完成。can’t help doing sth.情不自禁地做某事,是一个固定句型。所以选C。 10.D考查动词及语境的理解。句意:让他与我们共同分享世界。compare比较;begin 开始;mix混合;share分享。联系前文我将经过讲述了,校长说:我相信帮助他走出自己的世界是有希望的。我认为我们应该让他与我们分享这个世界。我刚收到一个有关贫困家庭的名单,你看一下。我接过之后发现他的名字在名单的第一位。联系下文,他是需要支助的对象,因此校长说,让他与我们共同分享世界。所以选D。 考点:故事类短文。

--- Would you please bring me the menu?

--- Sure, here you are. ____________ , I will come back for your order.

A. Take your time          B. Enjoy yourselves

C. Take it easy            D. That’s all right



---When will the railway that connects the two cities open?

---_____        next year. Only two thirds                            been built.

A. Until has          B. Not until has

C. Until have           D. Not until have



Boys_________ model planes to dolls, while girls _________ have dolls than model planes.

A. would rather prefer

B. prefer would rather

C. would rather would rather

D. prefer prefer



Mr. Wang _______drive to work, but now he _______there by bike to keep healthy.

A. used to is used to going

B.  used to is used to go

C. was used to is used to going

D.  was used to is used to go



--- There is nothing wrong with your mobile phone,__________?

--- _________,I’ll have Uncle Wang _________it.

A. is there Yes repaired

B. is there Yes repair

C. is there No repair

D. isn’t there Yes repair



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